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Chicago teen gets 10 days in jail for drunkenly running down cyclists

If you are as outraged as I am, you can contact both judges here:

Timothy C. Evans, Chief Judge

50 W. Washington

2600 Richard J. Daley Center

Chicago, IL 60602

Main Office: 312-603-6000

FAX: 312-603-5366

Edmund Ponce de Leon, Presiding Judge

Fourth Municipal District

Circuit Court of Cook County

1500 Maybrook Dr.

Maywood, IL 60153

708-865-4952 FAX

2010-07-01 14:34:10

Feeling militant.

2010-07-02 03:29:00

OK what? Intentionally running down a cyclist while drunk = slap on the wrist. WTF?????

2010-07-02 10:59:50

So not ONLY were they drunk, but they took turns and one of them didn't even have a drivers license.

Thats just all sorts of fucked up.

2010-07-02 13:22:38

So his buddy is yet to be sentenced, and Im guessing he is going to get the worst of it. Assuming that dude 1 gave all the dirty details against dude 2. Doesnt make it right, but lets hope that is the case.

2010-07-02 13:56:30

I think, given that the victims were using non-automotive transportation, it would be justice to make sure neither of those guys drove again. Mit it condition of parole w/suspended sentence, so if they were caught driving without a license, they would get the whole 20 years (or so).

"Welcome to transportation alternatives! Have a nice life!"

The ironic thing is that in the long run it would likely improve the perps' lives.

2010-07-02 16:02:44

If the dudes were on bicycles when they were drunk, all involved would be living unencumbered lives today.

2010-07-02 17:51:51