flame decals and a K&N filter for that minivan could mellow that guy out, perhaps?
Gold minivan thug
Ella & Liberty outbound around 6:45, rolls up beside me in the far right lane. Front bumper even with my crankset, giving me about 4 inches of space to the left side. We were both moving forward toward the red light, and he was way too close for comfort. so I let out a WTF!, and he guns it so I'm looking at him through the passenger window. Big black guy in a wifebeater. Flexing muscles, blowing steam out of his nostrils. "You got a problem?" he snarls. Paused to assess options, none good. Wished for a helmet cam.. "Nope, but you got a green light".
Anyway, watch out for aggro dude. Didn't get the plate this time.
2011-07-02 02:13:08
2011-07-02 02:43:10
Thanks goodness for the green light.
2011-07-02 02:46:11
Nice comeback. I can only hope to do as well when this happens to me.
2011-07-02 21:11:24