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Crap Bike Infrastructure, Pittsburgh Edition

A British co-worker of mine has a book on his desk called "Crap Cycle Lanes" that shows the "50 worst cycle lanes in Britain".

Between the MovePGH thing last week, pinky's picture on tag-o-rama, and me nearly getting left crossed on my ride home tonight, I got to thinking maybe we could catalog these things in Pittsburgh, so we have a prioritized list of things that should be fixed.

I'm not sure if the message board is the right place to do this, it would be cool if people could vote on suggestions to provide the "prioritized" part of the list. There's a thing called Google Moderator that seems pretty up for the task, but I'm not against using something else if people don't like that...

I put in a couple suggestions to get things started:

FWIW, my near left cross happened on the bike path at Putnam St., and it's not the first time that has happened to me, plus other incidents near the same spot. Looking at it objectively - bike path, innocuous looking dead-end cross street, it seems pretty safe but in reality it's anything but.

2012-05-22 01:38:14

I signed up and added an entry.

2012-05-22 11:07:02

I added a description of my sign. I know I have others (particularly given that I live in Pittsburgh's Wild West), but I can't think of them right now. I'll definitely add more as I remember them.

2012-05-22 13:30:39