Cyclist dangling from bridge
I have swam/ canoed under that bridge, I definately would not want to fall off of it.
Yikes. Glad that he is ok.
Dude was simultaneously uncoordinated enough to fall off a bridge and yet able to hang on with one arm and dial a phone. Unique skillset.
Glad he's o.k.
Wonder if it was anyone from here?
I need to work on my upper body strength just incase this happens to me. I would like to see someone dial with one hand using a touch screen phone.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it.
Glad he's ok!
Regarding one hand dialing, I saw a man texting while urinating recently.
I dial/text with one hand on a touchscreen all the time.
Hanging off of a bridge and doing it, ehhh...
"siri, dial 911!"
You named your phone Siri?
apple named my phone siri. i have much less polite names for it.