FS: Cateye RD400DW computer
I bought a Garmin and don't need my Cateye anymore. I bought it in the winter to use with my trainer, it worked very well though the censor stopped working after ~500 miles and Cateye warrantied it. I had a new one mailed to me within a couple days (excellent customer service!). Has worked perfect for 1600+ miles since.
I have around 2300 miles on this unit now from this year, reset it twice when I had the problem noted above. includes box and faded receipt from Performance bikes, 89.99+ tax. I'm missing the cadence sensor (2.00) I would like $60 for it if that sounds fair.
Scratches at the very top, most likely from flipping my bike to fix a flat and forgetting to remove the unit.
Anyone? I need some cash, spent too much money on bicycle stuff the last 2 months