There are other kits online, like But why not just buy a adult tricycle? There are 6 speed tricycles on Ebay for $300-400.
2012-08-23 02:13:25
New to this board, hope to find some help here. Own a 21-speed hybrid bike, want to convert to a three-wheeler. I have seen kits for this purpose, but almost all are just for single-speed or three-speed bikes.
One site, Bike Care in England, said they had such a kit for any speed bike, but, it would cost around $600 US to buy, and, they don't ship to the US.
Does anyone here have any leads? I'd appreciate that! Thanks.
There are other kits online, like But why not just buy a adult tricycle? There are 6 speed tricycles on Ebay for $300-400.