Now that we're starting to have some 2015 bleedover on the 2014 thread, it's time we had one for this year. So here goes.
Links to previous years' threads for reference.
2014 thread
2013 thread
2012 thread
2015-01-01 15:29:23
2015-01-01 15:31:30
This year I actually do have a goal: PBP.
2015-01-01 16:27:09
One goal I was reminded of today: Use Chamois cream on rides longer than 20 miles. No excuse.
2015-01-01 16:56:09
Benzo, buy endurance padding (and not 2D, buy 3D or 4D). It should work even for 80 miles.
2015-01-01 18:43:16
@jonawebb: That's one heck of a goal. Bon courage! Where are you planning to ride your 600k?
2015-01-01 20:12:59
Probably Ohio.
2015-01-01 21:19:00
1. Keep one bike with a trailer semi-permanently attached, do my eagle runs with it consistently, some smaller costco runs occasionally.
2. Hit the last of the DD hills I haven't yet faced (Logan is fun, right???), do more grandview lunches when the weather improves.
3. Maintain the bikes better (at least the ABC's)
4. Increase the family biking range significantly, through whatever combo of my oldest being more comfortable on her own and/or trailer/tandem arrangement.
5. Keep developing the Chanukah ride, get in the official Chabad community flyer, bring along music, ambitiously, let's see if we can get 30 riders for 2015 (had 23 for 2014).
2015-01-02 10:43:03
Ben, any more riders for Chanukah, we're going to need Bike-Pgh's valet bike parking equipment.
2015-01-02 12:47:26
I doubt I'll get close to last year's mileage with surgery and recovery to contend with, so I'll just be pleased to have a smooth goround with the procedure and be back on the bike ASAP.
I still need to get Pudge in the basket.
I want to ride DIVVY in Chicago.
Get some riding in while in Saint Louis.
Ride some C&O.
Encounter fewer jagoffs.
2015-01-02 14:08:53
_Lose at least 20#
_Stop using words like ADD and OCD when I'm not specifically referring to an actual diagnosis.
_Visit a farm or two.
List will probably grow as time passes.
2015-01-04 20:56:44
I used Strava in the summer of 2013 and it would keep my phone from going to sleep mode as it tracked me the whole time and just completely drained the battery in an hour. I then just disregarded using it and never tracked my rides.
On New Years day I decided to try to use Strava on my phone. It then worked through sleep mode and I tracked my 62 mile 4.5 hour ride with only going down to 85% battery life. This is probably my dumbass not figuring out a setting before or maybe Strava was not able to work through sleep mode and they fixed their app recently. However, it worked out perfectly that on New Years day that I figured out Strava wont kill my battery now and I can track my rides. Now I have a mileage goal I set and it will make 2015 fun to reach.
-More winter riding. Last winter I was a wimp. This winter I am only letting a blizzard stop me.
-Commute to work to Monroeville much more often by bike.
-Be on my saddle 10 times more than I am in a car seat. Mostly I drive rentals for my job.
-Crossing my fingers to improve my ride from an aluminum city hybrid to a carbon fiber road bike.
-Brushing off asshole motorist better and not lowering myself to their angry pissed off ways.
-Taking my son with me on weekend trailer trips once spring comes.
-When traveling for work, put my bike on a rack and cycle different cities and towns.
2015-01-05 11:44:14
I discovered one rather by accident yesterday:
* At least one time each month, ride more miles than the high temperature in Fahrenheit for that day.
I figured out that I rode 28 miles yesterday. The day's high was 24.
2015-01-15 12:19:33
I was going to set a goal of not setting any goals, thus dropping myself squarely into the Liar Paradox. Bzzt...
2015-01-15 13:33:13
I have one riding-specific unresolution (an unresolution is one that doesn't have the gravity/importance/formality of a resolution, thusly is more likely to be kept): on every recreational ride, hit either a new road or one I haven't ridden in a couple of years.
Thus far, this unresolution has led to revisiting Toms Run->Duff Rd up through Aleppo, some side streets in my own neighborhood, and some probably-not-legal railroad ballast riding in the Strip and Lawrenceville.
2015-01-15 15:23:22
-complete Dirty Dozen (rode it for the 1st time this year w/o training and coming off a cold, legs gave out on Canton)
-more bike camping
-more riding singletrack (2014 was a feeble year for me)
-more family adventure rides (visited Cuyahoga National Park to ride the trail & do the on/off railroad w/ the fam, that was cool)
-cut weight for Spartan Sprint
2015-01-20 11:28:35