Yes, please report this to the Police promptly. (The bottles with which you were assaulted may be retrievable and have usable fingerprints, providing valuable evidence supporting your account of events.)
Sorry for your experience. Glad you are alright. Next person they assault may not be so fortunate.
Fussed with on Friendship + Ella.
I was biking home on Friendship Ave around 12:15 a.m. today when a was fussed with. I was just riding, minding my own business when this car came up behind me and the driver flashed high and low beams really maniacally then starting honking the horn. Since I was just about home, I didn't really pay any mind. Well, before I knew it I was being struck in the back by a plastic bottle. I turned on Ella and checked behind me to see what the car looked like/what the hell was going on, and the car followed me...all the while honking the horn. I pulled off right by my house and was hit with another plastic bottle--Diet Pepsi, if you were wondering.
It was a beat up white Grand Am, occupied by four teenage black boys. I didn't catch the plate, but it was missing the rear driver's side window and covered in a trash bag. I've seen this car around before, so keep an eye out and watch your back...literally.
This has never happened to me before, so I'm not sure of the protocol. Is this something I should alert the cops about or no?
I must of just missed you. I was riding home from the Flock ride down Friendship around that time. This should help
Thanks, guys. I filled out a form. Hopefully no one else gets bothered.
I added this to my post above, so sorry for the repost but I only now read you had already filed a police report online.
Suggest you call 911 on the off chance the bottles with which you were assaulted may be retrievable and have usable fingerprints, or even dna in the backwash, providing valuable evidence supporting your account of events. Next time it may be a brick, and they don't take fingerprints all that well.
Again, I'm glad you are alright.
So sorry to here about this. I'm glad your ok.
Thank you for making the police report & letting everyone here know the description. If you live by yourself, it might be good to have a few places in mind where you could go at any hour where you know there will be people around. It sounds to me like these guys wanted to harass you from the comfort of their car, but there may be times when you don't want people to know where you live. Then you could speed off to somewhere else (Ritters?) until they get lost.