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Dubois doctor hit and killed on his bike

2010-07-23 17:40:18

The pic makes it look like one of those "idyllic" American communities. Nice houses, large well-kept lawns, a church, and narrow roads with no sidewalks.

I have to say that the 4-foot passing requirement law they mention has me scratching my head. IMO, even at fairly hefty speeds, 30 inches would be adequate.

2010-07-23 18:02:54

fuck. not another one.

2010-07-23 18:03:07

This is horrible!

I lived in Du Bois from 2004-2008. I wasn't a cyclist then, but I remember thinking that particular intersection was an issue for pedestrians and cyclists.

2010-07-23 18:03:14

The pic makes it look like one of those "idyllic" American communities. Nice houses, large well-kept lawns, a church, and narrow roads with no sidewalks.

It's a pretty standard rural PA town. Not what I would call 'cycling friendly', but most of the town does have sidewalks. Sidewalks that are so poorly repaired that most people walk in the street...but there *are* sidewalks.

The intersection you are seeing is about 1/2 a mile from their big mall. There is no sidewalk immediately around that area, but it picks up a couple hundred feet away in all directions IIRC.

2010-07-23 18:08:42

Article didn't have a response from the driver but let's all say it together "I didn't see him!"

2010-07-23 18:09:27

One of my friends knew him. He loved the Tour de France. Had a huge knowledge of the history of the event.

2010-07-23 18:59:58

I am Dr. Varacallo's sister. What happened to my brother is tragic and even beyond that ......" Unbelievable, in the way it was handled by the police"....... Without getting into too much detail at this point, I am horrified that the driver was not given a drug/alcohol test by the Sandy township police. The police chief Don Routch said, " they didn't smell alcohol" when I asked why they didn't test this 28 year old driver. Mr. Routch was so rude that he actually hung up on me when I questioned him as to why certain things were not done.Can you believe a police chief hanging up on the victim's family? I was not rude.... only asking pertinent questions to a defensive police chief that told me he had to protect his police officers. I responded that.... " I had to protect my brother, his family, his 6 children and his 2000 patients that depended on him every day to be there for them." When someone is near death, shouldn't you rule out that alcohol or drugs were not a part of this equation? Excuse me, but do you smell drugs????

What if this man was a " drowsy driver"??? This is a charge as serious as DWI. The National Highway and Traffic Safety Bureau says that there are 1500 deaths a year attributed to drowsy driving. There are 100,000 accidents!!! Drowsy driving occurs between 11:00PM and 8:00 AM in the morning and is usually committed by male drivers between the ages of 16-29. What if this man was celebrating the finality of his divorce the night before and his reflexes weren't up to par due to that celebrating???? That would constitute drowsy driving!! When he hit my brother the driver's adrenal hormones could kick in and he may not appear that he was impaired in any way.... even though he was prior to the accident. ( Fright or Flight scenario)

The National Hughway Traffic and Safety Bureau reports that police rarely, if ever, acutally use drowsy driving in their reports, even though it is a charge and is as serious as DWI. So why not??? We all know that if someone is drinking the night before or hasn't slept well for a long time their reflexes are impaired!!

I am shocked and appalled.........not only because my brother was killed, but because a crucial piece of evidence was not investigated. It is too late to help Al,but possibly someone else can be helped from his murder!!

2010-08-12 14:48:24

nick, ghost bike? its a little out of the way, but not so far as to stop us from showing that this wont be forgotten.

2010-08-12 14:58:07

oh man, Kathi I'm really sorry to hear that the investigation was handled so poorly. My condolences to you.

2010-08-12 15:21:26

Deepest condolences, Kathi. Thanks for posting. This is so sad and sickening. Things must change. Some state or national level advocacy organization has to start to step up and bring lawsuits in these instances, that is apparently the only way society is going to change.

2010-08-12 15:42:17


I'm so sorry. That's absolutely obscene about the police hanging up on you. To be treated like that at all is terrible, but while you're grieving for your brother? That's just off the scale. And the rest of the neglect on the part of the police, and the chief saying he had to protect his officers? Seems like he should be holding them accountable for how they do their jobs. I don't understand it - and I'm really sorry you're having to go through all this.

My boyfriend spoke highly of your brother - they went to the Tour de France together (with a group of people) in 2004. And he was really impressed with how much he knew about the tour's history.

2010-08-12 15:49:03


I'm so sorry for your loss and I feel your outrage. When I was in Jr High, my 7 year old cousin was killed by a drunk driver. The driver had been pulled over more than 10 times in the years prior to the incident. But he was never issued a citation for DUI/DWI because the local cops thought he was a "good guy." (i think the number was actually 20). It was truly horrible, and I can't believe that any cop worth their salt wouldn't give a breathalyser test immediately as standard operating procedure.

I can't recall, is sheriff an elected official in PA? Seems like this basic incompetence in law enforcement is something for which he should have to answer to the public.

If there is going to be a ghost bike put up, who ever does it should PM me. I can give some dinning recommendations for the area.

2010-08-12 15:52:28

I would also like to offer my condolences, Kathi. That response from the local authorities is beyond disappointing.

To edmonds59's point, are there any organizations that would be able to act in this situation?

@cburch A ghost bike seems like a good start to me, as it's only two hours away. I'd be happy to help in some way, with transportation, preparation, or anything else.

2010-08-12 15:56:12

Colin, I'm on it. Give me a day or two to figure out the details.

2010-08-12 16:05:04

I am assuming a ghost rider is dedicated to a fallen cyclist??? I live in the Plum/ Oakmont area and would be happy to travel with you.

Thank-you for thinking of him and showing your love and concern. It is so much appreciated!!!

Thank-you for your kind messages.........I am not the cyclist my brother was, but my Cannondale has brought me much enjoyment!! Anything that I can do

to help the cause, please let me know. This whole thing is an outrage and your posts only validate it moreso!!

2010-08-12 16:45:05

When I was in Jr High, my 7 year old cousin was killed by a drunk driver. The driver had been pulled over more than 10 times in the years prior to the incident. But he was never issued a citation for DUI/DWI because the local cops thought he was a "good guy." (i think the number was actually 20). It was truly horrible, and I can't believe that any cop worth their salt wouldn't give a breathalyser test immediately as standard operating procedure.


This is a topsy turvy world in which the bad guy gets the breaks ....and the good guy gets punished.

2010-08-12 16:56:28


Ghost bikes are white bicycles placed at the scene where cyclists have been hit. They are meant to be memorials for the fallen, and reminders for all road users that life is fragile, and everyone needs to be careful.

When we put out the bike, I will arrange a car-pool from the city, much like we did for Don Parker.

For more on ghost bikes:

2010-08-12 17:02:21

Is there a local cycling club or group that he rode with to perhaps coordinate with?

2010-08-12 17:04:39

My condolences for your loss, Kathi. I think it is outrageous that motorists are allowed to kill cyclists without consequence. Whether the driver is drunk, tired, or completely sober and awake, failure to control the two ton missile you're piloting should have serious enough consequences to make people take the responsibility of driving seriously.

2010-08-12 17:05:54

Sorry for your loss Kathi, and sorry for the way the police are handling the accident. It's not right.

2010-08-12 17:27:14

If this does indeed happen ( ghost rider), I think we should get media coverage for the event. Let me know when.... and I will call the TV stations , or if someone else knows any tv personalities..........they can do the calling. Let's make this something special for everyone concerned and bring attention to some very serious injustices that are happening in the biking world.

2010-08-12 20:55:28

Whether the driver is drunk, tired, or completely sober and awake, failure to control the two ton missile you're piloting should have serious enough consequences to make people take the responsibility of driving seriously.


How appropriately stated!!!

2010-08-12 20:56:31

Kathi, I have some experience getting media out for these, and have some contacts, so if you like, I can take care of it all for you. I figure this is a burden you shouldn't have to deal with.

2010-08-13 05:08:37

Kathi, very sorry for your loss. It seems that more often than not people in rural communities like DuBois have the mentality that bikes don't belong on the road. No matter what. A lot of them sincerely belive that bikes aren't legally allowed on the road and that they are not responsible if they hit a cyclist. No joke, I personally know a lot of these people. In this case, it seems like the police have had the exact same mentality. They should really learn about traffic laws.

I'll help out any way i can with the ghost bike, I think I might even have another old bike to donate for this one too.

2010-08-13 09:38:45

Nick, that would be wonderful!! I have been ill for the past several years, so whatever anyone can do to help would be most appreciated. I know the only stations that reported my brother's death were the Altoona and Johnstown stations ( WJAC and WTAJ) They panned the car, the bike and Al's shoes remaining on the road, which was eerie to say the least. I will never forget those shoes lying on the road...... I have been reading a few of the hundreds of posts for Mr. Parker since I wrote. I didn't realize the support this organization gave...........I am sure it was a real tribute to a wonderful man. He , by the way, was 52 like my brother. His murderer, and I don't say that lightly, came from behind.... my brother's murderer crossed the road and went into Al's lane. Scott Sago, the driver, said there was sun in his eyes, but the family has checked this out and the sun was far down the road and over by the mall.The sun would not be causative according to family members that checked it out several times at the same time with the same results. However, the sun issue still came up in the police report. The sun issue seems to be a common thread in these kinds of accidents. Can it be that a man was arrested for killing a dog, and as far as I know, nothing has been done to the man that killed my brother??? It was just an accident????? How can you cross the road into someone else's lane and it be an accident??? Of course the driver was underinsured too!!

2010-08-13 11:18:51

Sent to Mary Robb Jackson, KDKA, this morning.

"With some sadness, I wanted to let you know that another cyclist death has occurred in our area, out near Dubois. This happened in July, but just recently started to come under discussion in the cycling community. The circumstances are almost identical to Don Parker's - 52 year old man, experienced cycling enthusiast, doing everything by the book, killed by a distracted driver. This man was a doctor, a church-goer, and as they say, a pillar of the community.

(linked to Courier Express story)

Members of the Bike Pgh community are currently corresponding with the victims sister, and may travel to the area to place another ghost bike. It sounds as though the victims family was treated somewhat dismissively by the authorities, which would be very distressing. This is almost too much to take, but we continue on. The cycling community is in the second week of it's annual "Bike Fest", which celebrates the overwhelmingly positive aspects of cycling, and we will keep doing what we can to make the roads safer for everyone, no matter what their mode of transport."

2010-08-13 11:55:49

Some state or national level advocacy organization has to start to step up and bring lawsuits in these instances, that is apparently the only way society is going to change.

I agree!!!

2010-08-13 14:45:06


I,m so sorry for your loss,I also know that there is nothing anyone can say to lessen your heart ache. Don Parker was my son and like your brother a good man, a pilar of the community they will be deeply missed. I see you have read what occured in the accident 11 weeks ago yesterday to my son.

There are just too many careless,inconsiderate drivers on the roads.

The only way I know to help other bicylist not end up this way is to help support what Bike Pittsburgh is doing to have better laws passed to protect them. I have offered to speak and send letter to who ever I can help with he passage of these better laws.

2010-08-13 16:44:18

The "sun in his eyes" defense is entirely bogus, of course. Even if the sun WAS in his eyes, if you can't see where you're going, stop moving!

The man has no case. Drunk or not. Sunlight or not. You do not strike stranded cars merely because they're in your way, so why ever try to justify hitting any bike on the road, anywhere, anytime?

I think a wrongful death suit could fly here, even without the DWI evidence.

2010-08-13 16:47:08

Stu, I agree with your reasoning 1000% and don't really understand how any sane, rational person could *not* come to the same conclusions.

Unfortunately, I think most people think "oh, the sun was in his eyes", and that's some kind of justification for what happened. And everything you said is some sort of radical notion. *That* is the real problem.

2010-08-13 17:42:03

Without better law enforcement, better laws won't mean anything. I don't want a law that "sends a message". I want an LEO that sends a message.

2010-08-13 21:09:53

A couple of questions come to mind:

1 - Do we need a Ride Of Silence for Albert Varacallo?

2 - Do we need to do some sort of protest ride to send a message to Dubois law enforcement? Suggestions as to what form this might take?

3 - Who is the chief of police answerable to? As someone else asked, is this an appointed or an elected position?

I'm looking for constructive ways to get a message across. Which message, and what audience, are my biggest unknowns. Form will follow function.

2010-08-13 21:58:43

I wish I didn't always have to be so cynical, but I doubt elected officials in dubois are worried about citizens of allegheny county. If a public event garners public sympathy, perhaps there might be some value in it, but as a show of political weight, not so much.

2010-08-14 00:41:35

The Sandy Township Police Department investigated.... not the DuBois Police Department, just to clarify matters.I am not sure how Don Routch got his job, but I will try and find out.I tried to google it, but nothing of value came up.

We contacted other boroughs to ask if they would have done a drug /alcohol test and they all said "yes" because of the severity of the injuries. (My brother was near death at the scene of the accident.) When I told this to the police chief, he called me a liar and said I never talked to any other police departments. He also bragged to a relative that he hung up on me!!

Aleen Mary..... thank you for posting. I am so sorry for your loss as well. If necessary, we can work together in any capacity you feel would be helpful!!!A mother should never have to bury a child..........I lost two little girls, so I know how hollow your heart is at this moment. The pain is beyond words........My mom turned 80 on August 2nd and she is having difficulty with Al's death. She is happy that this group has offered to support our family. I am amazed myself and feel that it was the right thing to do to hop on this board. I have let Al's wife know that you are planning something too.

I can't even begin to say how much your kind words and condolences mean to our family and myself!!! Having a community of people with a common interest that care and want to help is precious!! Bonding together in a time like this means so much. I also want to see that no one goes through what the Parker family and our family have had to endure.

2010-08-14 01:48:48


This is so sad, and one more reminder to me to hug my kids and wife every morning before riding to work, passing withing a quarter mile of where Don Parker was killed.

It is incredibly frustrating that the odds of getting charged with breaking the law seem to to approach zero if you kill someone.

My condolences to you and your family.

2010-08-14 03:01:21


I would like to extend my sympathy to you for the loss of your daughters.

I have let Scott Bricker know that I am ready to help and I'm sure he can use your help also in having laws passed to help the safty of the bicyclist. I'm waiting to hear from him to see what he needs me to do.

2010-08-14 11:58:50

Aleen, I am willing to be at your side in this.

If we stand by and do nothing, then more atrocities such as ours will happen. When a 28 year old man is not given a drug and alcohol test at the very minimum, I can only say why not????Is there something wrong that all parameters/possibilites are not investigated??? We, ourselves, have already uncovered some pertinent information concerning this individual. When someone causes an accident, all you have is the few minutes that you are in their presence. There is a whole history of this individual's conduct that must be taken into consideration. To say you don't smell alcohol and only did a field sobriety test does not constitute what happens on a daily basis or even what happened within the past 24 hours. One minute does not tell the whole story and thus everything , and I mean everything, needs to be done to insure that the victim's family is receiving the best care that the law can provide.

Yesterday, I happened to be in the Southside and ran into Mike Clark ( from WTAE) doing a promotional at the bookstore. I told him what Bike Pittsburgh was planning for my brother and gave him my name and phone number. ( I can't say if he will remember to call, but I did plant the seed) He did mention that the DuBois area was covered by WTAJ and WJAC, but that they could make it relative to Pittsburgh. Let's pray that they will pick up the story being that a local group is honoring a fallen biker elsewhere. Anyways, I took a step out of my element and approached him about TV coverage. Perhaps I was supposed to be at that bookstore........this was not a planned visit, nor did I know that a promotional was underway with any TV personalities. Perhaps I was in the right place at the right time. If I don't hear from them, I will call them.... Or some of the Bike Pittsburgh members could call as well. We would definitely need to contact the other two stations that I mentioned.

I am not new to recklessness. The most recent was a doctor's misdiagnosis which resulted in a heart attack, after he gave me too much medication.... then having three stents put in when I never had coronary artery disease.........All of this put me in heart failure....Try and get justice and you will see that it is easier to get a million bucks for spilled hot coffee from MacDonalds. Are you aware even though the captain of the Exxon Valdez was drunk, it took 20 years for that case to be won...... 6000 people died in the meantime and the parties only got $15,000.00. The corporations took the case up to the Supreme Court because they had money to fight the battle and keep in it limbo. That is why I am so strongly committed to helping this cause........I have seen so much injustice happen myself........ this organization is so strongly united that there may be a chance for some good to result which will benefit future bikers, as well as present bikers. If we stand by and do nothing........things will continue on as they are. I don't see that happening with the caliber of people that are on this board. Injustice goes on everywhere and is in every one of our lives. Some have more and some have less, but it is still there. If we remain quiet, then things remain as they are!!

2010-08-14 13:20:15

Well said Kathi

I wonder who the law is protecting usually it is the victim that gets screwed not the perp.

When I hear from Scott I'll let you know.

2010-08-14 16:50:18

I'd be in if we tried to make it up there for this. This whole situation is heartbreaking.

2010-08-14 19:32:44

Aleen, I just got your phone message. Call whenever you can..

I am thankful for anyone that can make the trip to

DuBois. It is an effort, so I am well aware that some may find it difficult to participate. But for those of you that choose to make the effort, you have my heart and deepest thanks..

2010-08-15 01:02:57

I sent a telephone number to edmonds 59 to coordinate a ride with local DuBois cyclists.

I didn't want to publicize the number. So if you are still interested, there are some local cyclists ready to join you!!

2010-08-16 20:50:56

I'm interested if we can coordinate date/time/cars/bikes

2010-08-16 21:28:56

Let me know when and where. I would need a ride for me and bike. I'd be happy to chip in a few bucks for gas.

2010-08-16 21:33:03

Is there a date/time yet?

2010-08-16 21:36:54

I'm working on it.... How is Sunday, Sept. 5?

2010-08-17 00:28:00

that's our anniversary. not to be selfish, but could we do it the next week so stef and i can participate?

2010-08-17 01:43:37

And, I think that's Labor Day weekend - might be some people could be out of town, etc., could depress turnout.

2010-08-17 02:06:01

I'm interested, but I'm already committed to being out-of-town for Labor Day weekend.

2010-08-17 02:11:42

I'm out of town Labor Day weekend as well...

2010-08-17 02:57:45

I'm in if it's not Labor Day weekend (the next would be better?). Getting married that Friday, will take some time to recover from that.

2010-08-17 11:08:18

Congratulations EJWME!!!!

2010-08-17 11:29:47

:D thank you :D

2010-08-17 11:54:05

Sunday Sept 12?

2010-08-17 19:06:07

I'm in.

2010-08-17 19:15:36

So, to be clear, is there a "ride of silence", bringing bikes?

Kathi, if you sent a number for the contact of a local club, I seem not to have gotten it. Did it maybe go to someone else?

Does anyone still have a contact for the WPW gentleman who did the Donald Parker ride? Shoot a note out their way, too.

2010-08-17 19:44:59

12th is good for us

2010-08-17 19:57:25

12th should be good for me, but I'll need a ride (will split gas, etc.)

2010-08-17 20:05:35

I'm not positive I can do that date, but we'll see.....

2010-08-17 20:46:38

As long as we aren't leaving at the crack of dawn, I'm in. Big pour 4 is the night before...

I'd be happy to split gas and ride with someone, or rent the biggest zipcar I can and split that cost if there happens to be a shortage of cars.

2010-08-17 20:55:28

If I am able to go, I may be able to drive and have space for 1 or 2 other people + bikes...

2010-08-17 21:05:30

I did a private email to you. Please private email me and I will give you the number again.


2010-08-17 21:41:40

I should be in for the 12th, plus possibly bringing one more. As we get closer, I'll see if I have any space to offer in our car.

2010-08-17 22:23:09

To make it clear, Sept 12 we will follow a similar format to how we locked up the bike for Don Parker-- We we meet (most likely at Schenley Plaza), and car pool to the scene where Dr Varacallo was killed and lock up the bike.

If there is a memorial ride/ride of silence, it may or may not be integrated with this. I would love for it to be, but I cannot organize the ride myself--I do not know the area enough to comfortably organize a ride.

If you can't drive it shouldn't be a problem. We had more than enough drivers last time--if you want to go, we will find a way for you to be able to.

2010-08-18 00:01:48

2010-08-18 01:08:58

nick, we can fit 3 more people and can carry the bike if need be.

2010-08-18 01:50:58

Not sure if I can make it, Church on sunday (my other job) But im going to try. This is rough on which priority is more important.

I got to say, Im torn

2010-08-18 02:02:00

What time?

2010-08-18 02:24:35

If it's a drive w/o a ride, I have a car and can fit three others. If there's a ride, I'm hoping to have a rack by then (otherwise I can only take one other, and no other bikes :( )

2010-08-18 11:35:15

Kathi got me a contact number for a cyclist up there, as well as a possible contact at a bike shop, I will call and let them know what we are thinking.

I think we can do a ride of silence, someone up there should be able to arrange a meeting point and a route to the site.

Would anyone be interested in doing a little riding after, as long as we're up there? There might be some nice roads. I can ask those folks about that also. You never know, it could become the seed of an ongoing memorial ride (this is me being not cynical).

I can bring 2, maybe 3 other people with bikes (son is an unknown).

2010-08-18 11:51:11

ej, I have a spare trunk rack that you could use if you don't have something by then.

2010-08-18 11:53:14

edmonds - sweet, I'll take you up on that offer (and I revise my carpooling offer to match) :D

I'm up for any riding after as well, it's a beautiful area.

2010-08-18 12:00:11

Perhaps the TV stations that did the original reporting, ( WTAJ and WJAC) would be interested in knowing what this club is doing in conjunction with cyclists from the DuBois area !! Maybe they will cover it ......Is there someone who does press releases or can contact these stations to get some much needed publicity for cyclists?? Or is there someone who can do the press release and I will contact them??

2010-08-18 21:36:50

I don't know about the tv stations, but the local paper (The Courier-Express) is always looking for stories.

2010-08-19 01:29:00

ej, don't hestitate to remind me closer to, I can be a bit of a ditz.

I didn't have a chance to call the Dubois contact yet, yesterday was my b-day and some of the other Allosaurs got together... I'll call tonight.

Kathi, did the doctor have a minister or similar who might like to attend the ghost bike placement? Or someone who would want to say a few words? The ghost bike idea is not a religious thing, but it might be nice since none of us knew him. Anybody object? Sunday am. might be a tough time to get a minister.

2010-08-19 11:48:28

edmonds - belated happy birthday, and I won't forget!

2010-08-19 12:01:49

Bill, Happy Birthday!!!

Al went to St. Michael's church. Once you contact Dave and the arrangements are finalized, I can get a better grasp. The priests are doing masses from Saturday evening until Sunday morning. But there may be one that would be available. Also Monsignor Krebs may be interested in saying something..... and he is retired. There are many possibilities depending on dates and times.

2010-08-19 16:30:08

Since I need to call and make some contacts up in the Dubois area, I would like to get some things roughed out.

I just checked google maps, it should take about 2 hrs and 10 min to get to the accident area.

Does it make sense to aim to arrive at Dubois at 11:00, I would ask the folks up there to arrange a meeting point and a short route for a ride of silence (1/2 hr.+-), to arrive at the accident site at about 12:00. At noon lots of people will be getting out of church, heading to lunch, etc. That would mean leaving Schenley by 8:45 am.

I will also ask if they want to set up a little recreational ride after, also, 15 - 20 mi for those who may want to do that. Maybe a route he enjoyed or something. I think that would be a great way to remember this gentleman, and also move forward positively.

Give me some input.

2010-08-19 17:05:30

^^ sounds good to me. I hope that we can get some local cyclist to come out for this too(as well as the media).

2010-08-19 17:11:46

I just had a conversation with a very nice gentleman named Jim Kearney who runs Planet Bikes Ltd in Dubois. He was quite receptive to the idea when I went over what we were thinking. I also told him about Don Parker.

He said that they had been actually painting something like a ghost bike up there since.

I gave him the tentative date of the 12th, with exact times to be determined. He is going to talk to some people up there about arranging a ride of silence to the site, and also about arranging a nice little recreational ride after. I have his email and I will probably be communicating more with him early next week.

This could be really good.

2010-08-20 16:53:49

Edmonds, keep it going!!!

2010-08-20 18:15:59

So far I have got one TV station that is interested. .......................


We're definitely interested. Please e-mail us back with your phone number and we'll get in touch and set up a time we can preview this event.


Nick Ruffner

Clearfield County Bureau Chief


2010-08-21 19:18:53

I grew up in DuBois. I am available Sat. Sept. 11 but not Sun. the 12th. Can transport 3 additional people and bikes.

2010-08-23 19:12:56

Just for an update - after a weekend conversation with Jim Kearney of Planet Bikes in Dubois, he said a couple of the cyclists from up there are committed to races in Erie and somewhere else on the 12th and on that date we would lose some people from up there.

I asked him to check if the 19th was any more clear for people, he is doing that now. I am hesitant to start moving dates wildly, September is just a busy month.

Would people from down here have more difficulty making it on the 19th as opposed to the 12th? Or not. Nothing on the events calendar. Feedback...

2010-08-23 19:22:57

the 19th is ok for me.

2010-08-23 19:26:47

The 19th is much better for me.

2010-08-23 19:30:10

I guess I can do the 19th. I will need a ride, though.

2010-08-23 20:50:31

I have a conflict on the 19th, but the 12th is still free.

2010-08-23 23:36:34

19th or 12th. either works for us. we can give rides.

2010-08-26 19:36:30

I'm in for the 12th or the 19th, can provide ride(s) with edmonds' offer of trunk rack.

2010-08-26 19:43:03

Speaking of, I need to call the Dubois guy, thanks.

2010-08-26 19:50:36

There are going to be others that have told me they want to ride for Al....even though they are not die hard cyclists and are not part of the Bike Shop in DuBois. ( It's that kind of town) Once you know the date and time , please drop me an email so I can get their support and contact at least the TV station that emailed me. I believe you asked for a priest or pastor to say something. I did contact one already just to get a feel for what he might say. I am just waiting on

a date and time and then I can let Al's family know. The children are in college and medical schools, so they need some time to arrange their schedules.

2010-08-26 20:35:14

I spoke with Jim Kearney from the Dubois bike shop, he had a chance to talk to some of the riders up there, and they say that Sept 19 definitely better in terms of conflicts than the 12th.

Some people here have already responded regarding the date, but I would like to get a little more of a sense of concensus before making a recommendation.

Does anyone know when Ndromb gets back from the GAP? He's kind of key. Man, he picked an incredible window to go in terms of weather, lucky bum.

2010-08-28 11:59:57

They get back Monday (night?).

2010-08-28 15:27:17

I happen to be in the DuBois area because there was a family event on Friday. We were invited to the DuBois Day spa for a family get together. Afterwards, I stopped over at Planet Bike Shop, which was right across the street, to check if anything on their end was finalized. The owner was not there, but the two men did discuss September 18th. ( neither the 12th or the 19th were mentioned. ) Is the 18th a possibility?? That would work out well for family members, if you were thinking of that date. The 19th would conflict with the Steelers game , I don't know if you were thinking that far ahead. The priest has mass on Sunday morning too!! Can you give consideration to a Saturday or is that too difficult? We have someone putting the event in the paper and making flyers. We want this to be a wonderful event for all to bring awareness to bikers and to commemorate my brother. Let me know as we want this to really be special and have people willing to put some effort into it on our end!!


2010-08-29 20:37:06

I'm out for the 18th - prior commitment I can't extract from. I'm ok for 12th or 19th, or any Sunday really. Saturdays... far as I know just the 18th I can't.

2010-08-30 12:33:04

My impression is that many people from this end work or have other commitments on Saturdays, so we were targeting a Sunday, thus the 12th or 19th.

2010-08-30 12:42:11

You are in charge and came up with the idea, so you do what is best for all of you.


2010-08-30 12:58:24

@edmunds. Does anyone know when Ndromb gets back from the GAP?

He was going do ride the GAP/C&O "in 3 days." I don't know whether the time limit or finishing was the highest priority.

I guessing his grilfriend ("she's ridden 40 miles before...") will be familiar with the concept of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) when they get back.

2010-08-30 15:22:36

I got back in yesterday--I'm slowly going through a few hundred (50% junk) emails from work and such.

(Mick- we made it in about 3 and a half days. Kayla did great and we both feel fine--we both rode around DC yesterday.)

In my opinion, Sunday the 19th would be the best day considering the above mentioned conflicts. It is unfortunate that some will not be able to make it, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything. We could organize some type of social media effort, or some type of yard signage or something....

2010-08-31 22:02:40

@Nick D ...we made it in about 3 and a half days

Wow! That's really good. I have loudly and publicly expressed a rather cynical skepticism. I owe you and Kayla an apology,

2010-08-31 23:26:10

Thanks, Mick.

I also want to note that for the first day (85 miles), I had an hour and a half of sleep. If we would have left earlier in the morning (not 11a) every morning, we would have made it in 3 days. I forgot allergy medicine and was impossible to wake up.

It seems I have missed a lot, but I am working on catching up.

Just to clarify, I don't think we will have any problem getting anyone who wants to go up to DuBois.

2010-08-31 23:37:24

Nick, great trip.

It sounds like the 19th is the day to shoot for.

I'm just going to re-post what I proposed before:

"I just checked google maps, it should take about 2 hrs and 10 min to get to the accident area.

Does it make sense to aim to arrive at Dubois at 11:00, I would ask the folks up there to arrange a meeting point and a short route for a ride of silence (1/2 hr.+-), to arrive at the accident site at about 12:00. At noon lots of people will be getting out of church, heading to lunch, etc. That would mean leaving Schenley by 8:45 am.

I will also ask if they want to set up a little recreational ride after (after grabbing some lunch), also, 15 - 20 mi for those who may want to do that. Maybe a route he enjoyed or something. I think that would be a great way to remember this gentleman, and also move forward positively."

Kathi - you made it sound like it would be difficult to get the gentleman's priest/minister at noon, makes sense, but would it make it better if the schedule was bumped back for a 12:30 or 1:00 arrival at the accident site? (Steelers, I know, but can't avoid everything). Let us know.

If the above makes sense to everyone I will communicate the proposed schedule to the riders in Dubois and they can start to arrange things on their end. I am really excited for this.

2010-09-01 03:31:02

I'm still in, I have a sedan and can transport additional people and bikes as edmonds' loaner trunk rack allows :D (you didn't forget, did you?)

2010-09-01 11:09:19

Heckno :)

(trunk rack, trunk rack, trunk rack....)

2010-09-01 11:17:05

Are the DuBois riders going to route the ride of silence?

I will bring a ghost bike, and can get it there, but that might mean missing the ride of silence.

I propose that the ride of silence doesn't have to be just bicycles but we welcome cars and motorcycles. (I'm sure not everyone who would like to honor him rode a bike). I also think this could be a way to have a stronger showing and also show that we can all use the roads together. What does everyone else think?

2010-09-01 21:39:26

Yes, I'm going to ask them to plan a meeting location and route, as well as a recreational ride after.

I bet we could certainly ask someone to transport the bike from the meeting point to the site if you want to ride, that doesn't seem unreasonable.

Or we could take the wheels off and each carry a piece and assemble it, I'd carry a frame, that would be pretty intense.

I don't have a feeling toward or against other vehicles, I'll pose the question to the Dubois group.

2010-09-01 22:03:19

Motor vehicle and bikes traveling in harmony would cause me to smile.

2010-09-02 00:06:42

I think it could be a good way to say, "Hey, we are all people. No one needs to die on the road--be mindful of others"

2010-09-02 00:15:35

Ok, I want everyone to check what I propose, below. If this looks ok, I will forward this to the Dubois group this afternoon so they can get going on things. Did I forget anything?

"Sunday, September 19 - Pittsburgh group to meet at Schenley plaza, LEAVE at 9:15 am., arrive at Dubois meeting point at 11:30 am +-.

Dubois group to arrange a meeting point (other than the Ghost Bike location) and a route for a slow 5 mi+-/30 minute "Ride of Silence" to the location of the Ghost Bike placement. Depart from meeting point at 12:00 noon. Individuals to bring and wear simple black armbands in remembrance.

If individuals are unable to ride or uncomfortable with road riding, an associated automobile/motorcycle procession is welcomed. We want to work to the true spirit of "Share the Road". Interested individuals or Dubois group should check if a permit is needed for something like that.

Ride of Silence to arrive at Ghost Bike location at 12:30 pm., brief memorial, 15 minutes +-

FYI this is not our website but it is the inspiration and explains the concept:

After some time for lunch, I also ask that the Dubois riders set up a little recreational ride after (not "silent"), 15 - 20 miles for those who may want to do that. Leave 1:30 pm. Maybe a route he enjoyed or something. I think that would be a great way to remember this gentleman, and also move forward positively and joyously, as Dr. Varacallo seemed to live."

2010-09-02 11:17:45

^^sounds great. I'm in, but will need a ride.

2010-09-02 14:00:05

I'll save a seat, Marko.

2010-09-02 14:03:09

Looks good to me.

2010-09-02 18:49:28

Cool, I'm going to send it up to Dubois. Things can still be fine tuned if necesary.

2010-09-02 19:50:38

Rides -

I have no car. Can I show up at Schenley Plaza and just count on there being ride? Or should I try to arrange ahead?

2010-09-02 20:05:06

Mick, you should be fine just showing up. When the date gets closer we can do a roll call to get a better idea.

2010-09-02 20:13:42

I am going to just show up. If it is anything like the previous ghost bike carpool, there will be cars leftover. If we need to I can reserve a nearby zipcar using my phone.

2010-09-02 20:14:27

I plan to attend, and will also need a ride.

2010-09-02 20:16:38

The person that wants to publicize this event in DuBois is growing restless and afraid there won't be enough time to do it justice. Any more news about starting place , exact time etc etc??? I have to keep them any information would be appreciated.

2010-09-04 14:34:21

Late Thursday I sent an email to Jim Kearney at Planet Bikes, and copied you, on an outline for the day, and I called Jim to verify that he received it. Here's the lowdown, it's still subject to adjustment if the Dubois people have suggestions.

Sunday, September 19 - Pittsburgh group to meet at Schenley plaza, LEAVE at 9:15 am., arrive at Dubois meeting point at 11:30 am +-.

Dubois group to arrange a meeting point (other than the Ghost Bike location) and a route for a slow 5 mi+-/30 minute "Ride of Silence" to the location of the Ghost Bike placement. Depart from meeting point at 12:00 noon. Individuals to bring and wear simple black armbands in remembrance.

If individuals are unable to ride or uncomfortable with road riding, an associated automobile/motorcycle procession is welcomed. We want to work to the true spirit of "Share the Road". Interested individuals or Dubois group should check if a permit is needed for something like that.

Ride of Silence to arrive at Ghost Bike location at 12:30 pm., brief memorial, 15 minutes +-

FYI this is not our website but it is the inspiration and explains the concept:

We will suggest that people bring bag lunches or something. After some time for lunch, I also ask that the Dubois riders set up a little recreational ride after (not "silent"), 15 - 20 miles for those who may want to do that. Leave 1:30 pm. Maybe a route he enjoyed or something. I think that would be a great way to remember this gentleman, and also move forward positively and joyously, as Dr. Varacallo seemed to live.

2010-09-04 17:36:52

Yes, I got your email .. but how does the publicity advertise where to meet if we don't know where they are planning to start?? They need that vital part of the plan to let people know.


2010-09-04 21:33:19

someone from Dubois needs to set the meeting/start point since none of us know the area to make suggestions. Maybe the bike shop owner will be able to identify a good starting point.

2010-09-04 21:39:50

I thought I'd better street-view a place to do the ghost bike lock-up. If I read the account correctly, it looks like the intersection described as Dubois-Rockton road and Schaffer is the same as that shown as Maple and 14th on google, do you think?

If so, this is the corner I come up with, and the "I-80" sign on the north-east corner looks like the most likely place to lock up. Plus there is a big grass area to gather. There is a wood utility pole on the south-east corner that would be more substantial, so I guess that is an option.

Nick D, are you doing a ghost bike, and if so do you need $ contributions? Do you want me to get a chain and lock, and if so, how big?

Also, the final details are in the hands of the Dubois people, correspondence I have had sounds like they are enthusiastic to do this, I will keep tabs.

2010-09-07 11:06:39

Hooking to a utility pole might be a good way to get the bike cut down and removed in a week. You might do better with the I-80 sign.

I think this is the link for the corner in question.

2010-09-07 14:04:24

Learn from Don Parker's bike, call PennDOT District 2 office and confirm a suitable location to place the bike.

2010-09-07 14:19:56

I don't think PenDot can give permission for something like that. If someone complains, they remove it, if not they tolerate, but do not encourage.

We could maybe talk to the pastor of the church that is on the corner. They could give permission to have a ghost bike on their property and no one could legally have ti removed.

2010-09-07 16:31:37

Edmonds, I will handle the ghost bike. If you would like to get a chain and lock, by all means you are welcome to. I usually get locks/chains that require heavier equipment to remove. That way we have a better idea of who removes it if it is ever removed.

As far as Penndot, there isn't really anything we can do to work with or prevent Penndot from removing it. Even if it is on church property be the road, Penndot can still remove it.

I think the best thing we can do to prevent it's removal is to make it very known (in the community), what it is, why it is there, and who put it there.

2010-09-07 22:40:38


That's the correct corner (I'm originally from DuBois, and know the intersection).

Travel time to that side of town from Sq. Hill via the Parkway is just about 2:15 on the dot. No matter how much I try, can't bump it down any more, and I've been doing it for 20 years.

I'll be there on the 19th.

- Bob

2010-09-07 23:00:08

I spoke with Jim from the bike shop. Apparently he has given the job to a Jim Derringer. Jim Derringer was supposed to call me last evening after their ride, but didn't. I explained that we need to get things verified so we can put it in the newspaper etc etc.Time is running out for publicity and getting people to attend.

The radio station is going to put it on. I had the TV station just call me and they are on for the 19th. The paper is going to advertise it too. Dave Henniger's wife took the email to the police station, so they are aware of the event. So all systems are go... except for the DuBois people being organized with a starting point and time. Al's wife is going to remind Fr. Foradori for that day. So even that is in order.


2010-09-09 14:35:04

Does someone have an email for Jim Logan?, he coordinated the Don Parker ride, I would like to get my outline above (from 4 days ago) to him so he can pass it on to his contacts. We should definitley get the info out before this weekend so people can plan.

And also let him know that final meeting locations are being coordinated.

2010-09-09 15:20:16

Ok, I passed the information on to Jim Logan so he can notify any interested WPW folks also. Thanks, Dan.

2010-09-09 16:10:57

I got this from my friend who was going to put it in the paper. I originally called Dave Henninger who got in touch with the Bike Shop, who in turn got in touch with Jim Derringer. If they can't handle this, then I don't know what to say. Perhaps it should be given to someone who can handle this. Perhaps you need to call Dave Henniger again.

I called Jim Kerney with complete belief and hope that Jim Derringer would call me last evening. Then my friend calls them today without realizing I had called and I get this message.

Hi.. I have called Planet Bike only to find out that Jim guy will not be in till tomorrow.. I explained to her about me needing to put this ad in NOW. I think it may be too late for flyers.. I am to call him tomorrow. I am worried about time being of the essence.. I was hoping to get it in THIS WEEKS Sunday paper!!! Anyway, I emailed the courier and told them this dilemma and asking them if I have the info by tomorrow, would it be too late for the weekend paper.. so.. we wait...

2010-09-09 16:17:35

After the few conversations I have had with Jim Kearney, my impression is that he is a serious and competent individual, and that they would take the event seriously up there. He had even scouted out the ghost bike location at our last conversation. Since he is my only contact, I have to have some faith that they will put things together on their end.

Just due to the nature of the thing, there may be some last-minute coordination next week, but there will be an event.

Regardless of whatever else may happen, a Pittsburgh group will go up, we will ride, and we will place the ghost bike, of that much I am confident.

2010-09-09 17:14:17

Just talked to Jim Kearney. It seems Jim Derringer, for whatever reason, decided he was not going to do this. However, he did not tell anyone. So when Jim found this out after we talked and they went on their bike ride, he went ahead and got things taken care of. He is forwarding me the information as to details as we speak. So I am glad that I called and this event is back on track again. Otherwise, it would have faltered. You are right, Jim K is very enthused about the event. It was Jim D that was dropping the ball.

2010-09-09 18:13:57

It's set. I'm re-posting with newest information so everyone can forward this around:

"Sunday, September 19 - Pittsburgh group to meet at Schenley plaza, LEAVE at 9:15 am., arrive at Dubois meeting point at 11:30 am +-.

Meet in Dubois at Oklahoma Elementary School, located at 1023 Chestnut Avenue. We will depart from the school at 12:00 noon for a slow 4.5 mi+-/30 minute "Ride of Silence" to the location of the Ghost Bike placement at the intersection of Shaffer & Maple. Individuals to bring and wear simple black armbands in remembrance.

If individuals are unable to ride or uncomfortable with road riding, an associated automobile/motorcycle procession is welcomed. We want to work to the true spirit of "Share the Road". Interested individuals or Dubois group should check if a permit is needed for something like that.

Ride of Silence to arrive at Ghost Bike location at 12:30 pm., brief memorial, 15 minutes +-

FYI this is not our website but it is the inspiration and explains the concept:"

We have not settled anything regarding a recreational ride after, but that can be developed as we proceed.

2010-09-09 19:12:07

pghbikeguy, since you know the area, do you know any nice routes for afterwards that a motley bunch of Pgh folks might do around Dubois for the recreational ride, 15 - 20 mi.? Just as a backup in case the Dubois people don't get that developed? Off into that Moshannon forest looks interesting.

2010-09-09 20:34:53

Ooops! Dubois meeting location is Oklahoma Elementary School, located at 1032 Chestnut Avenue, not 1023 as previously indicated. Please make note.

2010-09-10 16:21:42

In case you don't know how much I appreciate what Bike Pittsburgh is doing for our family....let me just take a minute to tell you.

Your offer a few months ago to come to DuBois to honor my brother touched my heart. To think men and women that didn't even know our family would take their time, energy and money to travel to a rural area to celebrate and honor my brother, Dr. Albert Varacallo is beautiful. So before you make this journey .... let me tell you that I have enlisted radio , tv and newspapers to cover your

journey and tribute. If there is anything that anyone would like to have me say to the television station, by way of preview interview, please let me know. This is a day that cyclists and all who travel the road in various forms of transportation can ride in harmony and not discord.


2010-09-11 14:12:26

This just occurred to me - would someone have some time today to research and try and contact any bike clubs in Erie, Youngstown, maybe even State College? It would be great to pull in some folks from the whole region. I would do it but I am away from home.

2010-09-12 18:08:01

Altoona has an active bike club, but I've never contacted them. Probably a bike shop in the town would have contact info.

2010-09-13 13:57:00

Doing a little online research, I came up with these Altoona contacts.

1) Spokes N Skis

315 South Logan Boulevard, Altoona - (814) 941-3888

2) Pedal Power

2501 Union Ave, Altoona, PA



3) Rolling Wheels

572 Asbury Lane, Altoona - (814) 201-2583

...and one club:

Altoona Bicycle Club

301 UNION AVE PMB 324, Altoona, PA 16602 - (814) 949-7223

More info here.

This is not a guarantee of an exhaustive search.

2010-09-13 17:33:29

I noted that there are two people in New York that are putting out a documentary next year on

Ghost Bike Ceremonies. I have gone to their internet site /facebook page and let them know about Sunday. They have gone all around the country filming for their documentary. Perhaps someone will take video and possibly pass it on.

There are so many avenues that I have been querrying concerning the 19th. Even WTAJ would share video if requested to an affiliate station.

( as in WTAE)


2010-09-13 20:41:01

I spoke with Byron DeShong from Pedal Power in Altoona. He has been on the PPAC Commission for several years and has offered to hand deliver a letter to the lieutenant governor concerning legal

issues that need to be addressed in PA for bike riders. Any thoughts on what needs to be said. Also I have contacted the Altoona Bicycle Club and informed them of the ride.

2010-09-13 21:23:24