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Blessings of the Bike Ride

Hello All! I am a member at East Liberty Presbyterian Church. This Saturday, around 1:30, we will be hosting a blessings of the bikes event. Even if you're not religious, a little extra boost might help :)! After the brief ceremony, we will have a group ride around Highland Park. If you are interested in coming, just show up and ride with us!
2016-04-20 18:25:08
Just an FYI: the Keg Ride is this Saturday too. It's a mystery route, but it has gone down Highland Ave in the past. I'm not sure if the times overlap either, but there may be a bit of congestion in East Liberty that afternoon.
2016-04-20 19:44:35
I like the idea of a little (bike) congestion in East Liberty on Saturday.
2016-04-21 09:47:04
CORRECTION ON THE DATE: The ride is the 30th, not the 23rd.
2016-04-22 13:36:05
Sorry I missed this post. I really like East Liberty Presbyterian Church. Very nice minister and the congregation is all walks of life. It is a very progressive church to say the least, but if you are against religion/gathering folks that try to help each other, then I suspect you wouldn't like these kind folks. My upbringing was in the presbyterian religion and most all I remember was the people in the church trying to help the countless out of works steel workers. We all pulled together and tried to help those in need. Lots of kids were without basic needs back then. I don't think most would understand. Anyway, it was great that the presbyterians would do whatever possible to help those in need. I know the minister of East Liberty Presbyterian Church and he is a very nice person hoping to help others.
2016-04-24 23:47:13
Another one of these Sunday at 11 (tomorrow, as I write this), the church at 21st and Smallman in the Strip.
2017-10-14 15:39:15