While taking a left onto 40th St (Outbound) from Butler Street (North Bound) with a green arrow I cut off a white convertible (BMW or Audi) with VCH as the beginning of the license plate who had taken a right turn into what I thought was my right of way. I yelled, he flicked me off, I slowed down he slammed on his brakes. He yelled more explitives to which I yelled "Right on Red, Asshole!" Assured of my correctness in this situation, I double checked the Google Street view to see how right I was... Only to find a conditional "No Turn on Red" (7-4:00 PM Mon-Fri). It was 4:45 PM... Why the hell would there be a green arrow into a turning lane that doesn't have a "No Turn on Red" all the time sign? Was the sign updated from the Google Street view or something? Doesn't it seem to leave too much to the individual driver? Especially individuals who don't see bicyclist and pedestrians? Seems dangerous for everyone.
2016-09-12 19:45:03
I'm pretty sure that this is a very common installation -- a left turn arrow with an opposing right on red allowed. I'm also pretty sure that you are correct that you had the right of way and the car was responsible to make sure that it was safe for him to make a right turn.
2016-09-12 20:00:03
Right on red is allowed in these situations but that means you treat the intersection as a stop sign when the light is red going your way. So the car needed to fully stop and then make sure his way was clear before proceeding.
In short, he was being an inconsiderate asshole. He knew the rule, just chose not to follow it.
Even if it said "no right turn on red" his way people don't follow that.
The intersection was signed correctly. He was being a tool.
2016-09-12 21:00:29