oh, and here's a funny picture
Day of Giving Oct 4 - Your help needed
Hey all-
Tomorrow is the Day of Giving where the Pittsburgh Foundation partially matches donations given to organizations thru their pittsburghgives.org site.
We've arranged another foundation to match that match making all donations $25 and over an actual dollar for dollar donation. Plus, if you donate, we'll honor all renewals thru the end of the year, or if you're not a member, you can become one.
Whether you donate or not, something that YOU can do to help us out on the lead up to tomorrow is to write a quick testimonial about BikePGH on our pittsburghgives page.
Please, go here and say something nice about us: http://pittsburghgives.org/2010/06/30/bike-pittsburgh/
We really appreciate all of your help in this - and tomorrow, don't forget!
@erok and scott -- I was going to post a review for you on the pittsburghgives web page. But I discovered that I had to do it through an account setup at Facebook, Google or Yahoo, none of which I had. So I'll put it here and if you wish you can forward to the Pittsburgh Foundation all the nice things I had to say about BikePGH.
"Pittsburgh currently rates as one of the most livable cities in the US. It deserves that rating. It has always been one of the few big cities that I would want to live in. One of the things its compactness supports is the use of bicycling for both transportation and recreation. That increases its attractiveness and livability to me. The Murphy and Ravenstahl administrations, numerous individual cyclists, and groups like the SPC have had the foresight to recognize this. They are actively promoting the vision of cycling as part of that community livability. BikePGH is THE advocacy group in the city that is helping to make this happen. They have been at it long enough and successfully enough that their efforts have gained them the respect of the powers that be. And they spend over 85% of the funding on program/mission. This is a startlingly high number for a non-profit. What’s not to like here?"
That's a great writeup. Thanks cdavey.
Gaved. Went much smoother than last year, and it was very easy to select multiple Nonprofits and donation amounts.
Hope it goes well throughout the day; maybe I simply beat the traffic?
thanks Nat!
Yep, that was smooth and easy. Me likey.
Done. The rest of you should join the club.
since ive sucked at renewing my membership i am renewing via pgh gives.
that way, if they do it at the same time each year, i can always renew this way and you always get a little more, right?
right. thanks caitlin!
so... did we win? another record sell out?
Yay, thanks to Slopes topping this thread, I didn't forget this year
Thanks Pierce! Still 3 hours left for all you procrastinators. Kidding! There is no pressure to give. Give only if you can.
if you buy a gift membership through the bike-pgh website, does that get matched?
No, I think it has to go through the matching funds website.
You could probably contact scott or somebody after the fact to have that worked out