This might be the first time I have thought to look for a "like" button, and been disappointed when I did not find one.
+1 on the rulemaking Vannevar!
Background. MG developed the Coffeeneuring Challenge to encourage autumn riding and to popularize rule-and-food based bicycling in a format derived from randonneuring — hence, coffeeneuring.
Coffeeneuring has been so much fun, in terms of people introducing others to new riding destinations and eateries, that there's been some interest in following up with Soupaneuring. (We expect to see subsequent egg-based and pastry-based bicycle activities.)
Rules. These are the (v1.4) rules for the First Annual Soupaneuring Challenge (2012):
1. Requirement
Rule 1: Make Six Soupaneur Bike Rides between Dec 01 to Jan 31, inclusive. Because we're inclusive.
2. Definitions
Rule 2A: Definition of an Soupaneur Ride: You ride your bike somewhere and eat soup-based food. Could be a residence, restaurant, your Mom's, a campground, a soup kitchen, etc. Can be in combination with work, errands, or group/organized rides.
Rule 2B: Variations such as Broth, Chili, Tofu Juice, Vichyssoise, Borcsht, Gazpacho, Stew are acceptable. If it's soup to you, it's soup to me. Hot, cold, lumpy, runny, it's cool. We are encouraging and not judging.
3. Scheduling
Rule 3A. No More than 1 SoupRide per week Except as specified in 3B.
Rule 3B. Except: If Family/Religion/Events preclude you from making a SoupRide in any one week, you can claim one week as a WAIVER WEEK and then ride two SoupRides in another week. Only one waiver week per challenge. It is, after all, a challenge.
4. Distance
Rule 4A : Min Distance to qualify as an Soupaneur Ride: two miles total distance.
Rule 4B : Persons who prefer Kilometers may substitute an equivalent distance in Clicks but should consider reporting the price of their soup in Euros.
5. Move it Around
Rule 5: No Repeat Destinations/Eateries. Multiple locations of chains are begrudgingly tolerated. "Ride globally, soup locally"
6. Communication
Rule 6A: Take a digital photo of your soup-related food, along with some identifying aspect of the location if possible. Extra obsession points awarded to those whose photos involves bike stuff in the photo.
Rule 6B: Post the photo and the some of the following details online via the BikePgh forum at If possible, include: Location/website of soup supplier, date/time, describe the soup, mileage of the ride, type of fun (1,2,3), synopsis.
Rule 6C: If you tweet, tweet the same details and include the #Soupaneuring #hashtag #thingy.
7. Judgement
Rule 7: On the matter of interpretations: You who bike on the road must have a code that you can live by. Use your judgement. We support you.
This might be the first time I have thought to look for a "like" button, and been disappointed when I did not find one.
+1 on the rulemaking Vannevar!
Let the soup consuming begin!
Teach your children well.
This is sad. The best soup destination for me is my house. My wife knows a lot of soup/borsch recipes and cooks them really well.
PS just ate a bowl of russian red (with beats) borsch with sour cream.
does that mean we can ride to your house for soup??
You should talk to my wife. She is managing all that stuff.
Mikhail I used to go to Kazansky's for borscht (sp?) but it's closed now, haven't had that for years. My compliments to Mrs. Mikhail.
May I ask, where are the great places (still open) in Pittsburgh for soup? Where would you go if you were only having soup?
I guess that's going to have to be part of the challenge. I can think of 100 places that have soup on the menu, but zero that specialize in it.
Or maybe we can do as Mikhail suggested and set up a round of visiting each other's homes for homemade soup?
What if I make soup at my house, take it somewhere 2 miles away, and eat it there?
Or if I want soup somewhere that's only 1 mile away, but bike an extra mile and backtrack?
(these sound like facetious questions, but they're not, I promise)
@Erica, the 2 miles is RT, so wherever your soup is along the 2 miles is fine (even if it is next door). The main thing is to keep in the spirit of the challenge. Also I think your first scenario sounds like a picnic -- I see no problem with it. Soup on!
@Mikhail ...Mmmm borscht! Does she make it with beef broth or other? I love beets!
You could do this just by visiting vietnamese restaurants. phoaneuring
There is at least one place I can think of that specializes in soups.....
The Bulbarian Macedonian Cultural Center in West Homestead. Saturdays (mornings only, I think), they offer Soup Sega! (Soup Now). 20 or so varieties of soup for sale. I've tried several, and they are all delicious. It's their version of a pirogi fundraiser, but much more interesting.
They are located just off that weird intersection of 7th and 8th Avenues in West Homestead. If coming from Homestead, you'd take a left off of either 7th or 8th. It's the low red building on the right, with a large parking lot on the far side. I think there might be a VFD between the intersection and the Bulgarian Macedonian Place.
Swalfoort, very close to that is the best chocolate-chip cookies in Pittsburgh, Nancy B's.
Big Idea sells soup! We get it from Soup Nancys at the public market in the strip district.
The co-op and whole foods both have soup bars. The (pretty sure vegan) mushroom barley soup at the co-op knocks the socks off anything I've had at whole foods.
I love the ph?-neuring - ha!
@Vannevar - yep, Nancy B's and the Bulgarian Center are just about 100 yards from one another. Unfortunately, there is never a time when they are both open. Nancy B's is a weekday only, close early sort of place, and the BMCCC is a weekend only sort of place (for soup, at least). Nancy B's cookies are worth the trip though!
when does the Baconeuring challenge start?
Baconeuring, huh, think that started for me last night at the Harris grill in shady side. Should of snapped a photo, Bacon & expensive PBR. Bacon Tuesday what a great concept
"expensive PBR" ? isn't that Budweiser?
(if I recall correctly, Bacon Tuesday is also a Thing at Harris's other location, Shiloh Grill on Mt Washington...)
I heartily approve of the rule allowing us to go to individual's houses
@Pseudacris She does it the old style -- everything fresh, no broth just water and then it's my responsibility to deskin beats, "shred" it, clean beef and pork, get potato ready, get carrot "shred", you know, all assistant work except cutting cabbage (I did not master this piece of work and I doing it wrong! ). And as usual there is no exact recipe. Anything could and would be modified in fly depending on the amount, freshnest, current taste of components (if cabbage is a little bitter than amount of it and time when it goes into borsch would be different), etc. My younger daughter still tries to get all these stuff formalized but to no success.
Are there any good delis left in Sq'uill? Cause what I need most right now is a good matzo ball.
Omg thx Helen. Heaven.
I sure miss Kazansky's sometimes. Sigh, heading out for soup now.
Soupaneuring outing #1 - Matzoh ball soup, Smallman Street Deli, Squirrel Hill. Two large, firm balls of matzoh in hot savory broth, accompanied by a corned beef sandwich with succulent folds of tender pink beef, hot melted swiss oozing from the interior. Bow-chicka-bow-bow. This is like 50 shades of soupaneuring.
Robinson to Sq'uill, 36 miles, spectacular day. Thanks again Helen S!
Edmonds59, it looks like you made a terrific choice! Wow-- I especially like the "Bow-chicka-bow-bow" description! I didn't do as well. We started out hoping to get to the BMCC in Homestead before they closed, but we were too late. Joined the Christmas parade and headed down the main drag to the Tin Front Cafe to try their potato leek soup.
I give it a 3. Why restaurants think they need to load stuff down with pepper I'll never understand. Hoping to make it to the BMCC on another soupaneuring ride.
25 miles on an unbelievably nice December day.
Sat evening Dec 1, 2012.
Location: Chaya, Murray Ave, Hill of Squirrels
RT: 3.8 miles
This steaming bowl of Nabeyaki Udon is about the size of my bike helmet. If you've never had them before, udon noodles are fat, slightly chewy, and very filling. This soup had a miso & fish broth base and all kids of yummy treats floating on top or lurking beneath the noodles, including a couple of tempura shrimp and an adorable bundle of straw mushrooms. I was stoked about the greens: I had recently been reading about "Chrysanthemum greens" (do you homework before snipping them from floral arrangements -- I think the plant species may be a different one with a similar flower & name!) and that's what was wilting on top. Slightly bitter like mustard greens. YUM!The soup was extremely hot, so the hostess brought me a small ceramic bowl to decant small portions into so they'd cool faster.
Soupaneuring One (with srpit, see earlier report). Tin Front Cafe in Homestead, very cool space, interesting patio area (I wonder if they'd let you roll your bikes back there instead of leaving them on 8th Avenue). Had a cup of cortado and a bowl of soup. My bowl was empty and quite clean when I left the table. The potato leek soup did arrest the full palate, and the texture was interesting. 25 miles. Trip report and #Soupaneuring Tweet posted.
A memo from the administrative staff: For those who consider a week to be a timespan that begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday, it seems reasonable to Staff that the week ending on Saturday ended 12/1, and any soup consumed on Sunday 12/2 represents the consumme.tion of the second week of the challenge. But persons who envision the week with other endpoints should proceed within their understanding.
@V I've never ordered a cortado before. Is that more or less milky than a macchiato? Another coffee concoction to try -- Yes!
@P I'm not an aesthete, and I've only ever had two of them - one today, one at 21st Coffee last month - but I'd say those two were a bit silkier than a macchiato.
Caveat lector: the level of my sophistication is that I equate having a 7-11 coffee and a hershey bar with having a mocha.
(EDIT: 'leptor' retyped as 'lector' thanks!)
Haha, for a minute I thought you wrote caveat lipitor
which would make sense if it was heavy cream in there.
Oh yeah, Imma need caveat lipitor after mine!
Oooh, matzo ball soup. There aren't that many chicken-based soups that I care about or particularly miss from my pre-vegetarian days, but I do really like matzo ball soup for some reason. Edmonds, you've inspired me — now I need to make myself some kind of vegetarian matzo concoction and have a soupaneuring picnic.
Whoa, Psuedacris, that's a bowl of soup! Damn.
Week #1, Subway in West View.
The day did not go well, so I was lucky to be able to pull this off at all. The original plan was to take off before dawn to pick up and drop Tag-O-Rama tags, and nab a better one for Wheelset of Fortune, then catch up on some writing while I had a bowl of soup somewhere, for a bike game hat trick, as well as get together with (an)other cyclist(s) for a group construction project. It didn't happen. By the time I was ready to go out, it was raining steadily, and I was ready for a nap.
With failing light but a break in the weather, I opted for the three-mile trip into West View, where several choices of both fast food and decent restaurants awaited. I opted for Subway, which had a choice of just two institutional soups. I chose the broccoli and cheese, with a side of a white macadamia nut cookie, and chocolate milk. Total outlay, less than $5.
I worked on my writing project as I dined, then with it fully dark, returned the three miles home. Total, about 6.1 miles. It also continues an uninterrupted string of going someplace purposeful at least once each week since January 1, 2012.
Soupaneuring event 2:
Caught in a steady rain while chasing murals on the Southside, we decided to duck into the Beehive for some hot soup.
It was either Vegan or Vegetarian (sorry, I forgot)Tuscan vegetable soup. Complemented with a large chocolate chip cookie. Pretty good soup. I'd give it an 8.5 today.
We continued to ride in the rain, but most of the time it was pretty light and we figured no threat of hypothermia today so what the heck. 29.33 miles on an unexpectedly (and greatly appreciated) warm December day.
Soupaneuring event 2, BeeHive Southside, see srpit's previous report.
Soup was great. I like the Beehive. I won't take people there again.
Ended up watching drunken ugliness involving 3 patrons, not what I expected at 1230 Sunday. My take-away was: maybe it's stupid of me to make a soup run at a coffeehouse that's also trying to be a ginmill and selling booze by the (multiple) shot.
I'm going to have to try a restaurant next time.
My weekend was a total fail for soup. I am gonna try to make it one day this week. even if I have to ride around for a while and have soup at my house. just have to see.
Easy one for you Stu, North Park Lounge has a good Wedding Soup.
I may have to try that. I almost never go east of McKnight, and never go west of Perry. Almost never go north, either.
OTOH I found a soup place diagonally across Fifth Ave from Consol Arena. I may try that on a day there isn't a hockey crowd.
Went to Colangelo's right next to La Prima on 21st in the Strip. Got their Pasta e Fagioli for the first time. It's rare that i get something in a restaurant, take a sample, and exclaim out loud "Holy crap that's awesome!"
It had fresh olive oil sprinkled on top that, combined with the italian bread dipped in was pretty incredible.
A bit lazy on the first one with only 2.5 miles but i got to eat comfortably outdoors in december
Stu, et al, a few weeks ago I had lunch at Millers Seafood house on California and had something like an egg drop soup that was unexpectedly outstanding, esp given the looks of the place. Totally home-made, hearty and good. The ambiance of an old school mill bar and a waitress who doesn't have time for your crap. I would absolutely go there again.
@Erok, I'll have to check that place out!
@Edmonds, Millers used to be a "go to" place for a relatively inexpensive, surprisingly good meal. Never quick, however. I think we stopped going when they took their awesome mussels off the menu. Seriously, these were as good as the ones at Gandy Dancer. I need to go back to Millers again. Haven't been there in ages now.
Virgin to Soupaneuring here, not sure if I needed a pic of the outside of the building, oh well. And that's my helmet in the background in case you can't tell.
The soup is Seafood Soup with veggies. The item on the bottom left is much more interesting though (and tastier by far) - Squid salad, steamed squid in a blended light sweet and sour sauce. Shown half-eaten, served cold. The soup gets an average-plus rating only because it wasn't very flavorful - a bit mild. Served extra hot, loved that. Plenty of soup/ingredients for the price ($5.95). I'd like to try some of their other soups. Several people around me had some good looking bowls.
I've never been to Little Asia before - Craig Street, Oakland.
22.69 miles, round trip.
TD-- I've always found Little Asia rather disappointing. Nearby try Orient Express, around the corner on Forbes (same idea, better execution), or Miss Saigon 88, a couple blocks up Craig almost to Centre (quite good Vietnamese, massive proportions, not much more expensive).
^ Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look for times to try them out.
Tandem at OTB last night. rode from Incline to OTB then OTB to town. Put bike on bus just as rain started. I guess the long nights and several beers had gotten to me. I woke up several miles past and downhill from house and had to ride back in the rain. wet but lovely.
Very exciting to see all the Soupaneurs!
DB, I just KNEW that would be your first choice.
you know it. forget saving the best for last. not sure whats next but im thinking pho
Stopped at Kelly O's in the strip for breakfast today and we think this may be a good spot for when we start the Eggneuring next year. Also - they have homemade soup! We're planning to try it soon.
No bike racks yet, but we mentioned the need to the owner and she seemed receptive to the idea. Said she would give Bike Pgh a call.
So, I have a question about rule #3 Scheduling...
Rule 3A. No More than 1 SoupRide per week
Does a week run from Sunday - through Saturday? OR does that mean participants have to wait 7 days after each post before they can post again?
If a week runs from Sunday through Saturday, someone could post on Saturday of week 1 and Sunday of week 2 (2 consecutive days)???
All assuming that Rule 3B cannot be used.
I was assuming seven days. I've also been too busy to play, so I'm not actually participating this round...
TD it's just a regular week - Sunday to Saturday. Yes, your can Soupaneur Saturday of week one and go the next day - Sunday of week two. In fact that's exactly what we did last weekend.
We know people work different schedules and some people have their weekends on Tue-Wed, etc. You can define your week as long as it's seven days long.
And yes, you can definitely hit day7 of week N, and day 1 of week N+1, and day 1 of week N+2, and have 3 Soupaneurs in 9 days.
Soupaneuring 3. 12/9/12 1600, Smallman Street Deli, Murray Ave, Squirrel Hill, with SRpit. (Following up on HelenS's suggestion and Edmonds59's example)
Matzo Ball soup, in preparation for a drizzly (but mild temps) Menorah Ride. Really good soup.
Okay, I'm in for my week 2.
I've taken buffalo buffalo's suggestion and moved north on Craig Street to Miss Saigon 88. And yeah, it's an improvement over Little Asia.
Shown above: Spicy Bun Bo Hue.
Lemongrass red broth beef flavor w/ sliced beef, pork, onion, cilantro and udon noodles. $11, included a side dish.
19.59 miles, roundtrip. And oh, the canvas awning sign says "Sushi," but they've eliminated it from the menu already. I heard the waitress tell another patron it wasn't profitable.
Sun evening Dec 9, 2012.
Location: Lulu's, Craig St, Oakland
RT: ~10 miles
Good company, but thoroughly mediocre Pho Ga.
Post-menorah ride bowl-o-soup with Stu!
I don't eat beef, which is what Pho is traditionally made with -- this is a chicken version. Tram's (bloomfield) and Pho Minh (garfield) have much tastier versions, but hot soup is always nice on a rainy day.
Soupaneuring, Week #2: Lulu's Noodle House, South Craig St., with Pseudacris, as above.
Same dish, from the other side of the table!
I believe this was Pho Soup (K7 on Lulu's menu): Vietnamese rice noodle (w/beef), cilantro, and onion.
I was impressed by the size of the bowl, and ended up taking half of it home with me. Their soup take-home containers worked excellently, as nary a drop leaked out.
A brief take on getting to the soup: I started in McCandless, then rode about 13 miles to meet the Hanukkah parade already in progress. Maybe 25 cars with police escort, followed by maybe 12 to 15 bikes. Definitely the slowest bike ride I've been on this year. The parade ended at the menorah lighting in Schenley Plaza, where we got a jelly donut (and a warm latke, if you knew where to look).
From there, we departed for Lulu's via a back sidewalk around the Carnegie Museum complex, which comes right out at Forbes and Craig.
Thurs Dec 14
Sushi Boat in Oakland on Oakland Ave.
The presentation and packaging aren't great, but the sushi and Miso Soup were, especially for the price.
This soup: $1.25
Sushi: $3.25
total ride ~ 11 miles
Curious how much Vannevar's Matzo Ball Soup was, but I have a feeling that it'll be tough to find a cheaper soup than Sushi Boat's Miso. They also have hot and sour and wonton for the same price.
I tried to show the seaweed and tofu in the spoon
Erok, you low-priced the matzoball soup considerably. very nice.
Soupaneur #3
Smiling Banana Leaf - Thai, Bryant Street, Highland Park. Inset in the top right is Tazza D'Oro. The back story follows the soup image.
Tom Kha Soup - Coconut milk, galangal, chicken and mushrooms. $3.50. Average rating - it was good. I would go back for other menu items.
Six riders from Major Taylor; we started our ride at Tazza. My original plan was to ride awhile and come back to Tazza, have soup. When we returned from a 28.44 mile ride, Tazza was out of soup. We went around the corner to the Smiling Banana Leaf instead. Major Taylor members' bikes in the Tazza image: Pras, campV, Janie, Mikhail, Dennis.
Also in the soup image, my odometer - with 2,703.8 miles, averaging 52 miles per week for 52 weeks. A record for me.
Trip #3: OTB.
Sweet potato soup with jalapeno specks.
This ended up being the fourth-longest bike ride I took all year. It started with the Flock of Cycles ride, which ended at OTB on East Carson St. Seeing that they had soup available, and my chances of getting out over the weekend were next to nil, and I was done with work for the weekend, this was my best shot at staying in this game. Oh, and I was hungry, too.
Soup and tip was just a tad over $5.
I was at a table with at least seven other people: Hyla, her friend Maria, Marcel, Brian, Sarah, and couple others I didn't catch their names (Nick and Cassie, maybe?). A fun time was had by all.
Following this, I biked up into Oakland with Hyla and Maria, then downtown, then the 11 miles home. Total mileage, 28.08 miles. Only on Dirty Dozen day, and a couple of really nice days over the summer, did I put more miles under me in one day.
Also on this trip, I cracked 1,600 miles for the year. I'm amazed I've traveled this much!
Unfortunately, I didn't tweet the trip, so I don't know if it counts or not.
Stu, you rode, you soup'd, it counts! And speaking of counting, Mega-Congrats on (2^3)E+02 miles.
(2^4)E+02, but thanks!
Soupaneering Event #2, Tomato Dill Soup at the Rusty Nail in Bellevue. Soup was delicious. The dill brought the tomatoes to life with a nice mild tang. Cup of soup was $2.99, including tax.
Ride was about 6 miles, tryng to get what I could in before the rain started.
@Stu (2^2^2)E+2 looks even better.
Wed afternoon Dec 19, 2012.
Location: Frick Park Market, Pt Breeze.
RT: 9.68 miles
I've lived near this place for over a decade but have never stopped in -- for no reason in particular. I generally don't eat beef unless it's in hotdog form - also for no particular reason. However, I broke some habits on my way home today and had a delicious cup of homemade Beef Vegetable Soup at the Frick Park Market [NSFW], which is just across the street from Starrett Elementary on Reynolds Avenue.
Made-to-order sandwiches! Homemade soup! Meals-to-go and homemade sausage by pre-order. Amish jam! A Pastry Case, Slushees and all your favorite health-wreckers from grade school. This place reminded me so much of the two corner stores I lived between in elementary school. The only things missing (perhaps I didn't look hard enough) were a giant jar of pickled pig's feet and a box of loosies.
This place is great -- I'll definitely go back. Good for a spur-of the-moment picnic in Frick or Mellon Parks.
May I ask, what's loosies?
Single cigarettes. It's how a lot of the kids I grew up with got hooked on tobacco.
Found this write-up of the store:
Check it out!
Mac Miller made a rap video about this place. I marked it NSFW in my link above for language...many F bombs are dropped...but lots of good images inside the market.
Soupaeuring #3 12/20/12
Vegetarian Italian Lentil
Dozen Bake Shop, Lawrenceville
kinda cheating on this, but had to because i may be off the bike for a week. total ride will be about 5 miles, but i've only done about 1.5 of it so far, and went here for my lunch today.
The soup was really hearty and tasty and seemingly fresh. Probably the second or third time i've had soup here, and it's been stellar every time.
#4 - Cafe Venice • Mt Royal Boulevard • Shaler
I was really excited to go back here after many years away. I had heard great things. I called in advance to be sure they had soup. Yes, said the very Italian broken-english voice.
When I arrived the only choice was Chicken Noodle. Okay, I thought, it had to be some kind of super-authentic home-made style. The decor was authentic, the three Italian-speaking folks behind the counter were authentic and hey, there's an Italian language newspaper at my table, some type of well-worn playing cards that I assume to be an Italian game, and a requisite shaker of dried hot peppers.
I was so disappointed, I swear the soup came right out a Campbell's can. Yeah, they added some fresh-cooked rice, plus the bread was homemade and fresh, but jeesh, overall disappointment ruled.
6.33 - miles. My reflective bike tire is in the background of the soup image. And oh yeah, it's tough to see on the outside photo, but there's a wood-burning fireplace directly behind my back wheel. It's often burning warmly, but not today. No soup, no fire for you!
Soup #4 for me, I think #1 for Pierce.
Beehive, East Carson St., with Pierce, and buffalo buffalo.
I believe this is a bean soup with spinach leaves.
This soup event followed a little ride to celebrate Festivus Day, December 23. We started (together, anyway) at Friendship Park, after individually traveling some distance. From there through Junction Hollow to the new trail behind AEO, to Thick and REI. After a brief stop at Big Dog, in the 2700 block of Sarah St, we left because they didn't have soup (sorry, guys).
The young woman behind the counter initially said they had no soup, either, but really they didn't have warm soup ready because of the lack of a cook. But she was willing to warm up some she had from the previous day, and I was hungry, so, sure!
Total distance from Friendship Park to Beehive, including our various little back-tracks: 8.05 miles.
@Stu - I wanted to join you, but couldn't time my family obligations to fit.
I too, went to Big Dog for soup several weeks ago, only to be disappointed by "no soup" too. Google "soup Pittsburgh" and Big Dog's comes up first - it did several times for me, bummer.
Bummer about Big Dog. On the SSide nearby I noticed that Doublewide & the Pretzel shop are both advertising soup.
Soupaneur 4, with SRPIT.
KellyO's in the Strip District.
Turkey Pot Pie Soup. (very good)
22 miles. accomplished my mileage goal for the year today.
4th and last attempt to post here tonight:
Same as above, but I had the wedding soup.
A slightly less fuzzy photo:
The owner said she'd have the bike racks installed out front by spring.
Possible new Soupaneuring Destination:
P-G: Community cafe opens in Braddock, using local ingredients, healthy foods
Thursday evening Dec 27, 2012.
Location: Doublewide Grill on E Carson St., Southside.
RT: 14.9 miles (11.4 bike & ped + 3.5 bus)
Vegetarian Chili. Thick and hearty, but a bit too sweet for my tastes. Comes with tasty cornbread.
Doublewide has a full-on automotive theme. I locked to their fence. The staff is friendly and they advertise vegan, vegetarian & gluten-free menu items alongside meat n taters.
The top bit of Joncaire's sidewalks were shoveled & salted and the Junction Hollow & Eliza Furnace trails were plowed but some of the transition points were PITA. I used the tracks to get onto the jail trail but the lot wasn't plowed, so I walked across that & the hot metal bridge and ramps.
On Squirrel Hill & the South Side it was deeply slushy shoulders and jagoff passing distances. I opted to rack-n-roll from Doublewide back to Ellsworth on the #75. It took a bunch of walking and the sketchiest lanes out of the equation and biking Reynolds and Hawthorne trail was fun (had to walk the Great Northeast Passage, too). Fat, low-pressure tires & full fenders - yay.
Pseudacris you are an awesome badass for soupaneuring today. Rule 9.
haha - thanks, v, although there are many others here who could put my winter riding to shame. I'm glad I didn't ruin the roll of expensive water soluble ink jet prints I carried home, though I came close while using the rack n roll.
Event 5 with Vannevar:
Graham Central in Cranberry
Implementing rule 3B, our second Soupaneuring this week as make up for missing last week.
I tried the loaded potato soup - which I normally don't care for, but this one was actually pretty good. VB had the tomato basil and seemed to enjoy it, except that his wasn't very hot when they served it.
The ride wasn't very long - a whopping 4 miles, but I'm a wimp. Not willing to risk a fall on my bad shoulder again with the ice out there, so we did a short loop around the neighborhood. I suspect that VB is out now getting a more substantial ride in.
Soupaneur Five iaw Rule 3B, Special Consideration in the Event of Temporal Overtasking in the Vicinity of Holidays.
See SR-PIT above for the facts, all true. Graham Central (my first time) is in the heart of nu-Burgh (ie Cranberry) just north of Rochester Road, just west of 19, only fifteen minutes from anywhere because - well, because it's Cranberry.
Nice looking coffee shop, almost seems like it's built and staffed for a customer base that hasn't arrived yet. Nice place, good wifi, ample parking. (In the most-perfect-universe it would have a fireplace.)
I had tomato basil soup, which was generously assembled with sweet tomatoes and tasteful spices and some interesting greens and it was really good, although perhaps a bit luke-warm on a day that called for a hot bowl of soup.
Planned on riding through a nearby park complex but the roads were closed, rode instead through a real estate development which may have actually grown two new carriage-houses while we were there.
It was so good to get to ride between snow-days.
Soupaneur #5 - at Claddagh Irish Pub, South Side Works. About 16-18 riders from the Icycle Bicycle ride stopped here after the ride.
My soup is Guinness Onion. A very tasty version of French Onion with a bit of Guinness flavor. The bread on the side, a heavy all-grain style, was great too. $4.99
Soup #5, China Sea in Bellevue.
$1.95 (excluding tip) got me an egg drop noodle soup.
I'm pretty sure this is the first unicycle soupaneuring pickup anywhere with the wheel in the picture!
Went to the Claddagh after the Icycle Bicycle ride today, I had the best clam Chowder.
19.67 miles today.
Soupaneuring 6 with Vannevar at Whole Foods.
Minestrone for me, Chili for Vannevar. Almost 15 miles and 11 murals/pubic art pieces around Oakland, Shadyside, Friendship, Larimer, Homewood and Wilkinsburg. But not a single parking chair. Sigh.
Soupaneuring 6 w/SRpit (above). Five Bean Chili, quite warming and gruntling, 15 miles. Since there's no point in posting the same photo again, I though I'd share this bit of advice about bicycling in the snow we found painted on a building today:
Like Pseudacris said, "stick a spoon in it!" Soupaneuring #6.
Is it obvious I like Tazza? Today I got the last cup of Vegan Moraccan Lentil sold. I've never had lentil, ever, so I don't have a comparison or much of an opinion. It was okay, not great, not bad. I feel like I replaced a little protein. No, I'm not vegan, it was the only choice.
Tons of riders, walkers, joggers, families out on this unbelievably nice day.
28.23 miles
Oh try more lentils! They are inexpensive and versatile & cook really fast. Aladdins on Sq Hill has really good lentil soup & they'll add chicken on request.
Today was amazing, I was on the South side and a noisy bar had its whole storefront open to the street!