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First Night Pittsburgh

The Post Gazette listed a Bicycle Parade as one of the events scheduled for the First Night Pittsburgh festivities. Does anyone here know about this? Is it just maybe a kids event? No organizing group is mentioned in the article.

2012-12-27 13:27:51

There were several of us who rode in this last year, but I havent heard anything about it this year. I think it was through one of the local arts groups. I'd probably do it again if someone has details.

2012-12-27 14:36:31

Nick mentioned something about it at the December Flock ride...haven't heard anything else though..

2012-12-27 17:02:07

I reached out to the contact from last year a while ago and I haven't heard anything back.

2012-12-27 21:54:45

So anyone up for this? What is going on?

2012-12-31 03:44:03

I tried sending emails to the official contacts listed for the First Night activities and got no response. It might have been fun to do but I'm going to the 8:30 House of Soul show at the Benedum Center instead. Hope to see some of you at the Icicle Bicycle ride 11AM 01/10/2013

2012-12-31 06:32:05