Oh, I see what you meant: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30043893/
I can't believe it happened near my neighborhood! I thought Stanton Height is among the less crime-hit areas in Pittsburgh, I guess I was wrong.
I mourn for the loss of the city police.
Guns don't kill people... Idiots do. People were finding lots of ways to be idiots and kill each other before guns came around.
That is one freaky ad though. I don't think Craigslist condones the sale of firearms on their site either. I'd flag it.
Some people should definitely not be allowed to own a gun, but if they end up taking them away from everyone because of some crazed morons like the one today, it is only going to make things easier for the criminals in the end.
Criminals will have guns whether they are legal or not, becasue they are.... um... criminals and don't care about the law.
It is just sad that we live in a world where pieces of crap like this guy have to ruin things for the rest of us.
I found it ironic that he worried about the police taking his guns away, then chose his course of action. I also wonder if the NRA and other in agreement mourn- either for the police or for the one of their own who will sit in prison now.
The mujahideen used to ride bicycles packed with explosives and leave them outside places where Soviet soldiers congregated, killing large numbers of them.
Do you feel bad about riding a bike? Do you think those who advocate riding bikes advocate this sort of behaviour? (or at least don't feel bad about it)
I agree Helen. Stupid ass just took actions to bring his fears into reality.
The Post Gazette took the opportunity today to use this tragedy to slander people who listen to radio shows like Alex Jones, and people who believe in "conspiracy theories."
I am a big fan of Alex Jones myself, still have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on my truck, and have studied and learned about the "New World Order" for over 12 years, way before I ever knew who Alex Jones was.
All this douche bag did who shot the cops was add fuel to the fire and give the government the justification they have been looking for to take away more of our freedoms. He is basically playing right into their hands.
Now this kid is going to get the death penalty, or life in prison, his family and the families of these dead officers are ruined forever, and the "gun grabbers" are frothing at the mouth to use this incident as an excuse to do what they otherwise could not get away with.
As the economy continues on a downward spiral, you will start to see rioting in the streets, and then the government will have the justification they need to unleash the military against our own population and declare martial law.
Martin Luther King and Ghandi both knew that although the tendancy of a pissed off population is toward violent actions, they both understood that course of action is futile these days, and just allows the evil-doers the ability to parade around as the "good guys" and slaughter the uprising.
Ghandi succeeded because he made the british look like the monsters they truly were to the rest of the world. If he had told the people to rise up and shoot back, they would have all been slaughtered, and the british authorities would have had plenty of foddor for propoganda and justification of their actions, and would still be in control of India to this day.
I am afraid Americans are going to take the opposite course against our own government and give them the justification to "squash the rebellion" and remove the bill of rights completely in my lifetime.
Speaking as a former farm boy, I'm less than impartial with regards to firearms; it's awfully hard to keep wild dogs off your cows with a baseball bat, ya know?
Guns are tools. Like any other tool, they require some degree of training in order to use them properly; said training including the "how" and the "when". Also like any other tool, it's real easy to misuse/abuse a firearm. Sadly, this yahoo remembered his "how" training, but kinda forgot the "when" part.
As far as the Alex Jones/NWO/conspiracy theory stuff, I dunno...haven't studied it enough to have an educated opinion. When it comes to such things, though, I believe the old rule "Never ascribe to malice that which can be attributed to incompetence" usually applies...
Good point. I grew up on a farm myself, so I am of the same mindset. Most people who I know who are opposed to guns grew up in cities where people tend to shoot each other a lot more.
As for Alex Jones, I don't buy into everything that he lays fourth, and I am well read on history, and read / pay attention to a lot of sources.
I can totally understand how focusing on those things can make one paranoid, especially if you don't take the time to sort out the over-exaggerations from the lies and the truth from any media source. I am a big fan of hearing both sides of a story before making up my mind, where some people are blind-sided and only want to hear what backs up their pre-determined opinions.
After going on a 5 hour bike ride yesterday and enjoying the beautiful weather, and getting my aggression out, I think that more people should find constructive ways to vent their frustrations. I had a pretty crummy and stressful last week, but going on a bike ride yesterday cleared my head completely. Beats the hell out of shooting up some cops.