freewillie wrote:They’re good peopleagreed. I don’t have any info to add, but the charges seem way out of character to both Willie & Sheryl.
2014-03-02 11:59:03
freewillie wrote:They’re good peopleagreed. I don’t have any info to add, but the charges seem way out of character to both Willie & Sheryl.
Marko82 wrote:Yeah it really is. I've been best friends with Willie since we were kids. I spoke to him right after this happened and what he told me isn't any thing close to what is reported. I believe they left the scene fearing who else this guy might have called to come after them and weren't there to give their side of the story. all the cops had to go on was the meth heads side of the story. There is no mention in the article of the driver calling a friend, picking him up and coming to find them again and cornering them. Then getting out of the car and proceeding to try and take there bikes and assault them. Willie told the person he hit to not come near him and he obviously didn't listen cause he came within reach for him to protect himself with what he had,which was the bike lock. Sorry I know my grammar is terrible lol.freewillie wrote:They’re good peopleagreed. I don’t have any info to add, but the charges seem way out of character to both Willie & Sheryl.
gg wrote: Of course no one can condone getting physical with a U-lock or really anything for that matter.Well, really, it depends on the situation. If you reasonably believe that someone is threatening you with death or grievous bodily harm, defending yourself with a deadly weapon such as a U-lock, axe, meathook, etc. could be perfectly appropriate and legal. The problem is that you can't go over the line and start using force to 'get back' at someone after the fight is over. I suspect (and this IS speculation on my part here, since I don't have any knowledge of what happened beyond what was in the Trib article posted above,) that the fact that Hrabowlowski continued to be hit and/or kicked despite the fact that he was down on the ground played a significant role in the convictions here. You can't go back and deliver a coup de grace to the other person once the fight is over, even if they started it. (For example: Jerome Ersland - ) Self defense cases can be tough. Running from the scene and not being the one to call the police first can make you look like the bad guy to police investigators and prosecutors, regardless of the truth. But to continue attacking the guy with (potentially) deadly force after the fight appears to be over? That pretty much *does* make you the aggressor legally, regardless of how the fight started. It's easy for us to say how we'd have handled it from our warm offices, kitchens, and living rooms as we surf the web. That said, if you use your bike to commute to work and you haven't thought through how you would get through a scenario like this, it is a worthwhile exercise.
erok wrote:if it helps, this is the thread from the other board where there is one of the better witnesses. feel dumber for having read that... beyond the witness account that is. Warning, link contains comments.