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extending 3 rivers trail

6 months ago there was a lot of talk,"soon" extending the 3 rivers trail from Pittsburgh to the Montour trail in Groveton.I haven't heard any news since then. Soon is so ambiguose and can mean starting tomorrow to months or even years and decades from now??Does anyone have more info on the timeline of this trail extension??

2012-09-08 12:31:32

i think that trail is a long way from being completed. I've seen where the trail could connect to the montour two different ways. one would be the chartiers creek greenway which will connect to the panhandle trail you can find information about it here:

the other would be a direct connection called The Ohio Riverfront Montour Connection. That "trail" was out for bid on the feasibility study. I don't know if the feasibility study was awarded to any one yet. The latest information i could find is here:

2012-09-10 15:27:18

either way is probably 3-10 years from completion. I know that 3-10 years a wide spread, but there are so many unknown factors out there. One thing you can be sure of, if someone gives a date on when the trail will be connected, you can guarantee that WON'T be the date it's done.

2012-09-10 15:30:58

hopefully closer to 3 years im almost 58 id like to ride it on my bike while im still able to

2012-09-11 01:44:58

Bear- during the ride of silence last week, I was next to a gentleman who appeared even older than me- when I inquired, he said he was 72. Keep on pedaling!

2012-09-11 16:58:19

@helen s GREAT to meet you at the top of Schenley this morning. Thanks for stopping! Got nothing on the trail extension except that i hope it happens withing 3 years!

2012-09-11 18:47:04

im not gonna stop pedaling i dont wanna turn into an old fat guy i rode from the zero mile marker to imperial on the mountour trail this morning

2012-09-13 13:04:13

Imagine a future trail network where the Ohio trail is connected to Erie and the Montour trail! IT WILL HAPPEN!! Take some time off and one week you are up at Presque Isle and then a few days later at Ohiopyle!!! All accessible by bicycle!! TOTALLY COOL!!!

2012-09-13 13:59:31

freakflag your positivity just dropped a big grenade of happiness on my already excellent day. Gracias.

2012-09-13 15:23:19

At some time, I expect there to be a bike path from the Atlantic to the Pacific across the US.

The sooner the GAP is finished the more likely it is to go through Pittsburgh.

2012-09-13 18:03:41

Interesting point. When I rode the Trans-America bike trail x decades ago, the route consciously avoids major cities, the unspoken message being - who would want to bike tour into a city?. Upon reflection now, based on your comment, this is nuts. (I personally detoured into a city occasionally from sheer urban deprivation. I like desolate wilderness and teeming cities, the stuff in between is like room temperature coffee.)

2012-09-13 18:19:39

bike trails everywhere!!!! keep building them, linking them together, and I will keep riding them.


2012-09-13 18:43:36

Last night, after being assured by the guy at REI that the back gate would remain open, I tried to come back through Sandcastle at about 6pm. Sunset is at 7:25. Well I met two other guys trapped in there with no way out except back to the front gate. I lost them then but I went up to the bridge by Waterworks and turned rt onto to 7th ave then to Carson St. for quite a while before I found a gap back onto the trail. &th Ave and Carson St. in those areas is no place to be riding a bike in fading daylight I can tell you that. Next time I take this trail after work (Southside) will be when I read the Sandcastle bit is DONE!

2012-09-14 12:59:55


Just go back to where the access road opens up into the parking lot and walk about 15 feet away from the river. Your on the tracks now and about 200 yards from where you would have come out from the gate.

Why is this so hard for people to figure out?

2012-09-14 15:32:06

i wonder how quickly sandcastle fixes fencing breaches off season

2012-09-14 18:20:19

What breach? There is no fence on the road. Just in the lot.

2012-09-15 02:58:06

The breach is the first place to cross, where you actually have to climb over a 5 foot fence. There are barriers of some kind that have been placed there on the RR track side of the fence that you can use to climb up and over the fence. This is about 30 yards from the west gate.

The other place to cross is over the guard rail, but that is a bit farther down (maybe 100 yards or so?).

2012-09-15 03:09:43

FYI as of this summer the guard rail is gone. Wide open to the tracks. Even when it was in place there was a 5 foot gap from the rail to the pier for the railroad bridge.

I will happily continue pretending the breach doesn't exist. Because its stupid.

2012-09-15 03:16:53