These are awesome tires to anyone interested. I'm currently looking for some 23-25s for one of my bikes. I highly suggest them if they'll fit your bike.
2011-05-13 14:48:15
0 miles, they just don't fit my rims.
Paid $60 for the pair will take $40 from a BikePgh member. That's what I get for ordering tires online. These do not have the reflective sidewalls.
These are awesome tires to anyone interested. I'm currently looking for some 23-25s for one of my bikes. I highly suggest them if they'll fit your bike.
A third recommendation on these tires. Unfortunately, I want 35s or at the absolute lowest 32s and the reflective sidewall is a deal breaker. I hate to pass up such a great price. Good luck!
I'll take em if they're still available (sent a PM last week).
I am interested if Pseudacris passes on them.