2013-03-06 20:23:29
My in-laws have a newer Volvo, and it has all kind of nifty safety things. For example, when parking it, it boops to tell you how close you are to an obstacle (slower boops the further away you are, then faster as you get closer).
I used to think these things would encourage people to pay less attention as they drive, but lately I'm thinking people can't drive anyway, so we may as well make the cars smarter about safety.
2013-03-07 07:54:29
The only way to make cars safe for pedestrians and cyclists:

Better yet…
2013-03-07 08:58:59
Right now the only truly safe solution is one without motor vehicles, but that ain't going to happen. I salute volvo for moving in the right direction with these features.
While these sorts of features come disproportionately on luxury vehicles at the moment, they will drop in cost precipitously and eventually become quite commonplace.
Compensatory negligence is always a problem. I won't truly be satisfied till the human is out of the equation entirely. But we could get there surprisingly soon... if we don't let the lawyers kill it, that is.
2013-03-07 09:46:50
Saw this tweet, which seemed fitting. (This is also a test of Twitter's embedding feature.)
Volvo unveils world's 2nd cyclist detection system; 1st is called "eyes," which all drivers should already be using. blogs.automotive.com/volvo-announce…— Ted Rogers (@bikinginla) March 7, 2013
2013-03-07 09:55:44
haha, from bike snob's friday quiz:
3) Volvo's new alert-and-brake system is great news for cyclists because it will:
--Make cyclists safer
--Make drivers more attentive
--Make collisions a thing of the past
--Allow cyclists to exact revenge on arrogant Volvo drivers by swerving in front of their cars intentionally and forcing the brakes to deploy
2013-03-11 19:55:24