Extending the trail from Trafford to the Waterfront,(Turtle Creek Trail) and opening up the Westinghouse Floodgates for a safe route. Also extending the trail from Station Square to hit Neville Island for a safe route from the city, to get to Montour Trail in Groveton
2019-01-01 14:28:00
Obligatory cross-reference to
the 2012 thread I resurrected where we began to gather 2019 ideas. A glance back at the other 150 posts on that thread is also worth reading.
2019-01-01 16:48:51
Bridge over eagles' nest lake would make me happy.
2019-01-08 12:41:10
Extending the trail this year from Millvale to Etnaand beyond
2019-01-08 12:57:12
^^^This. But I'm not holding my breath.
2019-01-09 02:12:40
The gears are in motion to get Millvale to Etna done. Attend Walk Bike Shaler meetings to learn more.
The weakest link in the entire northern part of the county is just nort of Millvale, not east. That half mile of Babcock Blvd between the Rita’s and the 1717 Sigmas Building needs to be 25 and enforced. There is no alternative.
2019-01-10 07:29:16
I'm guessing that within 10 years we'll have the north shore trail from the prison through Blawnox, which includes that crappy badly sharrowed section through that borough. There are plans for everything in between, it's just that some of it is public, some of it is private, some depends on other things being built (R47 project, etc.). It's going to come online in dribs and drabs.
Just like the Millvale Adventure Playground. big press, even a big ceremony. It's been in the "it's being built" stage for about 2 years now. I'm on the trail a lot and I've seen Millvale DPW do about 10 days worth of work total on it over 2 years.
2019-01-10 11:37:59
Remember the length of time it took to get that last quarter mile of the GAP by Sandcastle done? Expect the same for each piece. Hopefully in parallel, not in series.
2019-01-10 12:15:00
I'm glad to hear the good news of extending the trail from Millvale to Etna.It's been long overdue,(at least 20 years in the making).I really doubt that 10 years from now it will extend all the way to Blawnox.I'm an optimist, yet also a realist, and see how sloooowwww it takes to extend trails around here.Hopefully I'm dead wrong, and within 10 years the trail will go to Blawnox and beyond.
2019-01-10 13:21:19
Does anybody know when they will start working on extending the trail from Millvale to Etna/Shaler and beyond?? Is there a timeline?When I hear "a trail extension plan," that could mean generation(s) from now. I remember Tom Murphy in 1980,before he was our Mayor, as our Representative of the 17th district, speaking of building a trail "soon"along the Allegheny River from town to Butler/Freeport.That was 39 years ago!!
2019-01-18 09:33:31
Hi -- we seemed to have covered this in posts right above your post. No timelines yet. Some groups have talked about it, but nothing has started yet. If you'd like to find out more information I'd Google "(borough) North shore trail extension" with (borough)being places like Etna, Shaler, etc. That'll give you as much up to date info from local Trib stories, etc. that anyone has.
Info about Etna-
I'd also encourage anyone interested to get on the phone and/or intertubes and start calling/emails/tweeting at local Mayors, councilpeople, and peds/bike groups like Bike Pgh and Walk Bike Shaler. Or showing up to meetings, even if you aren't a resident of that boro. a) you'll find out the most up to date info, and b) you can tell us anything you can find.
Also consider donating to Friends of the Riverfront and other non-profits that actually do a lot of the grunt work -- sitting with localities and helping them in the planning/building process, cleaning/maintaining the trails, etc. etc. The more money, the faster things get built, pretty typically.
One more crappy thing about western PA having 8 million local governments is that big projects move super slowly and require coordination of the 8 million plus moving parts.
2019-01-18 13:50:03