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From CNN - During the recession, how a mountain-biker turned a big idea around!

Check out this video!

Cleveland seems to have done something good!

enjoy :)

2010-04-28 19:29:29

wow, took the national media long enough to notice ray's. they've only been there for 6 years now...

2010-04-29 14:07:45

really? bummer..... I mean, I though this was recent!

2010-04-29 16:59:25

ray's is AWESOME. if you own a mountain bike and havent gone, you need to go check it out. too bad they did the story at the very tail end of the season.

not sure why you are bummed that it didnt just get built. i think its way cooler that not only has he survived for 6 years, but hes thrived. expanding almost every year, inspiring other indoor parks to go for it (ie toronto) and even talking about opening up other locations now. its a great case study for how cycling, and mountian/bmx in particular, can be a real boost to the local economy and quality of life.

2010-04-29 17:33:50

ok... I didn't see it that way...... You are right: If after 6 years and the current sucky economy his indoor mtb park is still thriving and growing, it is a great accomplishment and incentive for other people to follow suit in finding creative ways to help themselves, but their communities and cities! No... I think that is great! :)

If I said I was bummed, it was because I felt that the news was presented as-if this/ his business was born out-of the current bad economy (last 2 years), where someone was jobless/laid-off and instead of giving up, decided to just work on his 'dream-job' and had success at it. When you said that Ray had already been doing this for 6-years, it made me think that CNN was just recycling old-news ..... that's all.

And yes... I would check a place like that..... it looks huge!

And I do have a MTB... so, haha ;)

2010-04-29 20:58:08

I'm going to start eyeballing vacant buildings a little more carefully. I would love to do sort of a "Squatter Ray's".

2010-04-29 22:08:20