Heh. I bought two 32cm Vittoria Randonneurs and haven't flatted all summer.
FS: Spanking new Panaracer RiBMo 700x35c tire
Determined never to flat on city roads again, I bought the thickest, most durable tire that forums assured me would fit on my frame.
Well guess what? It's too big. I could KINDA fit it in there, but I'd have to mount my rear axle hanging a quarter-way out of the rear drops. So now I have a perfectly-good, tough tire for sale.
This perfectly-good tire was mounted once, never ridden, still have the tag. Folding bead. For all the toughness it was ridiculously easy to mount on the rim. Here's the Urban Velo review. $30, will cheerfully deliver to city environs. : )
2010-09-22 02:36:07
2010-09-22 02:38:57
what size are they?
EDIT: Nevermind, I re-read the title.
2010-09-22 12:07:39
rsprake, 32c is what I will spend whatever I get for this 35c on!
P.S., $30 OBO!
2010-09-22 20:52:09