Got passed too close (about 1ft but at 10-15mph) and managed to memorize the license number. Now is there anything useful I can do with it? Do we have a list or should I call Pgh police and do they have a preferred number and would they care?
I admit I wouldn't make the effort to complain about other traffic law infringements but I am particularly sensitive about this one, I suspect that drivers who pass cyclists too close are doing it every time. And yes I had my fluoro yellow shirt on, and a blinky.
2014-05-22 09:16:04
You can file a police report. At least call 911 and report the dangerous driver. But you probably won't get anyone ticketed without very good proof, probably including a video of the close pass (some cyclists have a video camera mounted on their bike for just this reason) and some verification of who was driving -- which means you would have to catch up with them.
But if you create a police report that will help track the driver and may help convict them should they eventually injure someone.
You can also add the driver information to the list
here. If you PM me your preferred user name and email contact I'll create an account for you so you can edit the page.
2014-05-22 09:54:43
Will do. No evidence. It wasn't as overtly nasty as most of that list; the driver just behaved as if I wasn't there. In most of my bad encounters the vehicle has been too fast for me to see the license plate, or I forgot it 5 mins later, this one was easy to remember.
2014-05-22 10:33:45
I'm curious, since I know @Naomi is in the same part of town. Thus I might encounter the same driver.
2014-05-22 11:13:52
This was at Fisk & Penn, white school van SV20007. I'll add it to the log later on.
Keep an eye out for a Matt Mertz truck on Babcock in the morning, it has passed me fairly close twice now but too fast to get the # and I forgot the dates. Somewhere between 3 degree and Siebert.
2014-05-22 12:16:35
2014-05-29 04:33:32