I saw the Google trike when I saw riding home years ago and rode around it again and again to make sure I showed up. It worked!
Cyclists on Google Streetview
Here's another one.
Penn Avenue inbound, turning onto Dallas. Not the most legal behavior, but at least he's wearing a helmet!
We had a third game going on the board for a while a couple years ago. Find such cyclists on Street View. I wasted a couple hours over various evenings just pawing around various neighborhoods for examples, never found any.
I suppose I could dig around on the board to find the thread, if I was so inclined.
Yep, I remember the old thread on the subject. Happened across this sighting by chance, thought I'd post it. I guess I was too lazy to go digging for the old thread.
I was here when I saw the streetview car. I was on my bike, but those bikers are not me!
I can find four or five other cyclists in that same intersection. Heading what I think is southbound on University, there is a woman I(I think) on the right hand sidewalk. And then later a guy on the left corner of the intersection, with the other two bikes also in view. Approaching the intersection from the other direction on Univerity, I see a bike or two in the intersection, to the right of a large truck (who does NOT appear to be giving the cyclist 3 ft. clearance.)
Interesting thing about streetview. They took pictures of most roads in both directions on what appear to be different runs. Or something. Because the view of "Current conditions" at the same intersection from the various angles can be very different.
Circle left from the view you posted. Male cyclists on either sidewalk too.
I did a simple search, but didn't go digging.
@stu - I think there's another thread somewhere where we were discussing the mysterious object that sometimes covers the streetview cameras. It was something from the red cross - perhaps an emergency blanket?
I found this one while checking out stair connectivity on the North Side. Seeing the google camera vehicle must have been quite a surprise to these guys! https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Pittsburgh,+PA&hl=en&ll=40.459231,-80.001917&spn=0.000512,0.000921&sll=41.117935,-77.604698&sspn=5.8669,15.095215&t=h&hnear=Pittsburgh,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania&z=21&layer=c&cbll=40.459231,-80.001917&panoid=8iypZzz1XUXzjR2-ix3mFQ&cbp=12,264.75,,0,-5.69
haha. that's hilarious
when you've got to go, ya gotta go.