Last summer, I met Stu, Edmunds and Dave T for a quck bite to eat downtown over lunch. I was wondering if any board member that work downtown would like to do something similar soon - helps to put a face to the name. And quite honestly, you don't really get to talk too much during rides.
Just to throw out a date, how about Friday, March 8th? Depending on the response we can discuss a place to go. And I'd imagine we'd do it in the traditional lunch timeframe. We can keep it low-key and even hit a food court to save $$$. Let me know your thoughts.
2013-02-15 15:13:36
Sounds good. Last time, we didn't even use bikes. The 4 of us mentioned above work within about 500 feet of one another (Grant/Fifth/Forbes area), but anyone within an easy walk or quick ride would be quite welcome.
2013-02-15 15:55:06
I'm actually no longer downtown but would consider a special trip! or we could do our own in East Liberty... (googlers, cough cough)
2013-02-15 16:08:05
I'll definitely be there. Venue doesn't matter to me unless they're hostile to me brown bagging.
2013-02-18 09:54:18
What we did before was buy food at one place then walk down to Market Square and found a table, so brown bagging would be fine if we did that again. I may be brown bagging it myself.
2013-02-18 10:23:27
I'll be around, I'm in for whatever.
2013-02-18 10:35:41
I am in.
2013-02-18 10:49:07
I could maybe do this, but then I would miss out on my time to go through the forums and read all of the new comments.
2013-02-18 13:16:03
I'm across the river on the North Shore these days, but I'm in unless I have a bunch of meetings on my schedule.
2013-02-18 20:30:00
I'm interested, but Fridays are tough for me
2013-02-18 23:22:59
@dmtroyer +1 east liberty area lunch. When the weather is nice I sometimes ride somewhere (usually East End Cafe), grab food and go to Frick and sit at a table in the park.
2013-02-18 23:44:53
Yeah, I'm happy to take any excuse to get out of the office... downtown or e. lib or somewhere in between.
2013-02-19 00:07:19
Ok, so looks like 3/8 works for the vast majority. I guess it'll be too cold to sit outside, so let's pick a food court. Any preference: Oxford, PPG or Fifth Ave??
2013-02-19 10:46:55
Oxford is pretty far for me to walk so I'd prefer Fifth or PPG if nobody else has objections. Or I could just bring a bike and make all of Downtown easily accessible.
2013-02-19 10:52:27
I'm in.
PPG food court seems pretty good to me, but I'm open to any of them.
2013-02-19 10:55:07
I'm probably in.
2013-02-19 11:12:19
I'm in!
I'm up by Forbes & Grant, but can ride wherever
Oxford, PPG, Fifth all cool...
2013-02-19 17:33:38
On an unrelated note; I saw bikegirl go into her building while I was in Jury Duty
2013-02-19 17:38:51
Edit: Sorry can't make it :/
2013-02-20 10:29:46
I may attempt to make this. Can't make promises right now as I'll be at the National Bike Summit all week and i never know what happens when i get back
2013-02-20 11:57:44
If there's one on a Tuesday, we could check out the restaurant at the Art Institute. Good food for really cheap (the most expensive entree I've eaten there was $8)
2013-02-20 12:08:23
Pierce! when was this? you should have said hi!
2013-02-20 12:41:14
Going with the majority here, the next Downtown Cycling People Lunch will be held Friday, March 8 at noon in the PPG Food Court.
2013-02-20 14:36:30
Since you started it... :) We can make recurring event. Once a month like FoB? Or something like:
1. First Monday of the month near Bike PGH.
2. Second Tuesday of the month at the restaurant at the Art Institute.
3. Third Wednesday of the month at Point.
4. Forth Thursday of the month at OTB/Tazza.
5. Fifth Friday of the month at PPG Food Court.
So we can chose and join at different places.
2013-02-20 15:55:13
I like the idea @Mikhail, but quite honestly, I'll never follow through with all that. So, unless anyone else wants to plan it, the most I have to offer is throwing something out there that works for for me when I randomly happen to think about it hahaha.
2013-02-20 16:07:56
I like the idea of getting together regularly, but more so for rides than food. Or maybe food following rides?
I'm biased, I have to brown bag and I miss so many friday/saturday rides that I'm a bit cut off. But also, for me it's a needed wake up... I often start dragging in the afternoon.
If anyone else similarly drags and wants to consider a short easy ride (as in, no need to shower/change afterward) midday some day or even regularly I'd love to ride with you. My wake up ride was especially effective today :)
2013-02-20 16:28:30
Bump as a reminder:
Friday, March 8 at noon in the PPG Food Court.
2013-03-04 14:20:17
While it might be obvious who is there for this meet up, I'd like to join you and I'm afraid of walking in and trying to figure out if that group of business suits in the corner are lawyers or this meet-up. Is there a particular place everyone will be sitting? Maybe helmets can be conspicuously displayed? Help a nervous girl out.
2013-03-04 22:02:25
Marked my calendar. In the rather unlikely event there are multiple groups of cyclists, I will have my cell phone mounted to my helmet with a wire hanger, so that should be conspicuous enough :)
2013-03-04 23:54:35
I'm in. Is the food court in the main building or across the courtyard?
2013-03-05 05:24:03
@nochasingiguanas - I feel like we will be pretty obvious, but let's congregate at the bottom of the escalator until we have enough people with helmets/gear etc that we can't be missed. It's been a while since I've been there, so don't remember many specific landmarks down there.
@srpit - The food court DOWNSTAIRS in the building closest to market square. There is a crazy mocha at street level. After entering, there is a escalator that will take you down to the food court.
If anyone is nervous about finding the place/group, feel free to PM for my cell number.
2013-03-05 09:16:31
See you there.
2013-03-05 09:22:13
Yay - I'm still in. See you all there.
2013-03-05 09:46:54
I'll try to make it late if I can; I have a meeting until noon.
2013-03-05 13:20:55
Yes, on the Mon side of Market Square, closer to the Point. That corner. You'll see the Crazy Mocha. Use doors to the left, proceed to escalators. There are also entrances on Forbes and on Fourth.
2013-03-05 15:27:53
As of now it's looking like it may be nice enough to ride in. Fingers crossed.
2013-03-05 15:55:20
Still looking good about being there tomorrow! I'll drag edmonds59!
2013-03-07 10:12:52
Got a noon meeting scheduled at work.
2013-03-07 10:38:46
From an exurbanite: is there a particular way to get in/downstairs that's more bring-the-bike-inside friendly? Should I not even attempt it? Thanks!
2013-03-07 11:56:31
I wouldn't even try. There really isn't any space inside.
2013-03-07 12:38:12
I'm biking over from the North Shore. Since I haven't been in Market Square much lately, what racks are around other than the three rivers racks by the gyro place?
2013-03-07 13:02:43
Woohoo! Looks like I'll be able to make it - looking forward to meeting you all!
2013-03-07 20:39:31
there are several signposts around the square and it looks to be about 8 of the wave loops in the central area.
so unless there is an influx of 50+ riders, most people should be able to find a place to lock up securely.
2013-03-07 21:03:30
@pbeaves so unless there is an influx of 50+ riders, most people should be able to find a place to lock up securely.
Thanks. Good to know.
2013-03-08 10:52:36
This was fun! Great to put names w/faces! :)
2013-03-08 13:30:45
Agreed - thanks everyone!
2013-03-08 13:44:29
Agreed. Let's keep the thread alive and plan some more.
2013-03-08 13:47:36
Please do, it kills me a little I couldn't make it today.
2013-03-08 14:37:55
Yeah, I'd like to go too, but Fridays just don't work for me.
2013-03-08 17:08:00
Yeah, thanks everyone. Sorry I was late.
2013-03-08 17:19:19
Glad I was able to make it down, +1 for putting faces to names.
2013-03-08 19:57:47
I enjoyed it too. Very nice to meet everyone. I'd like to do this again too - maybe outside on a nice day when it warms up?
2013-03-08 20:04:22
Not only was I in a meeting, the meeting was in the big room on the top floor of the Frick Bldg, where I work, which has an excellent view of Market Square. As the meeting was getting underway, I could see a couple of cyclists head toward that corner. Gahhh...
2013-03-08 20:42:43
I really enjoyed that. Thanks. uncomfortable leaving the bike where I couldn't see it though. no problem when I got back to it.
2013-03-08 22:57:26
It was great meeting everyone today. Pbeaves - I would have never guessed it was you from your avatar. Still looking forward to Pedal for the Pantry (and I may have recruited a couple friends).
2013-03-08 23:14:46
So, what are plans for April?
2013-04-02 08:43:37
After some encouragement from folks face to face at the Pantry ride, I'll take the initiative.
How about Thursday, 4/11? Different day of the week, but let's still say noon. Is four days enough time to set things up?
2013-04-07 18:10:42
since it mostly involves choiosing a location & time, not much else to do but have people arrive.
I'm in for the 11th
2013-04-08 13:06:36
I'm 50/50, but I'm going to try.
2013-04-08 16:10:31
Bummer - I have a meeting and won't be able to make this one. Maybe next time!
2013-04-08 19:51:50
I have (grinding teeth) 12:00 and 12:30 status meetings now and who knows how far into the future.
2013-04-08 21:12:34
I'm a maybe. Schedule looks OK for now, but who knows what the week will bring?
2013-04-09 06:50:30
2013-04-09 09:35:58
i need to withdraw, starting a new part time job on thurs
2013-04-09 16:28:05
1 pm would be a lot easier for me than noon. If we keep having these maybe we could make a few at 1?
2013-04-09 17:59:49
I can't make it this time - but hopefully next time!
2013-04-10 14:46:40
With less than 24 hours to go, we have three 50-50s and a couple of definite "No"s. If I was to say 12:45 or 1, would that improve anyone's chances?
As to where, I'm starting at Forbes/Fifth/Grant, can walk just about anywhere downtown, or bike to Strip, 10th/Carson, PNC Park, fairly quickly. Open to suggestion!
2013-04-10 14:55:24
I would be there (possibly a few minutes late) for a 1pm.
I'm starting within a couple blocks of you and am fine with wherever, just outside golden triangle might make me a touch later.
2013-04-10 15:11:49
Let's keep it close in, then. I was thinking Jimmy John's on Grant. Maybe we'll see pearmask flying in and out on occasion. She works there as a bicycle delivery person.
And let's just say 1, to make it clear. Does that help anyone else?
2013-04-10 15:51:17
Maaaan, I am working at the new South Side store right now, so I'm (mostly) not at Grant anymore... wish I would be there to say hi to all of you!
2013-04-10 20:05:01
JSYK, we're still on for 1 today! I'll be walking out of the Frick Building at Fifth and Grant at 12:55, then walk the half a block over to JJ shortly thereafter.
Jimmy John's is farther away from my office vertically than horizontally, so this is super convenient for me.
If the weather is still OK then (chance of showers later), we'll sit outside. If history is any guide, we'll have a lot of bicycles for company. There are usually three or so tied up there.
If you want to contact me off board, text me at fouronetwo threeethreefour sevenohseveneight.
2013-04-11 09:45:29
Cool, see you there.
@pearmask Are you the one I rode the elevator with at ShowClix some time ago? Good to put a name to a face around here.
2013-04-11 11:42:17
Nice little turnout of six of us. If you got there late and didn't see us, we went across the street to the Mellon Green space. I think everyone there connected at least one new face to a name.
Thanks for coming, guys and gal!
2013-04-11 13:18:44
bummed i missed it, but was the first day of the new job, unable to reschedule.
2013-04-11 14:47:36
We should do another one of these, maybe next week or so.
EDIT: I briefly had a post up about doing this today, but then got reminded of a lunch meeting. Sorry...
2013-05-24 09:44:10
Sure! Christine (I don't know her last name or her handle on the forums) had an idea for a lunch meetup when we were talking at OTB. Although that lunch meetup may need to be planned off-the-record.
2013-05-24 10:04:31
I would be up for doing this next week. I guess not-Monday. When and where, Somebody?
2013-05-24 14:31:18
Met up with @Shawn last night and we jointly decided it would be a good idea to do this again sometime soon.
Suggestions on day of the week? Time? Where? Satellite groups doing likewise?
Just tossing it out there.
2013-06-04 15:19:35
New month, let's try again.
Just throwing it out there, anyone for Wednesday? Will anyone be around? Or should we wait until a full week when people aren't booking out of town?
2013-07-01 16:19:25
I'd be better off on the 10th, personally.
2013-07-01 17:13:47
I like the 10th! Market Square?
2013-07-01 17:56:20
I can do the 10th!! It would be nice to finally put faces with names.
2013-07-01 22:05:31
Sounds like the 10th, then! Meetup in Mkt Sq is a good Plan A.
2013-07-01 22:35:48
I'm a maybe since I know I have a job-meeting and don't know if I'll be back on-time for it, so TBD
2013-07-02 05:36:05
Bah Humbug. I can only be downtown for Mondays. If yous ever do a Monday I'm in!
2013-07-02 09:01:42
I should be able to do it.
I tried to put some faces to names this morning in Mt.Lebo but I failed. :)
2013-07-02 09:47:36
Mikhail wrote:I tried to put some faces to names this morning in Mt.Lebo but I failed. :)
That was not me...I drove in today.
2013-07-02 10:31:55
So there is another guy from Mt.Lebo (I saw him first time just before Cedar and Washington. :)
2013-07-02 15:08:05
Is this still on for tomorrow? Heard there's a good chance of rain - is there an indoor option? Time???
2013-07-09 21:09:03
I'll try and be there, should be possible. I know we did Oxford Center food court once, not sure if people want to do that again in case of rain or what. Doesn't matter to me, I'm a brown bagger. Will be watching the thread.
2013-07-09 22:36:45
i might be able to make it - what time? noon?
2013-07-09 22:40:13
Can't make it this time - hopefully next time!
2013-07-10 07:14:55
Still planning on doing this. Yes, Market Square. If rain, I suggest we head downstairs in PPG to the food court. It's in the corner of MktSq nearest Crazy Mocha. Look for escalators.
2013-07-10 08:27:57
Dangit! I read the thread yesterday but didn't find a time, forgot to check back this morning.
2013-07-10 11:38:13
Zipped through Market Square around 12:20 ish and didn't see more than one bike parked, so I figured you all took shelter in the AC (dang, it's HUMID out there!)
Maybe next time.
2013-07-10 11:46:19
Bike you saw (if blue frame hybrid w black full panniers ) was mine. Sorry we missed you, Stu and I were there but were not apparently very conspicuous. Maybe next time.
2013-07-10 12:26:52
I didn't have a bike with me since I motorcycled in today. I walked down from Forbes & Grant.
We were seated in the corner up by Noodles & Co.
2013-07-10 13:44:00
I'll try to make it to the next meet up! I was too dang busy at work yesterday to leave.
2013-07-11 09:38:20
It's a new month. Shall we have a go at it again? Is this week too early, or should we try for a date the week of the 12th?
2013-08-05 14:56:01
It's great that this is happening again.
I would have a hard time this week. Better some other week.
2013-08-06 12:03:11
How about Tuesday the 13th? Noon, Market Square, in the square up by Noodles & Co if the weather is nice, in the PPG Food Court if it's raining?
2013-08-06 12:08:47
This week is bad but next week would be OK with me. Any day but Monday so far.
2013-08-06 12:20:39
Did this happen? I ended up with a conflict and couldn't get to it myself. Anyone up for trying again, maybe Thursday, 8/22?
2013-08-19 21:42:06
Shall we try this again for September? Looking back over the past few months' posts, I see one I-can't-do-Mondays and one I-can-only-do-Mondays, but this Monday might be a little too soon in any case.
So how about Wednesday the 11th? Same as the last couple of tries -- Market Square at noon. If the weather is nice, look for us at a table up by Chipotle and Noodles & Co.; if it's rainy, we'll go downstairs in the PPG food court -- opposite corner from Chipotle, go in by Crazy Mocha and down the escalator.
Any takers?
2013-09-06 08:37:21
Me! I put it on my calendar so hopefully it won't be scheduled over.
2013-09-06 09:46:36
I can't wednesday :(
But thursday yes!
2013-09-06 10:09:07
Thursday is actually better for me than Wednesday.
2013-09-06 12:00:16
Well, let's do Thursday the 12th then. That still gives us six days to rejigger schedules and such.
2013-09-06 12:06:38
Count me in :)
2013-09-06 19:00:20
Top for Thursday!
2013-09-10 20:57:01
Still in - yay!
2013-09-11 07:21:03
Thursday is coo coo with me now... don't think I can make it
2013-09-11 13:15:14
It should be pretty easy to find us. Just look for this.
2013-09-12 07:37:48
The 80% chance of thunderstorms that were predicted seem to have evaporated, so I should be able to swing by for a few minutes... sans unicycle.
2013-09-12 07:54:20
Details for today? I may try to make this- time, location if raining, etc.
2013-09-12 07:55:42
Noon today, Market Square. Tables by Noodles and Co if it's dry. Downstairs food court in PPG if it's wet. Just go in by Crazy Mocha and come down the big escalator inside.
I'll be wearing my spandex since I'm heading home after lunch today, and I'll have my blue Space Horse with the chrome fenders and black panniers.
2013-09-12 09:19:50
I'm watching the
radar loop, and it isn't pretty. Might need to bring that umbrella.
I may have to bring the U-lock for the wheel in case the armed constabulary gives me a hard time for bringing the wheel inside PPG. Though U-locking a unicycle seems both overkill and undersecure at the same time.
2013-09-12 09:34:40
Ah.... I was hoping to get there before the storm hit, but that was about :30 seconds ago (11:44) so unless it stops in the next 20 minutes, maybe next time.
2013-09-12 10:45:50
It's raining cats, dogs, bobcats and coyotes; I'm out.
Poo. >:(
2013-09-12 10:46:19
Can we delay this even 15-20 minutes? It's a storm front. Pour like crazy for 20 minutes, then a drizzle. 11:56 as I type, I'm gonna bet by 12:20 it'll be a light rain. Will head down Forbes about 12:15, with an umbrella.
2013-09-12 10:57:11
Cats and dogs etc. have ended here at 11:57- I am leaving now. Should be there in 10 to 15 minutes.
2013-09-12 10:57:46
Hey guys I am down in PPG at the same table as the first time.
2013-09-12 11:10:18
It's the second week of October. Someone want to propose a date and see how that floats by everyone else? The only date for me that's out is the 15th.
2013-10-07 00:09:06
Two people asked me in person about this at tonight's membership meeting, so there is clearly interest.
How about let's say next Thursday, Oct. 17, noon? If that date and time are good, it's possible that Market Square might not be, as they've been having a farmer's market kinda thing every Thursday in MktSq, and it gets busy.
I'm open to alternate places, times, days...
2013-10-09 22:42:35
It might be hard to get a table, but on the other hand it's easy to get some quick perogies, greek food, or pie for lunch. Last time we did Jimmy John's takeaway-- do people want to do this style again, or meet inside at a restaurant?
I'm fine with pretty much any day/time/place.
2013-10-10 20:01:56
I'd love to join one of these days, but I can only do Mondays. I am guessing anyone with a real job finds it hard to peel away on a Monday afternoon. Bummer.
2013-10-11 14:37:38
Is this happening tomorrow?
2013-10-16 13:15:26
Bump! Are yinz meeting for lunch on Thursday? Somebody help a yinzer out, please?
2013-10-16 16:30:01
time and place?
2013-10-16 16:52:18
I'm going to take that as a Negative. cheers, V.
2013-10-16 20:52:14
I'll be taking menorah lighting kit orders. If, of course, I know where to go and when.
For now, I'll take it as a given tomorrow at noon. Weather forecast looks iffy.
I'll be brown bagging regardless. Someone that actually would eat the venue's food, decide.
2013-10-16 21:10:03
The farmers' market thing is going on in Market Square, which is good and bad. Good, lots more choices in food. Bad, not a lot of places to sit down. I'm brown-bagging it myself, so I'm not picky where we go, so long as we can sit.
The weather doesn't look bad, maybe a sprinkle at worst. At 10:20, the radar shows some rain off to the south, but I think we'll be OK. At least no downpour like last month.
I say let's do it, meet up in the corner nearest Chipotle and Noodles & Co, where there are some tables, and maybe we'll be lucky enough to get one. Like last month, if we do get poured on, we can just retreat to the lower level of the food court, diagonally across MktSq and down the escalator.
I have a light blue dress shirt on, but I won't have the bike with me.
2013-10-17 09:27:02
byogman and I are here, corner most table nearest Chipotle.
2013-10-17 11:06:46
Hey guys, we going to have one of these for November? I have light kits for the bike menorahs ready to distribute :)
2013-11-15 09:17:40
byogman wrote:Hey guys, we going to have one of these for November? I have light kits for the bike menorahs ready to distribute :)
I'm available to come over on Monday, Thursday or Friday of next week.
2013-11-15 09:22:23
OK, so,
buffalo buffalo
Would any of you plan to make it? If so, what day (Monday, Thursday, or Friday) works best?
abm760, no pressure, I know you don't work downtown and I have a couple squirrel hill deliveries AND hope to be coming by your way again before too long to check out tandem/tagalong again for riding prospects with my daughter (btw thanks!)
2013-11-15 12:06:51
Thursday is better, but all are OK. (I have a 1p meeting on M & F.)
2013-11-15 12:51:49
If nobody else jumps in and suggests otherwise (I don't care really), let's go with Thursday at noon. I think it's best at this point of the year to plan an indoor location. So again, default assumption if nobody jumps in and suggests otherwise, I don't care, but Jimmy Johns?
Hope to see a few of you there. I'll have more than two lighting kits with just in case :)
2013-11-15 13:30:18
Anychance we can do 12:30? I normally eat lunch at 1:30.
2013-11-15 13:50:57
byogman wrote: So again, default assumption if nobody jumps in and suggests otherwise, I don’t care, but Jimmy Johns?
2013-11-15 13:56:20
12:30 ok for everyone? It's fine by me.
2013-11-15 14:05:23
Silence has been taken as assent.
In this case not to anything insidious :)
12:30 it is.
2013-11-15 14:48:44
Where, @ PPG?
2013-11-15 17:04:57
byogman wrote:12:30 it is.
2013-11-15 17:09:25
edmonds59 wrote:Where, @ PPG?
Jimmy John's .... I'm guessing the one on Liberty near Market Square... right?
2013-11-15 17:16:33
RustyRed wrote:
edmonds59 wrote:Where, @ PPG?
Jimmy John’s …. I’m guessing the one on Liberty near Market Square… right?
Well, we can call for delivery from JJ so some people could join us while while they are working. :)
2013-11-15 17:40:22
So it's Thursday Nov.21 at 1230, at the Jimmy John's at 506 Liberty Avenue?
Can I have an affirmation, please? Thanks!
2013-11-19 23:55:55
Yup, that's the place and time.
2013-11-20 08:05:21
Vannevar wrote:
Can I have an affirmation, please? Thanks!
You're good enough, you're smart enough... and doggonit, people like you!
2013-11-20 10:05:36
Outstanding work. lol.
2013-11-20 10:44:30
See yinz soon!
2013-11-20 15:27:57
@RustyRed, thank you and thank you, I have needed that for so many years. Fabulous.
2013-11-20 16:58:38
1230, at the Jimmy John’s at 506 Liberty Avenue.
Will have a couple extra light kits just in case there are takers.
2013-11-21 10:16:47
Unfortunately a meeting has come up at work and I don't think I'll be able to make it any longer. Have fun, everyone.
2013-11-21 10:48:51
Lovely seeing everyone today! Fun times.
2013-11-21 18:40:42
Yup, nice to meet you BTW.
Next time I'll show up on time (facepalm)
2013-11-21 19:01:22
Would like to do another of these. Don't really care where or when (well, Fridays aren't great for me... but otherwise).
BTW anyone have direct contact info for our new bike/ped coordinator? I imagine if it's based on her schedule so she could come it would be better attended.
2014-10-22 04:57:20
Hey anyone know anything about the Flock ride last Friday? I was assuming the special guest was to be the bike coord. Happened?
2014-10-22 06:38:43
It did; she was there and rode. We went bowling afterward, which would have been more fun if the music wasn't so damn loud. Any conversation I had with her was mainly outside.
She said her email is on the city website, which I haven't looked up yet.
Except for next Monday 10/27 and M11/3-T11/4, I'm OK with just about any day in the coming week or two.
2014-10-22 09:53:25
Generic googling her name and Pittsburgh gives bunch of press releases but nothing about contacting.
Specific to the city of pittsburgh website? " Kristin Saunders", found a PDF org chart on the city website with a phone number, but I'd feel awfully silly calling on unofficial business (I could never do sales).
Reasonable chance like with so many organizations it's .@. Will try that tonight and see if it doesn't bounce. Unless someone has something better.
2014-10-22 12:44:11
2014-10-22 13:50:48
funny, Chief McLay recently told me (in context of his willingness to pass on announcements of Flock and similar open rides to PD staff who might be interested) that his address was on the city website, which also does not appear to be true.
however, it is true that city email addresses are generally [first].[last]
2014-10-22 17:51:54