I got a unicycle from BikePGH member Swalfoort a few years back and... well, frankly, never got around to learning how to use it. I'm in the process of moving, and this time I feel like passing it on to someone else instead of holding onto it.

As I'm busy with the whole moving thing, you would have to come pick it up. I live in Oakland, and I'll give you more details if you PM me. I'd love to get rid of it by August 10th.
Happy biking!
2013-07-31 20:22:54
Pm isn't working but I am interested if it isn't claimed.
2013-07-31 20:27:08
Those are tiny, if it has 18" wheels. I have two identical to that, one red, one yellow. Will bring both (and others) to the Try-a-Bike.
An adult would have trouble with 18" wheels. I have trouble riding mine. I got the one for my 7-year-old (now almost 20), picked up the other (absolutely brand new) off someone's trash one day.
I recommend a 20" or 24" wheel for an adult to learn on.
2013-08-01 10:03:02
Gah, this reminds me of my own desire to get more unis
When I was sailing in Baltimore there was a big Kris Holm's 36" tied to a pier and I was like "Ahhh! That's such a waste!"
2013-08-02 11:00:57
Riding that 29" at the underwear ride was a real trip. Gotta get me one of those.
But to reiterate, an 18" is ideal for a kid up to about 4'6", rough estimate. There are plenty of 8-year-olds on unicycles, but there needs to be more.
2013-08-02 11:24:41
I've got a 26" in the basement that I keep meaning to dust off and learn to ride. Obviously high on my priority list, as I've had it for at least four years.
2013-08-02 13:09:23