I commute from Oakland to Mercy Hospital.
Most harassment I get is on Fifth Ave between the Birmingham Bridge and Gist Street. A small fraction of the distance I travel, and most of the harassment.
A couple of sharrows there would make a huge difference to me - and I'm guessing a few other cyclists, too.
What is the best way to go about getting sharrows there? Shake Bike-pgh's tree? 3-1-1? Email the mayor? Buy some white paint and make a stencil?
2015-08-26 13:03:05
For sure that's a short but annoying stretch that's long overdue for targeted attention, and will be even more overdue soon when the Greenfield Bridge closes and more squirrel hill folks take to 5th. So, that's one angle, and BRT presumably will give a lower stress answer long term, but it may also make it more difficult to get something in the short term. I wish I had something to offer other than agreement and well wishes.
2015-08-26 13:53:45
3-1-1 it. Then be prepared to be rejected, because PAT's BRT system is happening in that corridor eventually and we can't make any changes that might have to be undone when that happens, probably well after any paint would wear off anyway.
2015-08-27 13:07:04
I might be able to learn some about the BRT schedule. The last I understood, it's still in idea form. We are at least a year, if not years, from seeing any significant change along there. What's the lifespan of thermoplastic sharrows? If it's three years, that would get us a lot closer to any jackhammers that might appear for a BRT project.
2015-08-27 14:37:29
^ they usually will only put thermo down on new pavement, so regular line paint would be the best you could expect to get. It wears off pretty quick so BRT shouldn't be that big an issue - but of course they will make it the reason they won't do it.
2015-08-27 16:31:36