2015-08-27 13:58:17
Emma and I started talking about trying to organize a little "Coffee Shop Without Walls" Coffeeneuring Kickoff Get-Together for that first weekend. Maybe Saturday the 3rd, meet up mid morning at some park or something? We could arrange for someone to get a big hotpot of coffee to bring out and maybe some others could bring campstoves for the heating of water for tea, french pressin', etc. Baked goods could be brought. Basically a little coffeeneuring potluck in the wild. Would people be down? We'll probably do it one way or the other but figured we toss the idea out to the crowd here.
2015-08-28 14:23:28
That sounds awesome.
2015-08-28 21:40:02
Mass coffeeneuring kickoff sounds like a great idea! The kids and I are in, barring unforeseen blahblahblah...
2015-08-30 09:40:14
Like! I'm in.
2015-08-31 07:35:33
Definitely doing it this year, after missing it the previous years.
I'm out of town for the first weekend, but I'm planning on which places to go to. I'll try to focus on shops that I haven't been to yet, which basically means avoiding the East End. Possible destinations include:
Cafe N Creamery in Marshall-Shadeland (went by there on the All Neighborhood ride)
Brew on Broadway in Beechview (we actually stopped there on that ride, though no coffee was consumed by me)
Cannon Coffee in Brookline (also went by it this weekend)
Black Forge in Allentown
Anchor & Anvil in Ben Avon
Cafe Cravings in Mt. Washington
This is gonna be fun!
2015-08-31 10:42:16
Now that the kids are big enough that we can just hop on the tandem-n-trailabike and ride away from home, I think this year's goal will be to achieve challenge completion without ever using a motor vehicle.
2015-08-31 11:37:45
Cannon has just closed, I believe.
Cannon has been sold, and while the new owner apparently plans to keep it a coffee house, I have no idea if it will continue to be open or if there'll be a transition period...
Anchor & Anvil is fantastic.
I might also be tying this in with another long-time goal of mine: a Tour de Donut (/Bakery). Stay tuned....
2015-08-31 21:17:15
Ok, we're calling it - Saturday, October 3rd @ 10:30am at the SouthSide Riverfront Park (below Hofbrauhaus)
FB event
2015-09-20 20:57:19
2015-09-21 01:23:12
This is a 11x17 poster that has started appearing in local coffee shops today.
2015-09-22 17:13:47
That is chock full of awesome.
I wonder how many more entries from Pittsburgh it'll bring in.
2015-09-22 17:52:50
I'm hoping that when we start seeing Pgh #coffeeneuring tweets, perhaps some of yinz folks will encourage the new players. Maybe we can displace DC as Coffeeneur Capital.
2015-09-22 19:27:21
I love that poster! Anyone know who's responsible?
2015-09-22 21:11:26
I love that poster! Anyone know who’s responsible?
I can't absolutely confirm, but I suspect it's someone who is known for "bumbling" around on the C&O. ;-)
For this year, the theme for the kids and I is "nothing but pedaling." Now that we've got the tandem/trail-a-bike combo working, our goal is to hit every stop by riding there from the house.
2015-09-23 09:04:38
I am out of town this first weekend too, but will try to check in from the road.
In addition to the sites listed by Chrishent, there is Chez and Rachels, about a mile past the Anchor and Anvil in Ben Avon, and the Muddy Cup on Lincoln Avenue in Bellevue (about 2 miles before the Anchor and Anvil) for anyone who wants to explore that area on successive weeks.
2015-09-23 15:29:12
Anyone in need of inspiration should check out:
Specialty coffee will will not coincide with coffeeneuring month, but the article does identify a number of coffee shops that were new to me.
2015-09-24 14:23:33
Kickoff is one week away.
Working to get an airpot of coffee from Big Dog to bring to the kickoff meeting. Also, planning on making a small batch of homemade donuts.
2015-09-26 17:46:36
saturday is looking to be cool and wet. appropriate conditions for Coffeeneuring perhaps, but not the best for an outside meet-up if it's raining too hard. Hoping the forecast will shift but keeping our options open. Might have to move the kickoff meetup inside somewhere.
2015-09-29 09:56:57
I'd like to provide some historic context in terms of top-ranked cities in the previous years of the Coffeeneuring Challenge:
2015 could be the year Pittsburgh re-asserts coffee hegemony!
(also, Dan: well played!)
2015-09-29 22:59:47
Today's Eat That Read This newsletter (you could sign up at talks about CoffeeWeek and also mentions #Coffeeneuring and has a link to the Coffeeneuring Facebook event for Saturday.
2015-09-30 12:13:39
Looks very much like rain on saturday morning at this point. If the rain holds off, we'll still meet at the southside riverfront park. If the rain comes, we'll meet at Thick Bikes instead. They've agreed to host.
2015-10-01 12:55:11
Is anyone planning an adventure on Sunday? I'm busy all day this Saturday, so if I want in on this game, it will have to be a Sunday trip to kick it off.
2015-10-01 16:30:52
Zeke’s Coffee opens drive-thru in East Liberty
And, Hammitt adds, he wants to try to encourage anyone on wheels to drive on through for a cup of joe. It’s not a bad idea, since East Liberty has a fair number of the city’s designated bike lanes. “People who want to ride their bikes through are welcome,” as are skateboards, and even pedestrians, if they’re really determined, he says.
2015-10-02 09:17:59
cold and dreary wet morning to start off this year's Coffeeneuring (but isn't that part of the fun/challenge?) We'll be at Thick at 10:30 with coffee and homemade donuts. Hope to see you there.
2015-10-03 07:45:27
Wow. My weekends are really overscheduled but maybe I can get in a few of these.
2015-10-03 10:43:42
There's a small chance I'll get out this afternoon, but I'm dealing with mechanical problems. The weather is not helping, but it isn't a deal breaker.
2015-10-03 11:13:10
Love this idea, and am definitely up for it! Couldn't make today's event but would be up for tomorrow if folks are interested.
2015-10-03 15:24:10
I had a bunch of things going on, and didn't expect to get on two wheels (with pedals, anyway) on Saturday, but am definitely in for Sunday. Say where and when and I'll try to get there.
2015-10-03 17:16:59
Would anyone be good to go to Zekes early, like 8 or 9am early?
Definitely close enough to bring the bike train to and there are sweets to pacify the kids with, so I decent chance I could sell it.
We'd go in immediately after, but tickled by the notion of going through a drive through.
2015-10-03 18:04:43
That's early for me, who's looking at a 60-75-minute trip to get to most anywhere south of Penn Ave. I can't promise anything earlier than 9.
2015-10-03 20:41:18
Had a crew of 7 come out for the meetup at Thick today. Lots of fun hanging out. Had a 4-bike bike parade going around in circles in the basement for awhile. I think everyone agreed -- Thick crew and coffeeneurs -- that bike shop hangout time with caffeinated beverages and baked goods should just happen more often. Would be down to do it again.
I think i'm going to be biking up in to Sq. Hill to hit the farmers market tomorrow morning if anyone would want to hit up a coffeeneuring destination mid-morning.
2015-10-03 20:45:17
@VannevarB @BikePGH would love to talk to some Pgh people doing this...— kim lyons (@SocialKimLy) October 3, 2015
Kim Lyons is a Pittsburgh journalist who's just left the Post-Gazette to become editor at NEXTpittsburgh.
She's eager to speak to some Pittsburgh Coffeeneurs.
She asked me to send her a list of email addresses she can contact - I can build her a list, or if you prefer to reach out to her directly:
Kim Lyons
If you're willing to speak/email with her, please either reach out to her or tell me to send her your info.
2015-10-03 20:46:43
strictly optional but research suggests that telling the tribe/village what you're doing tends to help people complete challenges. from
Twitter and Instagram: The hashtag for the Coffeeneuring Challenge is #coffeeneuring. Only tweet and/or post on Instagram if you like. This is a no-pressure situation.
Flickr: Share your photos in the Coffeeneuring group on flickr.
Facebook: There’s even a Coffeeneurs Facebook group where you can post and share your coffeeneuring.
Blog it: Let [ ] know if you blog your coffeeneuring, as I’ll do periodic roundups along the way.
2015-10-04 12:51:08
@Vannevar: feel free to connect me with Kim, as I can give her the #coffamilyneuring perspective.
Speaking of such things, the kids and I dusted off the tandem and trail-a-bike for our inaugural 2015 coffeeneuring ride today. Aside from me forgetting to, uh, put air in the tires, it was quite pleasant.
2015-10-04 13:59:40
Missed you all again, had checked the 'notify me of follow-up replies via email' but guess it didn't work. So great it happened 2 days in a row, though! I'm keeping this thread open in a tab in my browser now to refresh and find out about future ones. Tomorrow morning I can't, but I'm planning to be at the Slow Roll - maybe catch up with some of you there.
2015-10-04 15:42:11
ahhhh reddan, Miss Polkadots looks SO AMPED! <3<3<3
Coffeeneuring #2 for me was a wonderful catch up with someone I hadn't seen in ages, at the Bakery Square CTR. I was kind of annoyed that there weren't bike racks right next to the coffee shop, because I swear there used to be some right on that patch of sidewalk, but apparently my brain is fuzzy. No big thing. Bigger thing was somebody going too fast in a car while I was (a pedestrian) in the crosswalk and giving me the "i'm sorry" face while continuing to drive. Come on dude.
I'm not totally certain how I'm going to Coffeeneur at AdventureFest this coming weekend. I figure I'll take at least one of the days as the coffee shop without walls and just pack a camp stove and mugs in a frame bag.
2015-10-04 19:11:39
Hey, we got a shoutout from MG in her
Coffeeneuring Roundup post today!
2015-10-05 20:12:37
2015-10-08 12:59:01
2015-10-08 16:56:17
10AM today (Sunday, Oct. 11) I'm coffeeneuring at Espresso a Mano in Lawrenceville, and anyone's very welcome to join! The coffeeshop is at:
3623 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201
2015-10-11 07:08:10
Coffee, delicious croissant, and super-delicious soy chai. Soaked up the sun outside, love coffeeshops with outdoor tables! Took photo of the chai, which hopefully shows up here (my first time posting a pic on this forum).
2015-10-11 13:01:10
awesome to see you coffeeneuring, Lori!
2015-10-11 17:48:43
Heck yeah! Wasn't sure I would get any trips in this weekend but just did a lovely evening ride up to Squirrel Hill for some tea. I forgot what a super chill route Beechwood is, into that neighborhood! Rode back down through Chatham, which is a favorite route for me. All smiles!!
2015-10-11 20:51:19
closure begins! MaryG has posted on Facebook that there's 4 cyclists who've notified her of completion (Pittsburgh, Des Moines, and D.C) and that info is populating the maps here:
When you're complete, please
Notify MG!
Pgh cyclist Keith just sent her a link to his summary page:
You can send her a link to a page that describes 7 rides (location, date, distance, drink, any pertinent details) or put the info in an email to:
2015-10-29 10:07:04
Ay-yi-yi, I've been slacking. Haven't posted #coffeeneuring info for our last three rides.
2015-10-29 12:27:50
2015-11-01 16:59:52
I can't embed the google-map here, but as of Saturday evening the leading state for Coffeeneuring is: Pennsylvania.
Best wishes to those in the final trips to completion.
2015-11-07 22:39:55
The kids and I are down to the wire; we've got five trips in the bag, so will need to get both days next weekend.
That said, we've been successful in our car-free coffeeneuring thus far; the tandem/trail-a-bike train is working fine.
2015-11-09 08:11:01
what great memories they'll carry Dan.
2015-11-09 10:45:48
Nice to read about another train claiming the streets! I haven't participated in coffeeneuring but I'd imagine it'd work well paired with cocoa for the kiddos. If you'd be planning on doing something of the like on Sunday, let me know. If the timing and location are plausible enough for us too, will try to join up.
2015-11-09 11:00:53
@Vannevar: yes, they'll make some lucky therapists very happy some day. :-)
@byogman: There has been indeed been much cocoa.
We may make our way South Side-ward on Sunday, to cap off coffeeneuring at Big Dog. Don't know yet, though...depending on how they're feeling, we may just stick to the North Shore.
2015-11-09 11:26:11
That would be one heckuva photo-op, seeing two bike trains at the same coffee shop.
2015-11-09 14:40:32
I think it's a nice thing children of bike nuts to realize they're not alone in their shame. Therapy is good, support groups are better. If I can summon the energy and time I may see if I can promote a gathering in the spring.
2015-11-09 16:35:27
The map says PA currently has 8 finishers:
So far....Pittsburgh accounts for 6 of the 8? Sweet.
Keith D
2015-11-11 14:25:01
This Saturday-Sunday, No.14-15, are the last days to Coffeeneur2015.
Thick Bikes is rolling with a coffee program Saturday morning.
2015-11-13 16:22:45
Hey Gang,
On a related note, I wanted to mention a new cafe that just opened within the past few days in Swissvale:
The proprietor is a long time cyclist, Emil, who you may have come across downtown
2015-11-14 11:19:39
Ride #7 completed!
Not much to "ride home about", but it was close to four miles and involved coffee, and that's what counts, right?
Blog post:
I will send the Coffeeneuress-in-Chief notification of my completion and update all requisite maps and databases.
2015-11-15 14:35:22
In under the wire, for a car-free #coffamilyneuring win, and three more completions for Pittsburgh.
2015-11-15 17:56:23
Nice work Dan and family, and nice to see you briefly Sunday.
2015-11-16 13:05:52
A little bird just told me that Pittsburgh has the most #coffeeneurs, at least so far.
Yinz rock.
2015-11-17 10:25:30
I think I can identify 15 Pittsburgh completions for 2015
KeithD, StuS, Chris Beech, Beth Beech, Vbush, KarQuig, DanB+Elaine&Owen, RustyRed, Marko, Emma, Q,
RustyC, DinoA
Does anybody know of others?
Also, here are total numbers from previous years
2015-11-17 18:50:32
2015-12-03 21:11:31
2015-12-06 11:12:58
Wow, 21 of us!
Beth B
Chris B
Dan B
Elaine B
Owen B
Dino A
Emma R
Emma W
Karen Q
Keith D
Martha R
Nicole R
Rusty C
Ryan P
Sara W
And From Around These Parts:
Bill H. Of Zelienople
2015-12-23 13:31:54
2016-01-11 06:53:45
Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. We need an Ale-eneuring challenge to get through the rest of this winter !
2016-01-11 07:02:29
2016-01-20 17:54:06
Here's an interesting concept:
Perhaps we could get a pop up version for next year's coffeeneuring season!
(Thick did this for a day -maybe more - in October/November 2015.)
2016-01-27 11:04:08
2016-03-04 16:02:43
I know iguanas that complete an "errandonee" every two days. It's called "living".
2016-03-05 13:59:45
> "It’s called “living”."
Yeah, that's kinda the point.
Since we must run errands, anyway, let’s take the opportunity to recognize the active transportation we often do, but seldom celebrate.
or, see also rule 12...:
If the Errandonnee stresses you out or offends you or makes you feel bad or sad or competitive, you should stop. This is supposed to be fun and if you are not having fun then please do not continue because that is not what the Errandonnee is all about . That’s what family is for.
2016-03-05 18:15:59
Hey Yinz Pittsburgh Coffeeneuring or Errandoneuring folks. MaryG and Ed-F are going to drive up to Pittsburgh in a rental car with their tandem Thursday night, and set off on the gap Friday morning
I'm out of town, unfortunately. If anybody wants to say hello to them, here's the blog link:
2016-03-29 22:54:12