The Springdale American Legion does a bike safety program every year for kids in April and someone comes out to give free helmets, I believe it is The Allegheny County Health Department's Traffic Safety Division? I will see if I can get a message to the guy who does the program and see if he can give me a contact for them.
Getting Helmets donated for kids
I am pretty sure this has been talked abotu before but I couldnt find it.
Does anyone have any resources for who to contact to try and get some helmets donate to a local boys and girls club?
Sarah Heinz House gets bikes donated every year, which they either raffle off to help fund activities and events for the kids, or give to the kids as rewards. They never seem to get helmets donated tho. Does anyone know of any contacts, local or corporate that I could talk to to try to get some donated?
May want to check here.
The challenge of getting helmets to give away with the bikes is really tough. Even the City of Pittsburgh Police can find it challenging.
Any hopes of finding a kind hearted manager at a local retain establishment to donate gift certificates, or actual helmets? (Thinking KMart/WalMart as opposed to LBS. They usually have some sort of community program that MIGHT enable them to do a donation program. Not thinking LBS because we all know they are very generous throughout the year on so many fronts....)
Edit: offers discount helmets for really cheap prices. (Less than $5 each). Can a cash donation program be set up to permit the purchase of helmets? What do you do about sizing if you don't know the size/age of the child in advance?
Also, donates SOME helmets, but only to the parent or guardian of a specific child. (Parent must submit request...)
In Wisconsin, there is a law firm that does helmet donations throughout the year. Again, a possible community program for a well intentioned firm or business. If they can get them for as little as $4 a piece, a little cash can go a fair distance.....
Sorry I don't have anything more solid for you.
Darn, Five Below on McKnight had a bunch of children's helmets for $5 apiece when they first opened back in May or so. I wonder if they still do. Retail donations aside, when they're that cheap most anyone can purchase and donate a helmet or two or five.
Hit up Edgar Snyder (or similar "accident" chaser) - handing out helmets to little kids would make for a great TV commercial, and would be awsome besides.
Children’s Hospital used to have a program that would go around to local schools and talk to children about the importance of wearing helmets. They would also give a free helmet to any child that did not own one.
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh UPMC's Hard Head Patrol
Children's Hospital Injury Prevention program at 412-692-8229 or the community education program at 412-692-7105.
Is going in for one of those prorider 10 case deals something that Bike-PGH would want to be the official organizational sponsor on and take up a collection?
I'd make a not inconsequential contribution to the helmet fund if Bike Pgh takes up the cause.
On a more local note, I stopped at the Five Below in Cranberry this evening. I asked if they had bike helmets and they told me it was a summer item. I told them why I was asking, and told them that I might be looking to buy in a fair volume. The assistant manager said she'd work through the store manager and the district manager to see if they have any bike helmets in stock anywhere locally. She'll get back to me to let me know what she finds out in a couple of days. She seemed to understand the desire/need/timing. Their helmets are $5 each.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I have contacted a couple local retailers and such but I think based on my time constraints, I will likely just buy them out of pocket myself and donate them.
The bikes were donated by Walmart im pretty sure. They all have Walmart inventory sticker on them.
Sarah, Let me know about the five below thing.
I'll let you know what I hear. I also usually try to provide a bunch of bikes to Kraynick for his project with the City Police Department, but haven't yet pulled that off this year. Chris, will you accept a check, or a donation of additional helmets from me for your project?
let me see if you can make it out directly to heinz house. I will talk to program director this weekend and see what she would like.
I hate to say it, because I hate the company and don't shop there, but I know Wal-Mart often donates helmets for this type cause.
ALMKLM, The bikes were donated by Walmart, or at least someone associated with walmart.. im getting the persons info this evening. If that fails, im going to order 21 helmets from Prorider. will come to $120 after shipping.
Chris, sent you a PM a few moments ago....