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FYI: Jack Wagner photo op/press event on bike/ped

I just received this media alert this evening. It really shouldn't say Bike Pittsburgh's name as we had no role whatsoever in planning this. Still, I thought I would let you all know about it as it might be a decent opportunity (even though it says it's a photo op) for concerned bicyclists to ask him questions on what he will do as mayor to make our streets and our lives safer. No employees of Bike Pittsburgh can attend this event due to our 501(c)3 status. SATURDAY, MAY 4 AT 1 PM - MAYORAL CANDIDATE JACK WAGNER'S MEET & GREET RIDE WITH CITY BICYCLE ENTHUSIASTS Mayoral candidate Jack Wagner will meet members of local bicycling, conservancy and environmental groups on the north side of the Hot Metal Bridge at 1 p.m. Saturday to answer their questions about Jack’s positions on cycling issues and to share perspectives on how the mayor can help improve the city’s bicycle infrastructure. The event will also give Wagner the opportunity to highlight his two-decade record of supporting riverfront renewal and existing bicycle and walking paths. WHAT: Photo opportunity/press event highlighting mayoral candidate Jack’s Wagner’s extensive record of supporting bicycling and walking infrastructure in Pittsburgh. Wagner, a longtime cyclist, will arrive at the Hot Metal Bridge via bicycle. WHO: Jack Wagner, candidate for mayor and former auditor general, members of Bike Pittsburgh, and other bicycling enthusiasts. WHEN: 1 p.m. Saturday, May 4 WHERE: North side of Hot Metal Bridge at 2nd Avenue, South Side/Oakland CONTACT: J.J. Abbott,,
2013-05-03 20:49:14
I hope to attend.
2013-05-04 06:38:06
Since Jack is a "longtime cyclist" I'd be interested to know how often he rides each month, and where. Nothing against pure rail-to-trail riders, but (other than funding) the tough issues deal with the streets. Anyone know if the other candidates ride and how/where?
2013-05-04 08:50:13
I am not able to attend, but if any of you are, PLEASE ask him directly... Does he support the idea of gas leases alongside the trail system? many thanks if anyone is able to ask this... curious because I know he is a gas industry ally and I have heard (hearsay only) that gas leases have been used to fund trails north of the city & i am concerned about that happening closer in. our air & water quality is already so bad... you may feel differently, but it would be good to know where the candidate stands on this in either case.
2013-05-04 09:57:59
Update: I just asked the Wagner campaign to kindly remove our name from their media alert and to issue a correction. While it's absolutely awesome if they want to put on a bike event and make biking central to their campaign, it's not awesome to use our name in a way that makes it appear as though we're coordinating with him or endorsing him. Our 501(c)3 status prevents us from supporting or endorsing any candidate.
2013-05-04 10:27:16
would be nice to see him on a Flock ride sometime.
2013-05-04 20:19:20
The cynic in me bets he comes from the 2nd Ave/Jail Trail Park & Ride
2013-05-05 01:16:39
Did anyone go to this? If so, anyone care to report back?
2013-05-08 11:38:33
FYI -I was at the Mayoral Candidates Forum on Design, Planning, and Public Policy this evening. In one of the questions, when the candidates were asked about transportation, safe roads & biking, etc; Wagner had as part of his answer that he supported bicycles.... "...and that he had even gone on a bike ride with Bike Pittsburgh Members on Saturday..." Is this true? or just him innappropriately name-dropping?
2013-05-08 21:18:33
Wagner is name dropping & playing politics. MEDIA ALERT: "members of Bike Pittsburgh"! "Bike ride with Bike Pittsburgh Members"! Maybe he has a family membership, and his kids and wife went on the ride. Technically, he'd have gone on a ride with Bike Pittsburgh members, but whatever. It smells absolutely schmucky to me.
2013-05-08 21:52:10
Yeah... the whole thing felt "schmucky" to me too!!!!!!
2013-05-09 10:11:24
He rode with members of Bike-pgh? Did he wear the gang colors? Did anyone show him teh secret handshake?
2013-05-09 10:30:46
It was a small crowd. We had a great 40 minute conversation about bike issues and opportunities in the City. He then took a short ride with a couple of folks through the South Side before his next engagement. I believe all or most of us were Bike Pittsburgh members, so he did ride with members of Bike Pittsburgh. And he spoke highly of the accommplishments of BP. It was a good conversation that covered good ground. And, as someone have conjectured on his starting point, he and a friend had ridden from Pittsburgh Golf Club, which I believe is in Fox Chapel. There was independent corroboration of that from someone who passed as we were all chatting, and said thart he had seen Wagner somewhere in Shadyside or ??? and had tried to catch up but was unable to due to a slower rider/companion.
2013-05-09 20:15:05
I'm always pleasantly surprised when the cynic in me is proven wrong :P If he came from Fox Chapel, that's pretty kick ass
2013-05-09 20:24:16
Pittsburgh Golf Club is the public course in Schenley Park, by CMU. It's not Fox Chapel, but eh, it's a ride.
2013-05-09 20:49:06
I plan to see if I can work my bike happy 8 year old daughter up to that this summer.
2013-05-09 21:10:16