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Does anyone ever cache things around town? Today near New Homestead I ran across a bike wheel that seemed to be deliberately tucked away, but accessible. It was in good condition and reasonably pressurized. Why would someone leave this outside in a public place? Emergencies?

2012-12-02 23:14:28

"getaway wheel" for a bike thief lucky enough to find a ride secured only by a front wheel?

2012-12-02 23:33:56

Spare tire that fell off?

Worker at bike factory who's slowly stealing a complete bike?

Extremely confused cyclist who's only now wondering why he still has the banana peel he thought he tossed 20 miles back (and why his feet are so sore)?

2012-12-02 23:52:52

Perhaps a stolen front wheel that the thief needed to ditch unexpectedly?

2012-12-03 00:11:21

Last night I was considering caching bottles of wine. I was running late to a concert and needed the wine for a party afterwards. The concert ended after the wine store closed and PA has weird liquor laws. WTF PA!?! why can't I buy alcohol at convenient times or places? I ended up not caching it, but I came close...

2012-12-03 01:28:34

Homeless person?

2012-12-03 02:00:07

this is awesome, i hope it's an emergency wheel cache...

2012-12-03 04:00:09

@brybot that could work in the summer, but I'd be worried about the bottle breaking if it got cold enough for the wine to freeze. I've thought about hiding a house key about a half mile away from my house, just in case... after all, even if someone found it, they wouldn't know what it went to?

2012-12-03 04:03:32

I think it's a reminder to lock both wheels when you lock your bike. Someone stole a front wheel from a bike where the frame and back wheel were locked and hid the front wheel, intending to wait until they found a bike where only the front wheel was locked, so they could steal the rest and build a whole bike.

2012-12-03 13:16:10

i have clicked on this twice hoping that it's about geocaching now... sigh

2012-12-03 16:02:18

@Ted I'd be worried about the bottle breaking if it got cold enough for the wine to freeze.

According to the internetz, wine starts to freeze at about 22 F. Pittsburgh does get colder than that, but not often.

(one of many possible links)

2012-12-03 16:19:01

@Mark, it appears to be more about Geo-stashing.

2012-12-03 16:55:16

@Mark Well, if Ted posts the coordinates of the wheel, then it could be turned into a geocache! FTF gets a new front wheel!

2012-12-04 18:15:27

i think having bike related cache books around town would be awesome. you could just stop by and sign in from time to time... trade trinkets... it would be great.

2012-12-05 06:47:42


2012-12-05 15:19:51

i thought this would be about geocaching...

2012-12-05 19:08:30

We could combine it with Tag-o-Rama. Drop a cache book at the tag. The tag-getter gets the tag, picks up the book, signs it and drops it at the next tag. Fun ensues.

Edit: thinking about it, that might not work so well for all tag locations. But we could drop cache books at some of them to seed the geocaching... hmm, I've got the tag now...

2012-12-05 19:35:10