That is a cool instructable, I cannot look too much or i will have to try and make one.
It reminds me of the SIMPSONS where Bart had a turn signal on his belt, made the arrow flash one way and he ran the other and Nelson couldn't find him. good stuff.
DIY turn signal jacket!
2008-12-11 16:03:00
2008-12-11 17:16:50
I dig it. It uses the Lilypad (wearable/washable version of the Arduino microcontroller), which I've been itching to find an excuse to mess with.
Conductive thread, open-source hardware, and writing code in C to run your clothing; what's not to love?
2008-12-11 18:32:09
Should integrate it with the speedo vest
2008-12-11 19:03:15
I love it! The more I look at it the more I want to build one. I'm already thinking of potential mods...
I could be quite the fun little project.
2008-12-11 22:28:31
2008-12-13 16:51:14