I've never used one, but here's a link to get you started
My bike will be riding my car to FL in a few weeks. I have a wheel-mount rooftop carrier.
I have seen fancy bike protectors that protect bikes on car roofs but what are they called and does anyone have one they can recommend?
Noise reduction as well as bike protection is worth the price of not using trash bags and duct tape to DYI. Plus I love this bike, we have been through a lot together, and I am willing to throw down some bucks to protect her.
I've never used one, but here's a link to get you started
I've got a hitch rack, the kind where bikes hang from the top tube. I was thinking about doing something to protect the bikes on that when I'm driving around in rain / snow. Any suggestions?
Marko - thanks. You are better at google then me. When I tried all I got were sacks one puts over bikes in storage
Also can be called a bike bra! Who knew?
@Benzo I have some advice on what to avoid based on a 2-day road trip with a Super Joe trunk rack.
-A plastic grocery bag tied tight around my brooks saddle got shredded after a half day of freeway driving. Bugs and moisture stuck to one side of if after that and there was some minor abrasion from the shredded bag whipping against the leather.
-I anchored the wheels against the bumper with some extra rope for stability and to prevent the frame from swinging too much. That was a good idea except I overlooked proximity of the exhaust pipe to my bike tire and arrived with a melted tube & tire (thankfully the rims were not warped).
What not to do 101.
@ Sarah_Q the bike bra looks like a great start to some kind of ninja-bat halloween costume!
Marko, that looks like a Banana hammock for bikes. Or Bike condoms.
You would think I would anticipate these things by now…nope.
I ordered a bra for my bike. I hope she likes it.
What is the cup size?
Personally I would never use something like that. It creates a lot of drag and strain. We are talking about very fast wind rolling up there and why would you put all the strain on everything. Bikes can handle the rain or whatever. Put it up there and drive.
If nothing else I can't imagine brifters would be too cool about having road grit and brine power-blasted into them for any length of time.
I always thought the best protection for a bike on a car roof was a really big sign in your garage saying REMEMBER TO TAKE THE BIKE OFF FIRST.
Bikes can handle rain, yes... but road debris on the highway traveling at 60+mph isn't exactly kind to paint, nevermind the possibility of denting metal or slicing carbon. Personally, for that long of a drive I'd strip the bike down and wrap the frame in a blanket and put it in the trunk or back seat... but I'd probably attach the wheels to the roof.
This, is my method, after several trips back and forth to Chicago.
Benzo, you have that Element, right?
I have a CR-V with a spare tire mounted rack. I found my bikes to be okay after most drives in the rain, the parts that were sticking out (handle bars and rear wheel) got dirty. I haven't done snow though. With mudguards on (the car), most the road grime is kept away.
@Drewbacca I agree. I still have something similar to http://www.hayneedle.com/product/thulesportrackexplorerroofboxa90095.cfm?source=pla&adtype=pla&kw=&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=TGP049&gclid=CJ_wr9vKmLQCFQqk4AodcWoAXQ I bought 13 years ago for my Olds. Car is gone but roof carrier is still alive.
Sara, if you are interested in this type of carrier (I have only equipment to attach to roof water channels) you can borrow it.
thanks, but the problem is we are driving to FL for xmas, car is full, and we are going to have a Thule carrier AND the bike on the roof. My husband, me, 13 y.o. and dog in the car. Plus all of our stuff. So.... yeah, not a lot of options. I think the bra will protect it just fine. Kinda worried about the impact on MPG with all of this shit strapped to my car but hoping for the best.
Met the owner of this company at InterBike this year. Product quality and finish was fantastic. Plan on going with one of his bags for my bikes.
oh... those are much cheaper than I realized! ??????? ???????! for the heads up Mikhail!
^Those things were awesome. The guy seemed pretty awesome as well. I have no clue how he is making money at that price though.
If you want to protect your bike, you may just want to wrap parts that need protection. Any drag is going to be really modified by highway speeds. I fully wrapped my bike once and had to stop and take it all off because the strain was evident on my bike and carrier. Hope you have better luck.