If you are interested in 5 to 15 mile bike tours of the city, you might want to get Louis Fineberg's "Three Rivers on Two Wheels." It's lsited on teh publicatioins part of this site.
It says it's sold out, but I think I've seen it at bookstores, so the "fall of 2008" edition might be out.
"- The last copies are being sold by Tazza D’oro Cafe and local bike shops. A new edition will be out in the fall of 2008. 3 Rivers on 2 Wheels is a compilation of 10 self-guided bicycle tours offering intimate encounters with Pittsburgh’s most diverse neighborhoods and eclectic architecture. 3 Rivers on 2 Wheels encourages and advises visitors and residents to explore the city’s storied past and celebrated transformation by bicycle. Accompanied by maps and award-winning black and white photographs, the guide presents some of the best and varied urban cycling in the country. 3 Rivers on 2 Wheels was written by Louis Fineberg, co-founder and former board member of Bike Pittsburgh. Lou donates all proceeds of books sold on our website to Bike Pittsburgh, so if you don’t already have this wonderful book, buy it here. $15"
If you are interested in longer rides there is a book by Oscar Swann "400 rides out of Pittsburgh". It's also in the publications section. This has great rides, particularly in the 40-70 mile range.
I wouldn't do even the simplist ride from Swann without tracing it out on Bikely or Google first and having one - or two - good maps with me. And I've lived here most of my life.
The city of Pittsburgh is famous for sneering at your GPS - "You're in EXACTLY the right place! Except you are 200 feet below the bridge you want to be on and it's 2 1/2 twisted miles to get there by road. HAHAHAHA!"