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Good Rides OFF the Gap trail...

Since we've now got a good way out of the city via the GAP trail, what are some good Road or CX bike rides that can be launched from the GAP trail east of the waterfront? Have any favorite routes that take you off the trail? Even better if you have links to Ridewithgps/mapmyride/garmin connect.
2013-05-16 15:12:12
Good idea. I'm interested to hear the answers here. I don't ride out that way that often.
2013-05-16 15:34:17
1. McKeesport-Cedar Creek Gorge loop. 50 mi. Road ride on east side of the Mon, over the hill to Cedar Creek Park, and GAP trail back along the Yough. I've tried this - it's nice on a Sunday morning, when road traffic is low. The Mon valley roads (beyond Elizabeth, anyway) are greener and nicer than you'd think. It's not shown on the map, but a detour up into Cedar Creek Gorge to see the wildflowers is worth the time. 2. McKeesport-Fayette City-Perryopolis loop. 70 mi. A longer variation on #1. Roads along Mon to Fayette City, then over the hill to Perryopolis, then GAP trail back. When I did it, I crossed the Donora-Webster bridge, visited the Donora Smog Museum, and also the Big Barn Country Store in Perryopolis. 3. To Connellsville the hard way. 100+ miles if you do the whole thing (so I suggest shortening it). Take roads (hilly) south along the east side of the Yough, then return via GAP. Route could be shortened by: starting in McKeesport or Boston, and crossing the Yough to the GAP by bridge at Sutersville, West Newton, Smithton, Layton, or Dawson. I haven't tried this yet, but would like to.
2013-05-16 15:39:08
@paulheckbert - Awesome stuff, thanks. Route #1 is private on ridewithgps, could you share that?
2013-05-16 15:46:08
@benzo - sorry; should be fixed now.
2013-05-16 16:29:43