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DETOUR: Birmingham bridge construction The next phase of the Birmingham Bridge Complex Preservation Project was announced Friday by PennDOT. BIRMINGHAM BRIDGE STEEL REPAIRS CONTINUE WEDNESDAY IN... Pittsburgh's Action Traffic PennDOT District 11 is announcing steel repair work and containment erection on the Birmingham Bridge (Route 2085) in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, will continue Wednesday, Nov. 5, weather permitting. MORE Starting at 10 p.m. March 13, the northbound lanes of the bridge will be closed. All northbound traffic will be shifted into the southbound lanes. The new configuration will have two southbound lanes, one northbound lane and a bicycle lane. Pedestrians will use the southbound sidewalk. The northbound Oakland/Forbes Avenue ramp will be closed. CAR AND TRUCK DETOUR: Northbound traffic will turn left onto Fifth Avenue Turn left onto Moultrie Street Turn left onto Forbes Avenue End detour BICYCLE DETOUR: Follow the bi-directional bike lane down the ramp to Forbes Avenue Turn right onto Forbes Avenue Turn left onto Craft Avenue Turn left onto Fifth Avenue End detour Left-hand bicycle turns from Fifth Avenue to the southbound bridge approach will be prohibited. Continue inbound past the bridge approach Turn left onto Moultrie Street Turn left onto Forbes Avenue Turn right onto the onramp to the Birmingham Bridge End detour PennDOT plans to have the configuration in place until Nov. 11. Preparatory work will begin March 9-13 with the following restrictions: Single-lane traffic at the northbound (inbound) approach Monday through Friday. A single-lane closure in the southbound (outbound) direction on Monday and Tuesday. The closure of two southbound lanes on Wednesday-Friday. The closure of the southbound shoulder for Duquesne Light Emergency work. All southbound bicycle traffic will use the northbound bicycle lanes. Pittsburgh police will regulate traffic from 3-7 p.m. during the preparatory work. Preservation work includes painting, structural steel repairs, bearing and expansion dam replacements, deck resurfacing and lighting replacement. The work is part of the $28.5 million Birmingham Bridge Preservation Project, which includes painting of the entire superstructure, steel repairs, bearing replacements, substructure repairs, light pole replacements and a concrete overlay. Construction will conclude in the spring of 2017. PennDOT is creating an email distribution list to keep motorists informed of all traffic advisories and construction updates. Enroll by sending email addresses to and writing “Subscribe – Birmingham Bridge” in the subject line. Additionally, motorists can find information at
2015-03-10 14:52:18
Bicycle detour to Fifth ave inbound from bridge: Climb a long hill past a fast moving highway overpass and then circle a block and come back down the hill, going a mile out of the way. Bicycle detour from fifth ave to bridge: Not so bad, same as car detour. Keep going past bridge turn down Moultrie and loop back on forbes and take ramp up. (not sure if my diagrams are 100% correct)
2015-03-10 15:05:03
On the good side, this means outbound Forbes cyclists will have a summer free of 65 mph drivers from the Oakland bridge ramp. On the bad side, as Benzo pointed out, getting downtown from the bridge will be a real PITA. Isn't there a Forbes to Fifth staircase somewhere along in there? Separately, how difficult would it be, really, to rig up a ramp to the Jail Trail?
2015-03-10 15:18:07
I guess If I was headed downtown from the southside, I'd skip this bridge and just take 10th st or smithfield and double back. Though the southside trail is REALLY busy in the summer with runners and dog walkers, so I try to avoid it during the busy times. Hopefully nobody will give me crap for taking the lane and riding up kirkpatrick.
2015-03-10 20:17:01
Just noticed that a green-paint mix zone was added to the top of the ramp heading to Oakland/Forbes & the whole bike lane has a buffer stripe (no bollards) all the way across the bridge. I was in a car so couldnt take a pic. This is unexpected goodness since the head of the project refused to even consider this when it was suggested at the PennDot public meetings. (high fives to Mary S.)
2015-11-27 15:52:19