I came upon this cute and fluffy hen while riding past Panther Hollow Lake this morning.
I have no idea of the travel and/or homing capacities of chickens, so I don't know if this one is lost, has been dumped, or was just out for a change of scenery.
Any one lose a chicken in Oakland?
2014-08-08 10:03:53
Thank you. This post might have made my entire day.
2014-08-08 10:20:19
I'm so glad you posted this, because I saw this, too, around 8:45 this morning - but of course my phone was out of batteries so I couldn't take a photo and was having a bit of a "loch ness monster" moment. I'm wondering if someone in one of the handful of houses in junction hollow or maybe lower Oakland, just above on top of the bluff, keeps chickens, and this one escaped?
2014-08-08 11:42:02
Fluffy? You should have gotten a bit of your bike in the picture. "Fluffy" is one of the
current Wheelset of Fortune tags.
2014-08-08 12:33:37
Darn it! Would've been my first Wheelset of Fortune entry!
I feel bad for the little thing. Do they really wander that far?
I'm going to try posting on the urban chicken people page. Anyone know any urban chicken farmers?
2014-08-08 12:55:17
The perennial republican candidate, Josh Wander, had chickens.
Don't know whether that was part of being a prepper or just because he really liked eggs.
He sold his house in the middle of squirrel hill and moved to Israel a little ways back and I know he got rid of the chickens before then.
Exactly how he got rid of those chickens... well I'm guessing he would have sold them, but who knows?
2014-08-08 13:56:27
The pet store at Forbes and Braddock ("Animal Nature") sells chicken supplies, I think. They might recognize that chicken.
2014-08-08 14:00:08
There folks who live in the houses under the Blvd of teh Allie Bridge that have chickens. Probably one of theirs.
2014-08-11 09:52:58
I grew up on a farm with chickens and would let them out each day to roam around. Although it was a much different area than Oakland, they typically pecked at the same four to five acres during the day and would let themselves back in the coop by evening and I would close the door before bed. Maybe she just likes the bugs there and will find her way home tonight...
2014-08-11 11:41:34
Hope she makes her way home before becoming hawk food...
2014-08-11 11:49:07
Just saw a promo on WPXI for a news story about a flock of chickens terrorizing people in Homewood Cemetery. So maybe our pal here is hanging with the wrong crowd...
2014-08-11 19:50:55
flock of chickens terrorizing people
So, is it time to start posting some recipes?
I have this great curry that everyone loves.
2014-08-11 21:15:37
...chickens terrorizing people in Homewood Cemetery
Well, Colonel Sanders is buried there, so it stands to reason they're out for revenge.
2014-08-11 21:25:24
Actually, KFC's founder is buried in Louisville KY. [
But I'm sure there are plenty of Pittsburgh food magnates buried in Homewood Cemetery who made their empires off of chickens that there's enough reason for revenge.
FWIW, I also thought Col. Sanders died in Buffalo NY, where he was hospitalized in many of his final months. Apparently he died in Louisville, too.
2014-08-12 04:09:34
*cough* I was joking, Stu... *cough*
2014-08-12 05:04:09