CMU sent this out last night. They are really REALLY conservative about tagging the bikes. At my building, there are about a dozen that should have been tagged, but only two actually were. It appears that they will donate the absolute rusted junk to FR.
Campus Community,
University Police and Facilities Management Services will be removing abandoned bicycles from the main Pittsburgh campus on Thursday and Friday November 8-9. University Police will identify and tag the abandoned bikes by Friday, November 2.
Abandoned bikes are those that are in poor condition from not being used. Bikes in poor condition are identified by such features that include, but not limited to, two flat tires, missing major parts, frozen brakes and rusted chains that make the bike unusable.
Tagged bikes, bikeparts, and locks will be removed Nov. 8-9. Those that are deemed to be operational will be stored on campus for six months. Owners seeking to claim their bikes should contact University Police at 412-268-2323. Non-operational bikes and bike parts will be donated to Free Ride,
University Police