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Flaky Showers Pass

I recently washed my Showers Pass jacket and unfortunately, ended up with a bunch of the liner flaking off and getting all over my other clothes too. I read the website and they said the jacket should be washed one a month as sweat can breakdown the liner. Does anybody else have experience with this? Despite the fact that I've worn the jacket almost daily during the colder months for three or four years now, I think this was only the first or second time I've ever washed it. Anybody else given the Shower's Pass jacket greater care not had it flaky?
2015-03-10 14:30:34
Contact the company (or go through the merchant you purchased through). See if there is anything they can/will do. I've had great customer service from cygolite, 45nrth, and coldavenger in the last 6 months. Had parts sent for free, broken products exchanged, and discounts for future products given. I had this happen for a pair of shell pants (the north face), but I got them used for $10 so I couldn't really complain about longevity.
2015-03-10 14:47:01
I have the Showers Pass Club Pro, bought from L.L. Bean. Haven't experienced the liner flaking out, but haven't had it as long as you have, either, though I've been using it pretty much the same (i.e. daily during cold season and been very hard on it). That said, this is my second one, got a replacement on warranty from L.L. Bean, who have an excellent return/exchange policy (in contract w/ REI, who once had a good policy but no longer). 3-4 years is pretty good, if you're wearing daily during winter season, any of my gear used during the winter season gets beat to hell. +1 to emailing them, worst they could say is "tough luck".
2015-03-10 15:15:25
I've had good luck warrantying delaminating jackets with Marmot (Haven't had to buy a new one in years). I'm guessing you should have a similar experience with Showers Pass.
2015-03-11 10:52:02
I purchased the J&G American made jacket and love it. I prefer clothes made in the US over China and the cost was quite good as well. If you need another jacket, I would recommend the J&G over the Chinese one.
2015-03-11 12:08:03
i also have a j&g jacket, have had it for probably 10 years, it has served me well
2015-03-15 11:25:55