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Found: headlight on Penn Ave bike lane

Found a Cateye front light blinking away in Penn Ave bike lane this morning. Let me know if it's yours. Also, any thoughts on whether it's a good idea to pick something like this up? I didn't see any bikes around, parked or otherwise, but should I have left for the person to come back and find (should I go put it back where I found it)?
2016-03-10 09:30:20
I would pick it up. Other riders on this board have picked up my lost gear and I got it back. I'd do the same for others.
2016-03-10 14:17:49
Agreed. Better to pick it up and post here and perhaps some of the Facebook cycling groups. Worst case, nobody claims it and you can donate to Free Ride or BikePGH for one of their bike light giveaways. Also, there's a previous Lost and Found thread: http://localhost/mb/topic/lost-and-found-3/
2016-03-10 14:34:01