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Free Ride Open Mic Shop

What are you doing next Thursday at 8pm-ish? Nothing? Good.

Are you the type of person that enjoys DIY bike maintenance, volunteer work, and live music? Then come to Open Mic Open Shop at Free Ride!

Here are some things people have said about this event:

"I'll be there! I'll play and sing!"

"if I can (and I hope I can) I'll bring a friendly german shepherd, a cello that does OK without amplification, and maybe a preview of a fire sculpture"

"I bet I can use chain lube on my trumpet."

If you would like to perform at all, we would love to watch you!

So mark your calendar and come out!

2012-04-20 18:54:51

"I bet I can use chain lube on my trumpet."

This one time, at band camp...

2012-04-20 18:59:30

In all seriousness, a lot of talented people have agreed to come down next Thursday and perform in front of whomever happens to be at the regularly scheduled Thursday night open shop. If this event is successful, it could become a regular thing. Either way, we hope this will encourage more people to come down to our shop.

2012-04-21 06:22:16

What a great idea! I'll be there with my banjo.

2012-04-21 14:23:28

Thanks for posting this here, I didn't even think to

2012-04-22 19:46:02

@ Aryn, no problem! I figured an idea as great as this one deserved a little promotion. See you Thursday!

2012-04-23 04:06:22

So it's Thursday the 26th? Or the next Thursday?

2012-04-23 14:28:01

yes, it will be this Thursday, the 26th.

2012-04-23 14:31:00


I have a decent PA system that I would like to take to this, but I need two other cargo bikes or trailers to carry thing thing from Oakland to Free Ride - and BACK at the end of the night.

Any volunteers?

2012-04-24 17:39:42

Last night was awesome. It was so awesome that this event will be happening again, on the last Thursday of EVERY month.

2012-04-27 17:29:15

it was a lot of fun, can't wait to do it again

2012-04-28 22:23:10


It's time. We are having another Open Mic Open Shop night at Free Ride. It will happen on Thursday, May 31, at 8:00pm.

BYO Instrument, PA, etc...

2012-05-23 20:52:57

Just another bump.

Thursday the 31st, at 8pm!

BYO talent! (talent not required to perform)

2012-05-29 20:24:50

Hey, we're doing this again! Tomorrow! 8pm till we get tired of it, at Free Ride.

Come tell us stories, play music, sing a song, dance, do puppet shows, recite poetry... whatever other skills you have. Please.

2012-06-28 01:35:28

I'll be going to that from the Bike-Pgh meeting. Any one else?

Kinda of a "civic bike night."

2012-06-28 15:03:25

I'm going to check it out. I missed the first one & have some bike related work to do anyway!

2012-06-28 15:06:58

I would pass by Free Ride on my way home from the Bike-PGH meeting anyway, so I suppose I might as well drop by and check this out.

2012-06-28 20:06:47

Again? We've had some great events, and hope to continue to. Help make it a success by sharing something this thursday at free ride! It is always fun to have people showing up and have music or whatever sort of entertainment for people working on bikes, or entertain us as a brake from working on your bike. Or whatever.

2012-07-25 00:33:15