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Good memories from my ride in to work this morning....

Although I got off to a late start, I have several good memories from my ride into work this morning.

1. Weather was cooler - finally.

2. Last minute switch from a rack pack to a new grocery bag pannier meant I didn't have to switch stuff from my messenger bag to my rack bag (consolidation). I think I might like this new system.

3. Stopped to get a tag for the Wheelset of Fortune

4. Beat the bus into town (spent the last 15 minutes of my ride ON the bus route, so I can confirm he did not beat me).

5. Found a dollar rolling down Beaver Avenue. Not only beat the bus into work, but earned a dollar in the process.

6. I was stopped rather suddenly in front of the casino main entrance by a double line of unmoving cars. I didn't have enough room to filter forward safely, so stayed about 3 cars back from front cars. Then noticed the cause of backup. A gaggle of about 30 geese crossing the road. I wish I could have gotten my camera out in time to grab a photo.

Why don't I ride to work everyday? Oh yeah, some days I have to be in far away places.......

2011-08-04 19:46:41

dude, geese?

Best Commute Story Ever. You Win!!!!

2011-08-04 21:00:18

Isn't "geese" code for old farts waddling from their tour buses into the casino?

2011-08-04 22:09:56

@ALMKLM - maybe most days, but this morning these were the hissing, honking sort of waterfowl. It really was a sight that I'll remember for a while. They were stretched all the way across the four lane road, more or less in a single file line, waddling at their own pace.

2011-08-04 23:14:12

Good day!

I think you encountered the gamboling geese and not the gambling geese.

2011-08-05 01:08:19

a gaggle of gamboling geese? this makes me giggle.

2011-08-05 14:09:37

hissing... honking... and you're absolutely certain these weren't senior citizens?

2011-08-05 17:53:27

a gaggle of gamboling geezer geese?

Best morning commute story I've heard!!

2011-08-05 19:39:19

No, that would be a gaggle of gambling geezer geese.

2011-08-05 21:06:46