I saw a movie last night about Buzkashi, the Afghan sport where men on horses compete to carry a goat carcass around a course, and I was thinking, how cool would this be on bikes? You'd ride fixies, of course, and instead of a goat carcass we'd have to use something smaller, say a dead cat, but wouldn't it be totally awesome?
2013-02-11 09:10:50
I've always liked Buzkashi. I think our equivalent is called "bike polo".
2013-02-11 09:17:48
@edmonds I think polo was invented as the civilized equivalent to Buzkashi. Hence, bike polo. But there's also real Buzkashi, and real Bikezkashi.
2013-02-11 09:20:43
Bike polo is played on grass or pavement, there is a bit of variation between the two.
Grass polo is more akin to traditional equestrian polo and has 4 players on the field with 2 subs available. They don't worry about foot downs, they have wooden mallets and an inflated ball from what I understand.
Hardcourt bike polo is more akin to street hockey, played on a court with walls of some sort too keep the ball in play and allow players to use the boards to their advantage. It's a 3v3 game, no subs. Mallets are made from ski poles and ABS pipe and a street hockey ball is used. Players have to 'tap out' at center court if they foot down. Wheel covers are used to stop spokes from being knocked out by mallet hits and hard shots. A ball that goes through your wheel and in to the goal still counts as a point!
We try to play hardcourt bike polo in arsenal park, depending on the weather, on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 7pm (we have lights on till 10pm or so). We also play sundays at 1pm and sometimes use a different court. Join the facebook group where we organize if you're interested, or just try and stop by arsenal park to check out the game or play.
2013-02-11 10:19:30
All I can think of when I see this thread is
bokashi, which probably wouldn't work on bikes for a variety of reasons.
2013-02-11 10:51:00
@pinky - thats better than what i was thinking...
2013-02-11 18:42:53
@cburch : Great minds think alike. As, I suspect, do ours in this case.
2013-02-11 18:49:59