Sad. In a human vs dump truck I'm not sure why the PG needs to comment on helmet status both in the article and the URL.
Sad for the family.
2017-07-27 20:26:05
Oh no. This is awful.
2017-07-27 23:29:24
It would be useful to know exactly what happened. Too easy to speculate.
2017-07-28 08:03:01
So very very sad.
2017-07-28 09:36:50
The (8-yo) boy was identified by the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s office as Jayden Montegomery [sic] of Spring Garden.
2017-07-28 19:46:20
That is so sad. I want to send my condolences to the family of this boy who lost his life way, way too early. Does anyone know how if he was actually going somewhere by bike at such a young age?
2017-07-28 22:58:35
Has anyone (from BikePgh or otherwise) spoken to the family? We should do a ghost bike, if it's ok with them.
2017-07-30 22:12:03