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College kids in town

just a reminder that college students are moving in now. With that comes drivers who are lost, and people on foot who are lost or just not paying attention.  stay more alert if you pass through Oakland or other areas close by
2016-08-14 22:27:37
I would add noob riders unfamiliar with the city, as well.
2016-08-15 07:59:59
Also, I see an increased incidence of folks driving the wrong way down the one way streets of oakland, attempts to drive down the bus lanes, and lack of knowledge of how the bike lanes on bayard zig and zag around parking (and just proceed straight in to the bike lane). Stay safe, assume nobody knows what they are doing, at least in oakland, for a couple weeks till the new folks get acquainted.
2016-08-15 13:44:12
We've discussed this before, but do we know how best to help folks get acquainted with street riding?
2016-08-15 14:38:11

Does bike pgh have any kind of program for college kids?

2016-08-15 15:50:03
I know it's been mentioned before, but handing out something like "Commuting 101" to incoming students, etc.  Pitt has done some things on campus, but I don't know how regular they occur and how well attended, they are.  Have no idea if Carlow/CMU/Point Park do anything similar for their incoming students.
2016-08-18 10:55:15