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car tried to spit on me :(
driver rolled down passenger window, got my attention, spit....
mr big shots big loogie hit his girlfriend in the eye and she started crying and hitting him.
bike fest miracle!
Airing of Grievances gone wrong.
Too bad you didn't have a spare bicycle to hand to the girlfriend right then & there. She might've taken off on it.
So THIS is why Lyle rides a tandem solo!
excellent story.
Buddy Jesus watching over you!
I usually refrain from posting memes, but this one was too awesome to pass up, and suits this thread perfectly.
That's the best meme/macro ever. Thanks for posting it
story part two: because my default reaction to men who I know are going to cause trouble is to blow a kiss at them as they pass I was blowing a kiss at the spattered girl who was looking at me at the same time she was getting blindside loogied.
Great story! I hope she broke up with him.
I just don't understand some people. Stories like this really piss me off. People suck. I must say though, I love it when someone trying to do bad has their actions backfire on them. Mwahahaha.
Also, off topic but this thread has caused me to bust out one of my favorite Pavement songs.
Also also, can we get some of those unicorn bikes for the next Flock? Or maybe if there is ever a Ridley Scott ride?
Also, off topic but this thread has caused me to bust out one of my favorite Pavement songs.
knew the song without clicking on it! good tune. it's one of the songs that got me listening to pavement in the first place, actually (there was a live or b-side version floating around years before terror twilight came out).
Apparently it was quite a weekend for road rage. Saw this in the Post Gazette today:::::::
Woman used diaper in traffic argument
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A woman wiped a dirty diaper on the window of another woman's vehicle during a dispute in a traffic jam as both were leaving the Fayette County Fair, state police said.
Jessica Hollis, 23, of Mount Pleasant has been charged with harassment in the incident, which state police in Uniontown said happened about 10:50 p.m. Saturday.
Read more: http://www.postgazette.com/pg/11222/1166359-55.stm#ixzz1VuQiMjlS
When I first started riding in PGH, I was riding on Darlington Rd. next to Schenley park on my way to work, stopping briefly to get something or other in order. A car full of ~20 year old boys came racing up to me like they were going to hit me head on, basically running me off the road, and one of them yelled "Faggot!" A little short on temper, and totally intolerant of intolerance, I was furious, screaming at them to come back and fight, when all of a sudden I see a car full of their friends who were following them also turn the corner. A kid who had most of his body hanging out of the rear window was giving me the double fingers, and right as he was passing, 2-3 feet from me, I hocked a nice giant loogie at his face. In that brief instant, I saw it smack his face dead center, covering a pretty good part of it. I distinctly heard it slap, and from within the car I also heard two girls simultaneously shriek in horror (probably also from how pissed off I must have looked at that moment). That car stopped but the first continued for a while since they didn't see what happened. But from down the road I looked back and could see them both making the U-turn to come get me. Of course, at this point, I'm jacked up on adrenaline, hauling ass away from the scene, and wondering if I should call the police, if I should try to take shelter in a residency, or if I should try my luck at scrapping with approximately 6 pretty fit looking kids. I didn't have much place to go, so even though I'm a boxer myself I was pretty much resigned to getting beaten to a pulp. I tore down the hill like a maniac (I wish I knew my speed, but I was FLYing), and right as I turned into CMU I could hear their music and screaming behind me. They got way too close for comfort. They probably would have hit me, who knows. I banked down the hill and cut into the gated parking lot and waved a nice long goodbye as I left them at the stop sign.
So yeah, it was a great escape, but as I reflect, what I'm really thinking is that perhaps it would have been more fun to stick around and break a couple homophobes' ribcages. Because, you know, that would have taught em' real good.
oi, that's a narrow escape granto, very glad they left you unharmed at the gate.
a friend tried to teach me to "hawk loogies" when we were little, and failed. as a child, I felt totally defective. as an adult, I question the usefullness of my being able to propell my own sinus excretions any appreciable distance beyond my body - I just can't see it doing me much personal good, I'd just get myself into worse scrapes. Besides, I lack the coordination necessary to do anything while biking beyond signalling turns (even that is questionable sometimes), hawking a loogie I'd probably just end up falling over and spitting on myself (though this sometimes happens anyway without my trying to do anything in particular).
ej, I picture you just smiling and waving back. In the tiny lizard brains of the people that do this kind of thing, they are expecting a response in kind, and there is no response for that. "smiling and waving>>>>blue screen".
I have a small mouthguard I wear when riding so hawking loogies is not an easy task, even when I need to. Most often I barely miss myself.
Edmonds, I thank you for the credit, and I admit that I often smile and wave, and try to pretend like it's on purpose, but often I do that "... *blink*... heyyy.... wait a minute..." response (long after). I'm not necessarily polite and composed, just slow and well trained. The difference is tricky to spot sometimes
"smiling and waving>>>>blue screen"
The smile and wave is absolutely the best reply. Sometimes I like to respond with something non sequitur, in fact this reminds me of a running joke I used to have with friends. If someone yells "F**k you!" you can respond, "OK, seahorse" with a big grin and a thumbs up. They won't know what hit them. Days later they will still be looking at their profile in the mirror, bobbing up and down, wondering if they resemble a seahorse. You'll forget what they said that very day while they might remember your response for a lifetime. In fact a friend of mine named his band's album "Shutup, seahorse."