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Camping gear for sale and for free!

Hi friends, we just did a big cleanup of our adventure equipment, and are getting rid of lots of stuff. Send me an email if you want anything: cakebaker at gmail dot com! Stuff for sale!
  1. Do you want to go ultralight backpacking or bikepacking in the desert? Then maybe you would like to buy my TarpTent MoTrail (specs here:! $150, includes poles, tyvek groundsheet, and four aluminum stakes. Used twice in PA, and for six weeks in Baja, no damage or wear as far as I can tell.  Single-wall tents don't make sense on the east coast if you ask me, but maybe you like them here, or maybe you're gonna do some traveling in less-humid environs where condensation is not as big a deal. It worked great for Baja and the packability is AWESOME.  Here are some pictures of it in use in MX.
  2. Maybe you are a person who likes riding with a hydration bladder! If so, maybe you would like to buy my barely used Camelak Skyline mtb backpack and bladder/hose. 10L gear capacity, 3L water bladder. this model (discontinued but here are the full specs) is designed for mtb rather than walking -- it sits a lil funny on your shoulders if your posture isn't somewhat forward. We took good care of it // never let it get gross inside EVER. I just fuckin' hate riding with a pack. Yours for $50.
  3. Maybe you want to carry some food or a nice six pack of root beer on your bike's handlebars in a beautiful PDW Takeout Basket! It's your lucky dang day, friendo, because you can have mine for $20! I used it like two times ever! I just never really wanted to keep it on any of my bikes full time, for no particular reason.
OK, now for the fun FREE stuff:
  • ancient two-person LL Bean tent. Fair warning: needs to be seam sealed, and the elastic in the poles is shot. Handy-person special! It's not ultralight at all but I have totally backpacked with it because I'm a tough son of a B and I bet you are too!
  •  two REI brand semi-self-inflating sleeping pads! I think one of them has a slow leak, but you're in luck: we have a repair kit! One is a "regular" height and one is a "tall" height. They are not ultra light, they don't pack down tiny, but they are pretty dang comfortable. I have also backpacked with them! And toured on a bike with them, too. Who cares about small n tiny! The world is your oyster! Maybe you feel weird about putting your mouth on the inflating nozzle that someone else has used a thousand times, but maybe you want to gamble! It's free!
  • one REI brand inflatable sleeping pad -- this one is a great backpacker /bikepacker sleeping pad. I have had many A+ nights of sleep on it. But then I learned about the two-way valve on Sea to Summit sleeping pads and said to heck with this, someone take my free, perfectly functional, well-loved sleeping pad, I'm goin' for broke!
Help me clear out my adventure closet, pals! You're great!  
2018-06-20 21:09:17
Hey, Emma,   Is that inflatable sleeping pad still available?  It might be perfect for some light car camping I am thinking about doing!  
2018-06-26 10:25:15
Hiya! I *think* so -- I'm waiting on a message back from someone to clarify which one/s they want. I'll send you a message as soon as I hear! Please, friends, get this stuff out of my house! (the takeout basket is gone)
2018-06-26 10:49:54