Free Ride is a bicycle recycling and education facility in east liberty, focused on teaching the do-it-yourself approach to bicycle repair and maintenance. There is that old saying “if you give a person a fish they will eat for one day but if you teach them how to fish they will eat for a lifetime.” That is our basic philosophy at Free Ride!
(copied from web / dont know how to do a link but wanted to throw this out there for people not aware of this great resource .
you can earn a bike through volunteer hours if money is tight,
they have bikes for sale and have used parts on hand. they also have tools and open shop hours to do your own repair and classes that teach bike Maintenace and repair.
2013-11-30 12:10:41
Their website:
Previous related threads:
Posting a link: Just grab the web address and paste it here. If you want to link text, use this format, replacing the square brackets with angle brackets:
[a href=""]Some text you want to link[/a]
2013-12-01 09:51:05
Hey yinz, thanks for the shout-out!
Just wanna make sure everybody's aware-- Free Ride's in semi-hibernation mode (dare I say torpor) till the crocuses bloom, so only regularly open saturdays. But keep your ear to the ground for pop-up Women & Queers nights, charity bike builds, a New Year's partay & maybe some pre-reg classes (if there's interest).
Don't wanna repeat what folks have posted elsewhere, but here are some ideas about our shop for Bike PGH people:
1) Like Kraynick's, you can use our pro tools instead of buying your own. We also let you keep a project parked on our wall until it's ready!
2) Teach beginners e.g. how to change a flat; maybe learn something new yourself.
3) If you can't say goodbye to a wrecked frame, we can turn it into a workbench seat :)
Oh yeah, we're not in E Lib, we're in Point Breeze, not far from Homewood! (Perhaps we used to be, some years ago?)
2013-12-02 16:20:33