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Even better than bike corrals.....!

Milwaukee Public Market adds covered bike parking

By Tom Held, Special to the Journal Sentinel

Feb. 8, 2012 11:08 a.m. |(2) Comments

The Milwaukee Public Market will start catering more to bicyclists, with a sheltered parking area along North Broadway.

Some of the initial work has started, including the installation of a roof on the east side of the market building.

On Tuesday, the Milwaukee Common Council unanimously approved the proposal to use a portion of the sidewalk on Broadway for the racks that will accommodate two-dozen bikes.

David Ware, the facility manager for the public market, said the enthusiasm for biking in the area had prompted the addition.

A temporary repair shop proved popular last year as part of the outdoor market, and the nearby Café Benelux has been a popular stop for people pedaling two wheels. The expanded bike parking will make the market more attractive for those biking customers, Ware said.

2012-02-08 18:19:00

"enthusiasm for biking in the area had prompted the addition"

If we come, they will build it?

2012-02-08 18:24:26