Nice work, Dan!
Hurray for healthy baby and mother!
Lots of babies this spring for folks I know. Repopulating the city with future cyclists.
i thought maybe he finally made it up canton...
congratumalations, dan!
Aw, heck...I missed this thread entirely until now.
Thanks, all.
(Believe you me, when I take Canton, y'all will be the first to know. Just having a kid, on the other hand...)
Anybody can have a kid...but getting up Canton? That's a whole different kettle o' fish.
Well yeah. I assure you, I had to train for far more hours to fail on Canton than to successfully, uh, I mean it takes about the same amount of time to, um, never mind.
so can you put the new daughter on your lap and ride the recumbant up canton?
new goal for 2009.
Hmmm...if I strap her to the handlebars, perhaps that will keep me from popping a wheelie. Good thought!
(I'm SO glad my wife doesn't read this board...)
training ride. ha ha
training ride. ha ha
Ha-ha, bike geek dirty jokes!
How many is that for you Dan?
Kids, not training rides.
such an innocent thread gone bad
in any discussion of children, there's bound to be some of the baser element thinking about how children are made. it just happens that we don't mind sharing those thoughts here.
this is why i tittered at the "Nice work, Dan!" post.
Eric, this makes two stoke-monkeys.
To the rest of you gutter-minded n'er-do-wells: all I'm gonna say about training is that using a power meter with cadence and heart rate can make a real difference in one's performance.
[Edited to add:] Chris, I said "power". Do a shot.
i love the word "n'er-do-wells."
and thanks for the hot tip